Change document root in ubuntu 12.04 - apache2

I have tried every possible solution to change the document root on ubuntu to my new site but nothing works. I have changed the setting in available sites default file (both document root and directory root) to my new directory housing the website or creating a new available sites file pointing to my web directory and switching the site through a2ensite and a2dissite commands. But still it goes to the same default page

I already fixed that :
Install webmin
From webmin goto servers->Apache webserver
Edit the default "virtual host" :
handle all connections
add your doc-root
use httpd.conf file ..
Once done do a server restart from webmin or the command line:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart


airflow db init doesn't create an expected "airflow" directory on windows

I am using windows, and accessing WSL through VSCode
I am currently learning airflow and ran into an issue with the command airflow db init. According to a tutorial I'm following, there should be a new directory called airflow inside the current directory, but it is not there
My current path is (sandbox) nick#GameCube:/mnt/d/CodeAndIDE/DataScience/LearnAirflow$. I am using a venv called "sandbox"
When I run airflow db init, it outputs a bunch of lines, which match the tutorial, but no folder is created after. No error output either. Why is this?
I partially figured out the solution. You have to first set the airflow home directory to the current folder, with export AIRFLOW_HOME="$(pwd)".
For some reason, this didn't create a directory for the file and just dumped them all into the main directory, so I deleted them all and did mkdir airflow, cd airflow, export AIRFLOW_HOME="$(pwd)" again.
The last problem that I'm having is that unittests.cfg is not present in the folder, when I think that it should be

How do i resolve "Failed to parse remote port from server"

I'm setting up a new remote host and every time i initiate it i get the following error output: Any feedback or direction on how to resolve this issue?
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Linux Destiny 4.9.0-9-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.168-1 (2019-04-12) x86_64
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
mesg: ttyname failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: cannot set terminal process group (3202): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
mesg: ttyname failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Downloading with wget
WARNING: tar exited with non-0 exit code
Found running server...
* Reminder: You may only use this software with Visual Studio family products,
* as described in the license (
cat: /root/.vscode-remote/.473af338e1bd9ad4d9853933da1cd9d5d9e07dc9.log: No such
file or directory
Server did not start successfully. Full server log:
cat: /root/.vscode-remote/.X.log51ec4692-
: No such file or directory
"install" terminal command done
Received install output: : No such file or directory
Failed to parse remote port from server output: : No such file or directory
If the server fails to shut down properly, sometimes it leaves dangling lockfiles. This can cause startup to fail and produce the "Failed to parse remote port from server output" error message. In this case the solution is to simply to delete the lockfiles:
Fixed the issue. It appears I had 2 other server agents running incorrectly. I killed both server agents using kill (PID) and removed ".vscode_remote" directory from user home directory. Then i reinitialized remote-ssh from vscode. Successfully connected!
On remote machine you do not have a tar installed. It's in log output
Installing... Downloading with wget
WARNING: tar exited with non-0 exit code
so under a root run:
apt-get install tar
or with sudo, if you have a user with sudoers configured:
sudo apt-get install tar
I also got the same issue and my workaround was to provide proper rights to the home or user folder, so vscode can create a remote folder and do the required installation on it.
Example :
sudo chmod -R 777 home/
In this case, I have provided all rights to my home folder and It worked like a charm for all the users.
I ssh'd onto the remote server (linux) and then deleted both directories as follows:
$ rm -r .vscode-server.backup2022-04-03T16:20:18-05:00
$ rm -r .vscode-server
In case someone else encounters the same issue - I had an instance where remote target had no space left on device. After extending root volume of target machine, connection worked fine.
I had the same issue because vscode was looking for my .vscode-server directory in the wrong location (it was in a custom location due to restrictions on where files can be saved). This can be fixed by using How to change vscode-server directory. Specifically add:
"remote.SSH.lockfilesInTmp": true,
To your settings.json
In my case, it wasn't working because of server asking for new password when starting a session. What I did was to open a new default terminal (not VSC terminal but your OS default terminal like ZSH, CMD, and so on). And I used the ssh command to login. I logged in successfully and changed the password. Then I tried connecting with the new password and it worked because the server didn't asked for password change now.
ssh username#IP
Enter password and you'll get asked to change the password. Change the password and try connecting again with new password using SSH VSC extension.
If yout authorize by ssh-key - also check the value of User parameter in VsCode ssh config. User must have matching key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on remote host.
#Sachin's answer directed me in the right direction, VSCode needs permissions in order to create some files, but instead of giving 777 permissions to your home folder (which can be dangerous) you can just chown the user that wants to log in (the user for me was ubuntu):
sudo chown -R ubuntu /home
I also got the same issue and my workaround was to provide proper rights to the home or user folder, so vscode can create a remote folder and do the required installation on it.
Step 1: Add port to your config file :
Host hostname
Port 22
User username
Step 2 : Go to File->Prefrences ->Open settings.json fle
Search for lockfilesInTmp
and check the box next to that

