Error when installing Azure AD Provisioning Agent - azure-active-directory

I tried to install the Azure AD Provisioning agent listed here but I got the error "Installation requires Windows Server 2012 R2 or higher." I tried to install this on my local machine that runs Windows 10. Is it possible to install the agent on a machine just running windows 10 or 11. The doc here doesn't mention any pre-requisites.
Thank you

I'm a product manager at Microsoft on the Azure Active Directory/Entra team. The error here is accurate - this agent requires that it be installed on a Windows Server OS version 2012 R2 or later. We'll get the omission in the documentation regarding this corrected. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.


Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation when executing SQL Server 2019 service pack

I already had SQL Server 2019. After upgrading my Windows 10 to latest October Update, I found my SQL Server does not have latest service packs.
I downloaded latest service pack CU8 from Microsoft and ran it. After initializing set up, I get error
Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation
Many research and no luck even in SO.
Please advise.
Please get the offline installer for latest Microsoft Edge (Chromium) on above link.
Once you have it, run Edge installer and then try to run SQL Update again.
This worked. I ran the latest Edge standalone install and it unblocked the MSSQL patch.
I also confirm that it works. Thanks
I can confirm this fixes the issue when trying to install SQL 2014 Express Advanced on Windows 10 with H2 update installed.
I had the same error, and installing the standalone Microsoft Edge fixes the error.
After reviewing the logs and digging into windows registry and security, I found the problem was "Microsoft Edge" registry key. Somehow it is read-only for administrator and I figured it out I need to use SYSTEM account to apply the service pack.
Finally I found I can do that using an executable in SysInternals package which is famous for doing weird things in Windows.
This is what I did to apply the service pack.
Run Cmd or PowerShell as Administrator
Go to SysInternals and make sure you have the PsExec64.exe there
Run below command:
.\PsExec64.exe -sid "D:\Downloads\SQLServer2019-KB4577194-x64.exe"
This way you will execute the service pack using SYSTEM account which has highest privilege.
Service pack installed successfully!

SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition Unable to Install SQL Server (setup.exe)

I had an old version of SQL Server on my laptop which I uninstalled. Now I am trying to install SQL Server 2019 Developer edition but I get an error:
Error Code(Decimal): 2068052293 Error Description: Please install the Visual C++2017 Redistributable from before running this installer.
I also installed Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable from the suggested path but still same error is happening.
Environment: HP/Pavilion/Windows 10 Pro/4g/500HDD/Corei5
PS: attaching screenshot for kind reference
Screenshot is missing.
Check for the following,
Is, VC++ 2017 is successfully installed? If yes, its worth doing a restart. Sometimes certain dll's should be registered in Windows environment, which will happen after a restart. Start SQL Server 2019 again after restarting.
Ensure both SQL Server 2019 and VC++ 2017 are installed with same user login. Hopefully you should be local admin for the login.
More suggestion can be provided based on screenshot error. Good luck!
This is my suggestion. It worked for me. Partition your local disk and install MSSQL in the new drive. That's all. Problem solved. This problem often happens with windows 11.

New Windows 10 Laptop - Unable to install SQL Server 2012

I'm getting the exact same error message as see in this blog post:
I ran the SQL Server 2012 setup exe (renamed it to setup.exe it was the expresss edition) as Admin from the command prompt specifying to install the updates prior which exists in my 'C:\Updates' and got the exact same error message as the blogger "An error occurred during the installation of an assembly"
Someone commented it resolved their issue for SQL 2012 in Windows 10 (I'm using express, they didnt specify which version).
Anyone else had issues with SQL 2012 or other installing on Windows 10 complaining about Microsoft.VC80.MCF or similar?
For Windows 10, you need at least SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2 - RTM version isn't supported. For some reason, it is only mentioned in documentation regarding SQL Server 2014: Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server.
Hopefully, with Express edition you can download the correct version with SP already integrated into it. However, it might be wiser to install SP3 instead and save yourself some hassle in the future.

Can't install LocalDB on Windows 8.1

I've developed an application that uses SQL Server (in particular LocalDB), and, I have just pushed it out to the client.
The client runs Windows 8.1 x64, but, when I try to install either x86 or x64 version of SQL LocalDB direct from Microsoft, I keep getting this error:
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express LocalDB
Installation of this product failed because it is not supported on this operating system. For information on supported configurations, see the product documentation.
I'm a little bit stuck here, and, quite confused as I am using LocalDB on my Windows 8.1 dev machine.
How can I resolve this?
Please right click the LocalDB setup file and check if it is configured with other compatibility mode. And make sure that you choose “Run as Administrator” to start the installation. There is also a similar thread for your reference, which may require you to reinstall the Windows to resolve the OS error.
SQL Server 2014 Express why not support Windows 8.1 Pro

Sql Server 2008 installation error : Attempt to perform an unauthorized operation

I had sql server 2008 r2 express edition in my PC .But i unistalled it ,In order to install Sql server 2008 Enterprise edition trial version in my PC.
But some features in sql server 2008 showing "attempt to perform an unauthorized operation" error during installation process.
My operating system is windows 7 home basic 64 bit.
these are the feature which are showing error while installation:
sql server database engine service
sql server replication
sql server analysis services
please help me with this issue
Here's a couple things to try from people who have had similar problems:
Check: %\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log\SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm
Copy installation files to disk and run from there.
Run setup as administrator.
Create a new local administrator account and use that to run the installation.
When error occurs, dont exit installation, run process monitor trace, click retry for installation, stop trace, locate registry key where where access denied is, give your account temporary full control on that key, retry again.
Use the slipstream procedure to update SQL Server 2008
This method allows you to update the entire product when you run the SQL Server 2008 Setup program after following one of the following procedures:
Procedure 1: Basic slipstream steps
Follow the following steps to create a slipstream drop that you can use for installing the original media and a service pack at the same time.
Install the following prerequisites for SQL Server 2008.
.NET Framework 2.0 SP2 for SQL Server 2008 Express Edition
You can obtain the .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 from the following Web site in Microsoft Download Center:
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 for other editions
To download and install the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Windows Installer 4.5
To download and install Windows Installer 4.5, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Download the latest service pack package that matches you system architecture. For example download the x64 package of SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 if your system is an x64-based system.
Extract the service pack by running the following command:
SQLServer2008SP1-KB968369-x64-ENU.exe /x:C:\SP1
Run the service pack to install Setup files on the computer. You will receive a Setup Support Files dialog box if the Setup support files have not been installed. You can also run the following file to install the setup support files:
run the Setup.exe file from the SQL Server 2008 source media by specifying the /PCUSource parameter. For example:
Setup.exe /PCUSource=C:\SP1
I have been googling for this issue a lot but there were no solution working for me. atlast , I formatted my system for a fresh install which worked fr me.
The solution is simple.
1 - Install ONLY "Sql Server Database Engine"
2 - Start installation again and add any other features to your instance
P.S. No need to run as Admin or in Windows 7 compat-mode (if you are installing on 8 or 10)
In my Case, creating an Administrator Windows Account and installing SQL Server worked!
Also you can simply activate the built-in windows Administrator Account by running the "net user administrator /active:yes" command in command prompt(Admin Mode), then log in as Administrator. Now You can Install SQL Server without problem!
Finally I should say that you can use SQL Server from your own normal windows account after Installation and I recommend deactivating Administrator Account by "net user administrator /active:no"
