Inserting data from excel sheet into sql temp table - sql-server

I have created the following temp table in SQL Server Management Studio:
ObjectId NVARCHAR(50),
UserPrincipleName NVARCHAR(500),
Username NVARCHAR(250),
Email NVARCHAR(500),
Name NVARCHAR(250)
These are the same names as the column headers in the excel sheet I am trying to get the data from.
The file name is called Test Loadsheet and the sheet name is AgilityExport_04Aug2022_164839.
I am trying to insert the data into the temp table like so:
'Excel 12.0; Database=C:\temp\Test LoadSheet.xlsx', [AgilityExport_04Aug2022_164839]);
However, I am getting the error:
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" does not contain the table "AgilityExport_04Aug2022_164839". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
Where have I gone wrong with this? And what do I need to do in order to successfully get the data from each column into my table?

You have file name as Test Loadsheet in one spot, but then in your query you have it as Test LoadSheet.xlsx. Try and see if this is holding it up.
Found a link on importing data from excel to SQL if you are interested:

I went about this a different way. In the excel sheet I am using a made a formula like so:
="INSERT INTO ##LoginMap(ObjectId, DisplayName, AzureEmail, AzureUsername) VALUES('"&A2&"', '"&B2&"', '"&C2&"', '"&D2&"');"
I then had this repeated for each row. This then gave me an insert statement for each that I could simply copy and paste into SSMS and allow to run the query


How to speed up tables transfer between Access and SQL Server using VBA?

I am trying to move tables from access to SQL Server programmatically.
I have some limitation in the system permissions, ie: I cannot use OPENDATASOURCE or OPENROWSET.
What I want to achieve is to transfer some table from Access to SQL Server and then work on that tables through vba (excel)/python and T-SQL.
The problem is in the timing that it is required to move the tables.
My current process is:
I work with vba macros, importing data from excel and making same transformation in access, to then import into the SQL Server
destroy the table in the server: "DROP TABLE"
re-importing the table with DoCmd.TransferDatabase
What I have notice is that the operation seems to be done based on a batch of rows and not directly. It is taking 1 minutes and half each 1000 rows. The same operation on Access it would have taken few seconds.
I understood that it is a specific way of SQL Server to use import by batches of 10 rows, probably to have more access on data: Micorsoft details
But in the above process I just want a copy the table from access to the SQL as fast as possible as then I would avoid cross platform links and I will perform operation only on the SQL Server.
Which would be the faster way to achieve this goal?
Why are functions like OPENDATASOURCE or OPENROWSET are blocked? Do you work in a bank?
I can't say for sure which solution is the absoute fastest, but you may want to consider exporting all Access tables as separate CSV files (or Excel files), and then run a small script to load each of those files into SQL Server.
Here is some VBA code that saves separate tables as separate files.
Dim obj As AccessObject, dbs As Object
Set dbs = Application.CurrentData
For Each obj In dbs.AllTables
If Left(obj.Name, 4) <> "MSys" Then
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , obj.Name, obj.Name & ".csv", True
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, obj.Name, obj.Name & ".xls", True
End If
Next obj
Now, you can very easily, and very quickly, load CSV files into SQL Server using Bulk Insert.
Create TestTable
USE TestData
FirstName VARCHAR(40),
LastName VARCHAR(40),
FROM 'c:\csvtest.txt'
--Check the content of the table.
--Drop the table to clean up database.
Also, you may want to consider one of these options.

Insert data into table

I'm trying to insert array data into sql server table.
The table already defined and the connection works fine.
My current code is :
for asset in array:
if "some condition":
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.executemany('insert into [Traffilog_Data].[dbo].[getData] values
(%d,%d,%d,%s,%s,%f,%f,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s,%s,%f,%d,%s)', assets)
all %var are according to the sql table definition.
I' get result
same as simple select query
what am I doing wrong?

