What is the location of vscode extension which is enabled in SSH? - vscode-remote

I edit an extension in the location "%USERPROFILE%.vscode\extensions". But the changes are not reflected in SSH mode.

The extension enabled in ssh is installed on remote.
On my Ubuntu 20.04 remote, the location is ~/.vscode-server


VMware Player-15 install vmware tools

Installed a new vmware player 15.5.1 on win10 pro, using guest linux/unbuntu 18.04 server
Trying to get to install the vmware tools (not sure what options I may have selected when I installed the work station). But the install vmware tools menu is disabled. When I run my VM get the re-install menu that too is disabled.
Tried manual install of vmware tools - but that also did not do the trick:
apt-get install open-vm-tools
apt-get install open-vm-tools-desktapop
systemctl status open-vm-tools
sudo shutdown -r now
ps | grep vmtoolsd
How do I fix this. (just start over with fresh install and all that or try use some other player (!?))
I did not get any response here and could not figure it out - tried many options. (same problem with VirtualBox)
But the good news, at least from cut-n-paste perspective- use alternate client. You can use ssh to login into the machine using your favorite tool - putty or even cmd will work. This actually is a better solution - no need to muck with mouse capture and all that.
So just setup a ssh server
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openssh-server
sudo systemctl status ssh
Active: active (running)
Open firewall
sudo ufw allow ssh
Check IP address
ip a
SSH in with PUtty or Cmd or ..
ssh username#ip_address
You are Done - will work like a charm
Note: This ssh works only from local host as the VM only has Pvt IP. If you can create public IP on VM (that is another arduous adventure - still working on it) - you will be able to remote ssh

How to get vscode-remote-ssh extension connects via git bash in windows?

I have vs code configured to use the git bash as a terminal in windows 7.
"terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe"
I have enabled SSH key based authentication to remotely access a host. All this works fine from within the terminal in VS Code.
However, when using the vscode-remote SSH extension to connect to host I get an error because it tries to connect using "The terminal process command 'cmd.exe'" instead of git bash.
I've checked my terminal settings configuration in vs code and it points to git bash.exe
I've used the terminal extension in vs code and it opens a git bash and successfully connects to the host
Is there a setting that I'm missing to force Remote-SSH to use the git bash for the connection?
JerryL's answer lead me to realize, that I can simply set GIT's ssh path c:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\ssh.exe in the remote.SSH.path setting of VS Code Preferences:
Then it just worked like a charm.
Just for clarity my VS Code version is: 1.40.0-insider (system setup)
I ran into a similar issue trying to get MS VS Code Studio Remote-SSH working with Putty's Pageant. I had Git for Windows installed and in a Git Bash shell, I could ssh and pick up the Pageant keys and no password was needed.
But VS Code Remote-SSH, while using the Git ssh in C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\ssh.exe was using Windows 7 cmd.exe shell which didn't talk to Pageant.
What worked for me on Windows 7, VS Code 1.36.1 with (Remote Development 0.15.0, Remote-SSH 0.44.0) and Git for Windows 2.22:
Start Pageant (C:\Program Files\PuTTY\pageant.exe) and Add key.
Start the ssh agent shim (C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\start-ssh-pageant.cmd). This takes care of the communication between Git ssh, which looks for ssh-agent, and Pageant.
Create the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable
Control Panel / System / Advanced Settings / Environment Variables..
User variables for username / New..:
Variable name: SSH_AUTH_SOCK
Variable value: /tmp/.ssh-pageant-username (e.g. /tmp/.ssh-pageant-bill) (Environment Variable assignment screenshot)
Test ssh:
Open a command prompt: Enter set to view the list of Environment Variables. Is the SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable set correctly to something like /tmp/.ssh-pageant-bill?
Try ssh to your host using Git's ssh.exe: c:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\ssh.exe user#host If this works, then VS Code Remote-SSH should work.
Finally, I added Pageant and start-ssh-pageant.cmd to my Windows 7 Startup so this persists across reboots.
Hope that helps.
I had a similar problem trying to get VS Code Remote use Putty Pageant.
1. Create .bat file somewhere with the following content:
echo OpenSSH
2. Open VS Code settings, type remote ssh path in search and find Remote.SSH: Path settings
3. Past here path to your .bat file
4. Now VS Code Remote will use Pageant correctly.

How to access remotely PgAdmin4?