how to change solr home data directory

I am using solr 5.2.1 on ubuntu server, I have created some cores in it and added data to it.
After some time due to some error I restarted solr service using following command
service solr restart
After this command my data directory got suddenly changed from
on dashboard it is showing as Dsolr.solr.home=/var/solr/data
Now how can I change this home data path, what is process or command to change this path
command to change home path
solr start -s /opt/solr/server/solr
or if you are not in bin page than also specify its full path.
bin/solr start -s /opt/solr/server/solr

Where and how to create symlink from public/storage to storage/app/public in laravel 5.2 on homestead on window

how to create symlink from public/storage to storage/app/public in homestead on window.
and how do i access my files from browser, so if i visit that image url via browser then it will show that particular image.
actually i'm building an api which accessible from any domain , so i have to return the url of that particular image which is uploaded. so it will be shown of front end.
i'm also saving path to database which is - storage/app/public/image.png . what should i do now..
I'm new to file system so may be i need steps by step instruction.
i will be so thankful for the help
I had the same problem creating a symbolic link from the "public" folder to a location on the "storage" directory.
I tried to use "mklink /j" as well to create the symlink. However, when I "vagrant ssh" to the virtualbox, I found that it did not actually create the link correctly. Attempting to "cd" to the created link would cause an error. Also it wasn't shown as a symlink in the usual linux notation.
To allow the symlink to be created in the virtualBox:
Open "Local Group Policy Editor".
Go to: Computer Configuration | Windows Settings | Security Settings | Local -Policies | User Rights Assignment
Find the "Create symbolic links" policy and add your logged in user to it.
Restart your host windows machine. ssh to your virtualbox. You may need to run "vagrant up" as an Administrator by opening your CMD using "Run as administrator" option.
Go to your "public" folder, and create your symbolic link using the linux "ln -s" command. It should work now.
I was using Windows 10, but the above should be the same for Windows 7.
The "Create symbolic links" policy may be located somewhere slightly different for earlier versions of Windows.
Credit should go to this blog: Symlink support in Windows and Virtualbox
I tried this and it works. Running homestead on VirtualBox on Windows 10:
Open cmd as administrator
Click Start->Run
Type 'cmd', and press ctrl-shift-enter
Select 'yes' from the pop-up window
Type the following command:mklink /D c:\<project_directory>\public\storage "/home/vagrant/<project_directory>/storage/app"
Then the storage/app will be accessible from public/storage in Homestead VM. Note that this is assuming C:\ is shared as /home/vagrant in Homestead VM.
On a MacOS you need to go to your Homestead folder and:
run: vagrant ssh
navigate to your project root folder
run: php artisan storage:link
And you are done.
If you do this without ssh to vagrant then it will not work.

Listing of files in the directory in apache2 ubuntu

Hie all, i have installed apache2 server on my ubuntu 12.04 system, now i want that instead of showing its own page on typing http://localhost it should display the list of files in the /var/www directory which is it's default directory.
please help me to achieve this
thanks in advance
you can remove the file called index.html or set up Options +Indexes option in your apache site setting file :)