Create SQL Server Database from Excel Table

I currently have a report in Excel based off a database which contains the following columns:
Table Name, Column Name, Data Type, Max Length, Precision, Scale
I would like to know if I can import this into another copy of SQL Server to recreate the empty database. I currently have no access to the source database and so need to go from this meta data.
Thanks for the responses - my approach was to concatenate up a create statement in Excel which could then be copied and pasted into SQL Server.
CREATE TABLE table_name
column_name1 data_type(size),
column_name2 data_type(size),
column_name3 data_type(size),
Was formed into
"CREATE TABLE" & table_name"&
column_name1 &" "& data_type &"("& size &"),"&
and run down my list of fields.
Took around 5 minutes to enter in a few hundred tables into SQL from the report.

How to Insert new records using SSIS? Can I use Exec SQL task or OLE DB Source SQL Command text?

I have created a table called DimInternationalFunction.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[DimInternationalFunction]') AND type in (N'U'))
DROP TABLE [DimInternationalFunction]
Create Table DimInternationalFunction
(IntFunctionKey int NOT NULL identity primary key,
SubSubFunctionString char(10),
FunctionCode char(3),
SubFunctionCode char(6),
SubSubFunctionCode char(10),
SubSubFunctionName nvarchar(60),
SubFunctionName nvarchar(60),
FunctionName nvarchar(60))
I have initially inserted records in this table in SSMS.
After inserting the initial records manually in SSMS, now my manager wants me to insert "new records only" using SSIS.
I have tried using this in SSMS and it worked. Either it gives me 0 records inserted or sometimes it gives me 5 records inserted as a result. My manager wants me to do this in SSIS.
I tried using this script inside the OLE DB Source under Data Access Mode: SQL Command and SQL Command text:
insert into DWResourceTask.dbo.DimInternationalFunction
select f.SubSubFunctionString,
from ODS_Function F
where FunctionViewCode = 'INT'
and not exists (select * from DWResourceTask.dbo.DimInternationalFunction I
where (f.SubSubFunctionString=i.SubSubFunctionString
and f.FunctionCode=i.FunctionCode
and f.SubFunctionCode=i.SubFunctionCode
and f.SubSubFunctionCode=i.SubSubFunctionCode
and f.SubSubFunctionName=i.SubSubFunctionName
and f.SubFunctionName=i.SubFunctionName
and f.FunctionName=i.FunctionName)
The error message that I got after clicking preview is
The component reported the following warnings:
Error at Int Function [International Function Table [33]]: No column information was returned by the SQL command.
Choose OK if you want to continue with the operation.
Choose Cancel if you want to stop the operation.
Is there another component in SSIS that can do this? or can I just use either exec sql task component or ole db source?
I am thinking of using exec sql task connected to a data flow task, inside the data flow task I will put ole db source containing a staging table and do a delete on that or is there any other way to do it. Please help. Thanks in advance.
You could do it with an Execute SQL task.
If you want to do it "the pure SSIS way", you could use a lookup component. Set the "rows with no matching" handler to "Redirect to no match output", and configure the target table as connection. Then use the "No Match Output" only, ignoring the "Match Output". And send the records from the "No Match Output" to the target.
In spite of its name, the "Lookup" component can be used to filter data in many cases.
But I would assume the Execute SQL task would be more efficient for large data sets, keeping all data within the database engine.

how to import data from other database in SQL Server 2005

I have 2 databases in SQL Server 2005.
I want a functionality that i have same table structure in 2 database for example i have a same table named as testData in 2 database named as dbTest1 and dbTest2.
Now i want a single query through which i can add all the records from table testData of database dbTest2 into table testData of database dbTest1.
I tried to use following query
insert into dbTest1.testData values select * from dbTest2.testData
but this query is not running and giving error.
I also tried
insert into dbTest1.testData(col1,col2,col3) values select * from dbTest2.testData
but this also gives error that "Invalid object name dbTest2.testData"
Could any one help in this
Replace dbTest2.testData with dbTest2..testData - you have to specify 3 things (or optionally leave the middle blank for dbo).
insert into dbTest1..testData
select * from dbTest2..testData
If the table doesn't already exist in dbTest1, you can do this:
select *
into dbTest1..testData
from dbTest2..testData
You need to specify all column names in query.
insert into dbTest1.dbo.testData(col1,col2,col3) select * from dbTest2.dbo.testData