I Try access pgAdmin4 via browser instaled in another Notebook with Linux Ubuntu 16.04 in the same network in my house, but not access.
In localhost... Ok
You need to add the following config options:
in config_local.py (in "pgAdmin4" folder).
If you also want to change the default port then also add
First change the line in config.py from DEFAULT_SERVER = '' to DEFAULT_SERVER = ''
Config.py is located in the same directory as pgAdmin4:
sudo find / -name "*pgAdmin4"
Start pgAdmin4 in the same directory (use tmux or as service to keep in background):
sudo python3 pgAdmin4.py
If you don't know the login, you can delete/move this file and restart pgAdmin.py:
sudo find / -name "*pgadmin4.db"
This should work on both Ubuntu Server and Desktop. You should preferably keep the and use nginx or Apache in front.
Weird enough, in my case I have to manually run the command
$ pgadmin4
and then the dashboard will be presented in the default browser automatically.
It seems you are trying to open pgadmin client at server.
I suggest you to install pgadmin client from where you want to connect this , add server in pgadmin and do connect.
Tested on ubuntu 20.04
apt install pgadmin4-apache2
nano /usr/share/pgadmin4/web/config.py
Change by
Don't forget to copy the key in the shell when you launch pgadmin4 in the remote web browser by replacing by pgadmin4 host IP
E.G. : Something like this in your remote web-browser
PS : If you don't find config.py
apt install mlocate
locate pgadmin4 | grep config.py$
All commands are in root don't forget sudo if you are not root
On macOS, I figured out that pgAdmin 4 web interface uses the port 61886.
Try to access it using http://localhost:61886/browser.
If not, run the command netstat -atp tcp | grep -i "listen" and check what ports are listening.

Where and how to create symlink from public/storage to storage/app/public in laravel 5.2 on homestead on window

how to create symlink from public/storage to storage/app/public in homestead on window.
and how do i access my files from browser, so if i visit that image url via browser then it will show that particular image.
actually i'm building an api which accessible from any domain , so i have to return the url of that particular image which is uploaded. so it will be shown of front end.
i'm also saving path to database which is - storage/app/public/image.png . what should i do now..
I'm new to file system so may be i need steps by step instruction.
i will be so thankful for the help
I had the same problem creating a symbolic link from the "public" folder to a location on the "storage" directory.
I tried to use "mklink /j" as well to create the symlink. However, when I "vagrant ssh" to the virtualbox, I found that it did not actually create the link correctly. Attempting to "cd" to the created link would cause an error. Also it wasn't shown as a symlink in the usual linux notation.
To allow the symlink to be created in the virtualBox:
Open "Local Group Policy Editor".
Go to: Computer Configuration | Windows Settings | Security Settings | Local -Policies | User Rights Assignment
Find the "Create symbolic links" policy and add your logged in user to it.
Restart your host windows machine. ssh to your virtualbox. You may need to run "vagrant up" as an Administrator by opening your CMD using "Run as administrator" option.
Go to your "public" folder, and create your symbolic link using the linux "ln -s" command. It should work now.
I was using Windows 10, but the above should be the same for Windows 7.
The "Create symbolic links" policy may be located somewhere slightly different for earlier versions of Windows.
Credit should go to this blog: Symlink support in Windows and Virtualbox
I tried this and it works. Running homestead on VirtualBox on Windows 10:
Open cmd as administrator
Click Start->Run
Type 'cmd', and press ctrl-shift-enter
Select 'yes' from the pop-up window
Type the following command:mklink /D c:\<project_directory>\public\storage "/home/vagrant/<project_directory>/storage/app"
Then the storage/app will be accessible from public/storage in Homestead VM. Note that this is assuming C:\ is shared as /home/vagrant in Homestead VM.
On a MacOS you need to go to your Homestead folder and:
run: vagrant ssh
navigate to your project root folder
run: php artisan storage:link
And you are done.
If you do this without ssh to vagrant then it will not work.

Change document root in ubuntu 12.04

I have tried every possible solution to change the document root on ubuntu to my new site but nothing works. I have changed the setting in available sites default file (both document root and directory root) to my new directory housing the website or creating a new available sites file pointing to my web directory and switching the site through a2ensite and a2dissite commands. But still it goes to the same default page
I already fixed that :
Install webmin
From webmin goto servers->Apache webserver
Edit the default "virtual host" :
handle all connections
add your doc-root
use httpd.conf file ..
Once done do a server restart from webmin or the command line:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
