How could I rewrite this non-redux into redux approach? - reactjs

I am kind of novice in react redux.
In my react project
I have three components
BigForm , FormA and FormB.
In BigForm, there are two state, DataA and DataB, which would be passed into FormA and FormB.
Whenever I add input value into Form A or Form B, it will also trigger unnecessary render on the other components. I heard redux may help, but I am not sure how to put this in work in this example.
What have thought before:
For some reason, it is my intention to set the state in parent, instead of having the child to held its own state, because at the end, I need to aggregate the data from all other forms for other purpose.
.Memo is not what I want too coz in my real examples, it is not working due to there is other complexity preventing it to work.
How can I avoid it? Example code would be appreciated. (please also see my edit before trying) thanks ; I heard redux may help, but I am not sure how to put this in work in this example
Below is my code:
import React, {useState, useEffect} from "react";
const FormA = (props) => {
useEffect(()=>{ console.log('Form A was just rendered')})
const { dataA, setDataA } = props;
return (
<input onChange={(e) => setDataA(}></input>
<p>Input Form A{dataA}</p>
const FormB = (props) => {
const { dataB, setDataB } = props;
useEffect(()=>{ console.log('Form B was just rendered')})
return (
<input onChange={(e) => setDataB(}></input>
<p>Input Form B{dataB}</p>
export function BigForm (props) {
const [dataA,setDataA] = useState()
const [dataB,setDataB] = useState()
return (
<div className="App">
<FormA dataA={dataA} setDataA={setDataA}></FormA>
<FormB dataB={dataB} setDataB={setDataB}></FormB>


How to setState with select element in react - WITHOUT LAG

There seems to be a lag of one render cycle when I change a select element and when it's state actually changes. I know that there are several similar questions on this but none of them see to work for me. useEffect is still showing the old state from one render cycle before.
Anyone know how to address this?
Parent component code:
import React, {useCallback, useEffect, useState} from 'react'
import Dropdown from '../components/Dropdown.js'
const ValueCalculation = () => {
const industryData = require('../../../backend/standard_data/industry_benchmarks.json')
var industryList = []>{
var x = record.Industry;
const [industry, setIndustry] = useState(industryList[8]);
const updateIndustry = (updatedValue)=>{
console.log(updatedValue); //<--This is updated with the right value!
setIndustry(updatedValue) //<--This is NOT updating the current value
console.log(industry); //<-- This does NOT show the updated value
console.log(industry); //<--Still showing value from previous render cycle
return (
export default ValueCalculation
Code for Child Dropdown component..
import React from 'react'
const Dropdown = (props) => {
return (
<div className="form-group mb-3">
<option key={props.list.indexOf(item)} value={item}>{item}</option>
export default Dropdown
SetState is async so your console.log is going to run before the state has been set. The code you have works correctly as you can see in the sandbox link provided.
const updateIndustry = (updatedValue) => {
//This is updated with the right value!
//This is updating correctly and will show on re render
//This will not work since setState is async
//Console.log() is firing before the state has been set
As for the useEffect. You will need to add industry as a dependency so that the console.log is called as soon as the state changes :
useEffect(() => {
}, [industry]);
Sandbox :
So, it's a little bit complicated but your state is changing on every rerender cycle, so ur state it's updated after the updateIndustry it's finished (popped out from js callstack). I tested your code, and it is working perfectly and i refactored it a little bit
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import Dropdown from "./Dropdown.js";
const App = () => {
var industryList = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
const [industry, setIndustry] = useState(industryList[0]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [industry]);
return (
onChange={(e) => setIndustry(}
export default App;
Also, useEffect hook is reexecuted when its dependency changes value, in your case your dependency array is empty so I added [industry] to it.

Use context for communication between components at different level

I'm building the settings pages of my apps, in which we have a common SettingsLayout (parent component) which is rended for all the settings page. A particularity of this layout is that it contains an ActionsBar, in which the submit/save button for persisting the data lives.
However, the content of this SettingsLayout is different for each page, as every one of them has a different form and a different way to interact with it. For persisting the data to the backend, we use an Apollo Mutation, which is called in one of the child components, that's why there is no access to the ActionsBar save button.
For this implementation, I thought React Context was the most appropriated approach. At the beginning, I thought of using a Ref, which was updated with the submit handler function in each different render to be aware of the changes.
I've implemented a codesandbox with a very small and reduced app example to try to illustrate and clarify better what I try to implement.
Is there any caveat with this approach?
import React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
type State = {
onSubmit?: React.MutableRefObject<() => void>;
type SettingsContextProviderProps = {
children: React.ReactNode;
value?: State;
type ContextType = State;
const SettingsContext = React.createContext<ContextType | undefined>(undefined);
export const SettingsContextProvider: React.FC<SettingsContextProviderProps> = ({
}) => {
const onSubmit = React.useRef(() => {});
return (
<SettingsContext.Provider value={{ onSubmit }}>
export const useSettingsContext = (): ContextType => {
const context = React.useContext(SettingsContext);
if (typeof context === "undefined") {
/*throw new Error(
"useSettingsContext must be used within a SettingsContextProvider"
return {};
return context;
function ExampleForm() {
const { onSubmit } = useSettingsContext();
const [input1, setInput1] = React.useState("");
const [input2, setInput2] = React.useState("");
onSubmit.current = () => {
console.log({ input1, input2 });
return (
<div className="exampleForm">
placeholder="Input 1"
onChange={(event) => setInput1(}
placeholder="Input 2"
onChange={(event) => setInput2(}
function ActionsBar() {
const { onSubmit } = useSettingsContext();
return (
<section className="actionsBar">
<button onClick={() => onSubmit?.current()}>Save</button>
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<ActionsBar />
<ExampleForm />
The main caveat I see in this approach is that you change the whole submit function when you need only reaction to submit event. Event is the catch, I think.
Your approach works ok, but has no extension points, for cases such as validation etc.
So I propose to use EventEmitter in any form (better with types support) as a context value e.g. communication channel.
This is a fork of your codesandbox that illustrates this approach:

how unite two functions in to one in a functional component?

