setPersistence function is not working properly (Firebase + React) - reactjs

I want to make a functionality where I persist the user while the window is open or to be precise in the current session. To make this I've researched the Firebase documentation, and I found out about this: Authentication State Persistence.
After researching it, I decided to put it inside my app, here's how my code looks like:
function logIn(email, password) {
setPersistence(auth, browserLocalPersistence)
.then(() => {
return signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password);
.catch((error) => {
This function is inside my UserAuthContext file where I keep all functionalities regarding user. Now some may say that there is nothing wrong with the way this function is made, but whenever email and password are empty the user can still Login without being stopped by Firebase errors like it happens without setPersistence function.
Does anyone know why does my Login go through even though email and password are empty?


Linking Twitter account to user account (twitter-passport)

Currently, a user is able to login in and sign up for my application no problem. I've then added a "Link your twitter user to account" button which when clicked takes the user to '/auth/twitter'. This then kicks off passport-twitter and the oAuth process begins.
Right now, I'm using passport-twitter as the package for twitter oAuth. This process works. I'm able to get the user successfully authenticated. Here is the code.
However two problems: I don't see a way to 1) keep the user signed into Twitter so they don't have to keep doing this flow of reconnecting their twitter every time they want to push content to it from my app. and 2) associate the Twitter user and the signed in user to my application. Long term, I plan to add other social media accounts, so the user will have multiple social media linked. Twitter will be just one.
Problem #2: I wasn't able to do an axios.get call from my redux store or from the front end to '/auth/twitter/' otherwise I could then just get the information back from the call and then post it to the user's table (right?). So, instead I'm accessing '/auth/twitter' from an tag in the front end to kick off the flow.
new TwitterStrategy(
consumerKey: "XXX",
consumerSecret: "XXX",
callbackURL: "http://localhost:8080/auth/twitter/callback",
// callbackURL: "http://www.localhost:8080/home",
includeEmail: true,
async(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) => {
console.log('got the prodile')
const twitterIDforOAuth =
const { id, username } = profile;
let theuser = await User.findOne({
where: {
twitterID: id
console.log('FOUND USER', '\n', theuser)
} else {
try {
console.log('NO USER FOUND')
var passwordUser = (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7);
console.log('CREATING USER')
theuser = await Promise.all([
twitterID: id,
username : username,
password: passwordUser
console.log('USER CREATED');
} catch (error) {
//this callback calls the auth/callback url to kick off the redirect process
// need to send username and password to /auth/signup
return cb(null, {username: username, password: passwordUser})
//Line below sends too much data that is irrelevant for the user... lets review it?
// return cb(null, {username: twitterIDforOAuth})
app.get('/auth/twitter', passport.authenticate("twitter"));
passport.authenticate("twitter", {
failureRedirect: "/login",
failureMessage: true,
session: false
async (req, res) => {
var user = req.user;
console.log(user.username, user.password);
var username = user.username;
var password = user.password;
///they need to login the app
The user is being redirected to /AccountSettings while they go through this flow, so I know that the user is 100% authenticated and signed in with Twitter (otherwise they'd be pushed to /login, which isn't happen).
Most people in this flow create a user in their database using the information returned from Twitter.
However, I'm trying to link this information to the signed in user, and keep them signed into Twitter so the user doesn't need to keep reconnecting their Twitter account (at least not often). (With access to their Twitter account, my plan is to allow them to push content to it)
Currently I'm hitting the '/auth/twitter' route with an tag which's href takes it to '/auth/twitter'. Is this the right way about it or is this approach causing my linkage issue?
What are people's recommendation for this issue? Whats the right way to approach linking social media accounts to a signed in user's account?
I'm using Express, Redux, React, Postgres, and passport-twitter
SOLUTION: How to passing data in TwitterStrategy, PassportJS?
had to create a state object outside the /auth/twitter route and then added a id param to the /auth/twitter route so the full route was /auth/twitter/:id
once I got the id I saved it to a state route outside the route in the server file that was accessible to the callback function later in the proces.

