React-Native unable to store state getting null - reactjs

I'm new to React-native so if there is a misunderstanding please be super clear and treat me as if I have never seen React-native before.
I have the app so that when you press on a button it will send you into an Auth0 flow where you can log in to the app. This seems working. If I log out the access token directly in the callback I am successful in getting it at the credentials.accessToken variable/location. However, when I am trying to set the state of the accessToken variable I get back null when I try to log it out to the screen via an alert or even via console.log. What am I doing wrong to cause this? I tried searching SO and google but both seem to show this as the right way of doing it.
const [accessToken, setAccessToken] = useState(null)
const onLogin = () => {
scope: 'openid profile email'
.then(credentials => {
Alert.alert('Access token: ', accessToken)
.catch(error => console.log(error)) // Eventually send this to backend for crash reporting

This is probably a case of a state not updating immediately. Try to use a useRef() instead of a useState( If the problem is solved the issue was with the fact that states are updated asynchronously and hence it was not set to its most recent value (the value you expected) when you console logged it.


Error handling response: Error: Blocked a frame (...) from accessing a cross-origin frame

I am fetching a calendly embed link dynamically into a next.js13 app, and technically, it is working. However, sometimes the embed doesn't fetch, resulting in a screen that looks like this:
ONLY upon refresh, the embed populates, and the console shows the error:
After doing some research, it seems as though this could be a CORS issue, though I am not sure. The way the embeds are pulled in is from supabase, through a fetch function and then passed to the static page like so:
export default async function HostPage({
params: { username },
}: {
params: { username: string };
}) {
const { data: profile } = await supabase
.match({ username })
const [host] = await Promise.all([profile]);
return (<div
To recap:
Sometimes, the embed gets fetched and displays right away. Errors are shown in the console
Some other times, the page remains empty, no errors in the console.
Upon refresh, the embed appears, with errors in the console.
Does anybody have an idea and can point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.

Update React Component With Updated Data From Firestore

I have a chrome extension that stores data in Firestore and populates that data to the frontend. I always have to refresh the page to see newly added data, which isn’t a user friendly experience. How can I update the UI to show the newly updated data without having to refresh the page?
So far, I've tried using useEffect to get the data. Inside of it, I'm using a function that gets data from Firestore cached inside of chrome local storage.
Here is my code
const getFolderData = () => {
getDataFromChrome("docId").then((res: any) => {
getDataFromChrome("content").then((res: any) => {
//console.log("getting in mainfolder",res);
// for (const item of res.content) {
// if (item.type.toLowerCase() === "subfolder") {
// // console.log(item)
// getSubFolder(;
// }
// }
for (const item of res.content) {
setTiersContent((pre: any) => [...pre, item]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
I also get this error. I'm also using the chrome extension API to communicate with a background script. It could be related to the problem
Uncaught (in promise) Error: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received
I've never used firebase so I'm not sure what your functions do, I can only guess. A few things wrong from what I can see:
Your useEffect is set to only run on page load since the dep array is empty, I assume you want to refetch on some condition.
If any of the 2 functions is supposed to be a subscription, your useEffect needs to return a cancel function.
Refetch data when needed is not a new problem, packages like React Query has tools that optimize your requests and refetch when needed. I suggest you give it a shot if your app has more than 2-3 fetch requests.

setPersistence function is not working properly (Firebase + React)

I want to make a functionality where I persist the user while the window is open or to be precise in the current session. To make this I've researched the Firebase documentation, and I found out about this: Authentication State Persistence.
After researching it, I decided to put it inside my app, here's how my code looks like:
function logIn(email, password) {
setPersistence(auth, browserLocalPersistence)
.then(() => {
return signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password);
.catch((error) => {
This function is inside my UserAuthContext file where I keep all functionalities regarding user. Now some may say that there is nothing wrong with the way this function is made, but whenever email and password are empty the user can still Login without being stopped by Firebase errors like it happens without setPersistence function.
Does anyone know why does my Login go through even though email and password are empty?