I have this react functional component, I have a problem with the rest function inside of it I have to call this function twice to change every single state any way to unite them in to one ? in classic JavaScript I would use a conditional but since I am new to react I have no clue how to achieve this yet ?
import React, {useState} from 'react'
function ChangeableItem(props) {
const restNumber = (e)=> {
const restDescribe = (e)=> {
return (
<li className='day-item'>
<div className='number amount' onFocus={() =>{restNumber();}}} contentEditable="true">{number}</div>
<div className='number name' onFocus={() =>{restDescribe();}}} contentEditable="true">{describe}</div>
<div className="">
actually, you can use useEffect on this, like you store your value in a useState and retrieve it in a useEffect
such as:
const [num, setNum] = React.useState('');
const [desc, setDesc] = React.useState('');
// these functions will retrieve values for you,
// when retrieving is done, it will set value to useState so you can use it.
// assuming this function return a Promise
// assuming this function return a Promise
if you really want to retrieve value on focus, you can just do
<div onFocus={()=>restNumber([props.number]).then((val)=>setNum(val))}>
You can use useEffect to update new props:
useEffect(() => setNumber(props.number), [props.number])
useEffect(() => setDescribe(props.dsecribe), [props.dsecribe])

React Hooks: State Is Not Updating in Function

I have spent several hours trying to fix this issue with no luck. I have a reusable component that starts with a state of any empty object, the object is given a series of properties based off of props, and then based on user input on each set of radio buttons will show a child component.
Unfortunately, the function that is supposed to update the state that will then trigger whether the user sees the child component is not working.
I believe the issue is in my editDisplay function. Currently when I click one of the radio buttons the new object that should become the new state is logged to the console correctly, but when I use React Devtools to inspect the page, I see that state is not updating. That being said, I could see a case where I am misunderstanding useEffect, and perhaps useEffect is running each time editDisplay is running. Any help would be appreciated.
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react'
import {Form} from 'react-bootstrap'
import RatingInput from './RatingInput'
export default function MembershipForm({inputs, name, record, setRecord}) {
const [display, setDisplay] = useState({})
inputs.forEach(input => {
var newDisplay = display
const editDisplay = (input, visible) => {
var newDisplay =display
const => {
return (
<div key={name+input}>
<Form.Label className='mx-2'>Do you have a {name} {input} Rating?</Form.Label>
<Form.Check inline label='Yes' value={true} name={name+input} type='radio' className = 'mx-2' onClick ={() =>{editDisplay(input, true)}} />
<Form.Check inline label='No' value ={false} name={name+input} type='radio' className = 'mx-2' defaultChecked onClick = {() =>{editDisplay(input, false)}} />
{display[name+input] && <RatingInput input={input}/>}
</div >
return (
<div className='ml-3'>
const editDisplay = (input, visible) => {
var newDisplay = display
You should perform react state update in an immutable way.
What you are doing above is you are mutating existing state variable (that assignment on first line doesn't add much: newDisplay refers to same object as display). In such case react might not detect change. Do this instead:
var newDisplay = { ... display };

ReactJS hooks useContext issue

I'm kind of to ReactJS and I'm trying to use useContext with hooks but I'm having some trouble. I've been reading through several articles but I could not understand it.
I understand its purpose, but I can't figure out how to make it work properly. If I'm correct, the purpose is to be able to avoid passing props down to every children and be able to access values from a common provider at any depth of the component tree. This includes functions and state values. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I've been testing with the following files. This is the ManagerContext.js file:
import { createContext } from 'react';
const fn = (t) => {
const ctx = createContext({
title: 'This is a title',
editing: false,
fn: fn,
let ManagerContext = ctx;
export default ManagerContext;
Then I have the LessonManager.js file which is used in my main application:
import React from 'react';
import LessonMenu from './LessonMenu.js';
export default function LessonManager() {
return (
<LessonMenu />
And finally the LessonMenu.js:
import React from 'react';
import 'rsuite/dist/styles/rsuite.min.css';
import ManagerContext from './ManagerContext.js';
export default function LessonMenu() {
const value = React.useContext(ManagerContext);
return (
onClick={()=>value.title = 'new title'}
In the LessonMenu.js file the onClick={()=>value.fn('ciao')} works but the onClick={()=>value.title = 'new title'} doesn't re render the component.
I know something is wrong, but can someone make it a bit clearer for me?
In order for rerendering to occur, some component somewhere must call setState. Your code doesn't do that, so no rendering happens.
The setup you've done for the ManagerContext creates a default value, but that's only going to get used if you don't render any ManagerContext.Provider in your component tree. That's what you're doing now, but it's almost certainly not what you want to. You'll want to have some component near the top of your tree render a ManagerContext.Provider. This component can will be where the state lives, and among the data it sends down will be a function or functions which set state, thus triggering rerendering:
export default function LessonManager() {
const [title, setTitle] = useState('SomeOtherTitle');
const [editing, setEditing] = useState(false);
const value = useMemo(() => {
return {
log: (t) => console.log(t)
}, [title, editing]);
return (
<ManagerContext.Provider value={value} >
<LessonMenu />
// used like:
export default function LessonMenu() {
const value = React.useContext(ManagerContext);
return (
<button onClick={() => value.log('ciao')}>
<button onClick={() => value.setTitle('new title')}>