React-Native unable to store state getting null

I'm new to React-native so if there is a misunderstanding please be super clear and treat me as if I have never seen React-native before.
I have the app so that when you press on a button it will send you into an Auth0 flow where you can log in to the app. This seems working. If I log out the access token directly in the callback I am successful in getting it at the credentials.accessToken variable/location. However, when I am trying to set the state of the accessToken variable I get back null when I try to log it out to the screen via an alert or even via console.log. What am I doing wrong to cause this? I tried searching SO and google but both seem to show this as the right way of doing it.
const [accessToken, setAccessToken] = useState(null)
const onLogin = () => {
scope: 'openid profile email'
.then(credentials => {
Alert.alert('Access token: ', accessToken)
.catch(error => console.log(error)) // Eventually send this to backend for crash reporting
This is probably a case of a state not updating immediately. Try to use a useRef() instead of a useState( If the problem is solved the issue was with the fact that states are updated asynchronously and hence it was not set to its most recent value (the value you expected) when you console logged it.

Reactjs: Show logged in or log in accordingly to session

I am trying to get better in react and I would like to do it everything correctly which is why I am asking for your opinions and help.
I am building a project in NextJS and I have a layout component which contains components which are rendered multiple times such as header, footer etc.
I this header, I have a "Sign in" and "Sign out" button. I'd like it to only show one of them accordingly to your session status.
I use a sessionid which contains some more info in the database and this sessionid is stored in a httponly cookie.
It is stored in the database with data:
Would you add or remove anything to this?
So my question is:
How would you check for a session and then render x accordingly? Would you just send an api call each request that checks the session or? Should I maybe use useContext and create a provider which can then send the session with the provider?
I'm quite lost on how to do it the best way so the flow is smooth as f*ck.
It depends how strict you want to be with it.
One option would be to simply check the existence of the cookie and adjust according to that. You can use js-cookie for that.
The better option, in my opinion, is to verify the cookie with your backend. You should set up an endpoint that simply verifies / parses the cookie and returns something like the user_id, or ismply a boolean indicating whether the user is logged in.
Given that you are using Next, you can add this call to your App's getInitialProps() like this:
App.getInitialProps = async () => {
let loggedIn;
try {
({ data: {loggedIn} } = await axios.get('/api/v1/auth/checkCookie'));
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error checkingCookie', err.message );
return {
Your loggedIn variable will then be available in the props of your App, like:
function App({currentUser}) {
if (currentUser) {
return <div>Logged In</div>
} else {
return <div>Logged Out</div>

How to update the password of a Supabase user on a NextJs project?

I'm facing an issue updating a password for a supabase user on a BlitzJs (NextJs) project.
Basically, I have a reset password method that works perfectly. First I send an email with a reset link, that opens a page where the user can update his password like so:
const { error, data } = await supabase.auth.api.updateUser(token, { password: password.trim() })
the token being the one in the url, provided in the email link.
So far, so good, but when I try to update the password for a logged in user, using the exact same method supabase.auth.api.updateUser, it fails to find the user;
The difference is the token is the session.access_token
So I've tried to use the supabase.auth.api.updateUserById method, but it gives me another error: { message: 'User not allowed', status: 401 }
Any ideas? I feel the supabase docs about this is not very clear, and probably outdated as it doesn't show all the available methods :/
Update password for authenticated user.
const { user, error } = await supabase.auth.update({password: 'new password'})
For more informations check: Supabase references

Firebase failure in React Native

what's wrong with this picture ?
import firebase from 'firebase';
onButtonPress() {
const { email, password } = this.state;
firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.catch(() => {
firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.catch(() => {
this.setState({ error: 'Authentication Failed' });
And so that we're clear:
Yes it's installed in the framework when I built the app. And yes I'm calling it on the same page where this is being executed. And yes the app runs fine without this section of code. there are no coding errors, nor logic errors.
If I wanted to a.) debug this bit of code how would I do that ? and b.) where would I add the console.log statement ? I know it has to live here >
firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(console.log(email, password)) ??
Shouldn't a call like these to firebase work like this ?
Thanks ahead of time.
Oy! When I called the function to press the button I had set up. I had written onButtonPress instead of onPress....grrrrrrrrr! Sorry to bother everyone. All is well now.
You need to add firebase to your application, there are specific steps mentioned on their site. The site has information no how to call firebase for email authentication.