update state of the parent screen if an update occurs in current screen

I am using react-navigation 6 and react-native CLI, to make a chat application. I want to achieve this feature which is common in every chat application that when we send a message to someone, and go back to homescreen of the app (where all conversations are listed), the last message sent, can be seen.
Like if I sent message and pressed the back button, it will navigate me to home screen where all my conversations are, and it should update the conversation where I sent the message.
I have tried route.params, but it gives a warning that non-serializable values found.
React navigation warning
Also, I have heard that passing setState function to child component is very bad practice as it is mentioned here
I also tried navigation_events along with useEffect , this was a surprise to me that it didn't work either.
When I refresh the screen manually, or logout and log in, then it refreshes completely, but doesn't when I go back from application.
React.useEffect(() => {
navigation.addListener('focus', e => {
return () => {};
}, []); //also tried [navigation] instead of []
const fetchConvos = () => {
fetch('http://localhost:15000/' + id + '/conversations', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
redirect: 'follow',
referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer',
.then(res => res.json())
.then(received => {
if (received?.response !== false) {
I have checked the id , received and even setConversations, they all are updating, but my screen still rendering the old messages.
Also, I don't want to use Async Storage or redux for this simple problem like this.
I can share the complete code if this isn't enough.
I figured out one more way to update it may help clarify the situation more.
React.useEffect(() => {
navigation.addListener('focus', e => {
setConversations([]); //first setting convos to empty
fetchConvos(); //then fetching new data
return () => {};
}, []);
But this method is quite slow as I am updating the state of conversations twice.
I would appreciate if someone can help me here.
By taking the last 2 samples of code, I'd go down the route of setting the state to change the data. Like, I don't know the structure of your code completely. But i'm assuming you're using useEffect inside some component, right? In that case, React Context might be what you're looking for:
How to use react hooks on react-native with react-navigation
It allows to share informations, without having to build a structured store like redux. You should probably working on redesign a bit the code as, if you're following the current logic, you're going to split data pool of the conversation in the menu and load them when the "back" navigation event occurs, right?
Whilst the conversation data should be shared and available to both components, regardless where you're.
At least I'd rethink it this way to allow consistent data throughout the whole application.
Unless you've to do something specific and on-spot, of course.

Unable to set up invisible reCAPTCHA verifier for multi-factor authentication in a react app

As per this article,, I am trying to set up invisible reCAPTCHA. However, the callback function does not seem to fire. The idea is that I want the recaptcha to fire off upon a button click and send a code via the callback function but it is not working.
I am trying to activate the recaptcha via the following function linked to a button with the 'code-button" id.
sendCode () {
const recaptchaVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier('code-button', {
'size': 'invisible',
'callback': () => {
// reCAPTCHA solved, you can proceed with phoneAuthProvider.verifyPhoneNumber(...).
// onSolvedRecaptcha();
console.log("captcha is working")
When I press the button to fire off the sendCode function, the callback inside the recaptchaVerifier does not seem to work. It is supposed to console.log "captcha working" but it does not as I check the console.
I do get the following issues in the console but I am not sure if they are actually blocking the callback or making the recaptcha not work:
Indicate whether to send a cookie in a cross-site request by specifying its SameSite attribute
SharedArrayBuffer usage is restricted to cross-origin isolated sites
I do not even know how to resolve them. As per some articles, they seem to be issues that can only be resolved by Google itself.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
I solved this issue myself by dropping the callback from within and instead I simply called recaptchaVerifier from another function as needed. For example:
First, initialize the recaptcha and render it:
const recaptchaVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier('code-button', {
size: 'invisible'
Then, simply call it where needed:
user.multiFactor.getSession().then((multiFactorSession) => {
// Specify the phone number and pass the MFA session.
const phoneInfoOptions = {
phoneNumber: this.state.number,
session: multiFactorSession
const phoneAuthProvider = new firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider();
// Send SMS verification code.
return phoneAuthProvider.verifyPhoneNumber(
phoneInfoOptions, recaptchaVerifier);
