ELK - How to match http request and response and store it as a single line of record? - elk

I have seen a log in Kibana where the http request and response was displayed in a single line/record.
My Kibana setup currently displays the request and response in separate lines/records.
How do i customize and ultimately achieve this?

"Multiline" codec is the tool for this.


Mulesoft dynamic http routing based on the input

I am new to mulesoft 4.4, I can to send http request to url xyz with one http_request_configuration, but I need to select application url dynamically based on the users input payload (kind of http routing with different host), I don't know how to achieve this in mulesoft. Do I need to crate multiple http_request_configuration for this?
Kind regards
J Babu
You can set the URL at the HTTP Request operation level. For example using a variable:
<http:request method="GET" doc:name="Request" url="#[vars.myUrl]"/>
Note that you should not try to use the URL to add query parameters. Use the HTTP Request query params feature for that.

Node-Red flow deploy using http request

I am referring this example https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/node-red-labs/tree/master/starter-kits/ok_watson and could successfully deploy it in Node-Red. But in this sample the input is Inject based. Is there a way of deploying this same example onto a page using HTTP request or maybe Websocket? I figured we can use http request and response for that, but how should the template code look like if i need microphone and audio out in my http webpage. Thanks in advance.
Yes it is. The flows require a text input, which could easily come from a HTTP form. So add a HTTP Input, HTTP Response and Template with a form, and you should have your text input.

Get request to Json does it need jsonp

I am using Angular v1.2.15 to GET a URL to retrieve JSON results.
I need to send a custom AUTHENTICATION Header with the request.
the url will send back Json.
So far I can only get both $resource and $http to even send the request
if I use JSONP type of request. However when I do this it does not send
my CUSTOM HEADER. Can I retrieve JSON content using a normal GET request?
The problem was the Ripple Emulator for Cordova apps was running the proxy on a different port. The the emulator was actually not allowing the http request.

How to send a multipart/mixed HTTP POST request through Runscope?

I want to send a HTTP POST request with Content-Type: Multipart/mixed using Runscope.
Any help/guidance would be great.
There are a couple ways to send data through us, each with varying support for multi-part form data.
When making requests through the dashboard, there is currently no way to add files or other multi-part data to a request. This is something we plan to support in the future, but we don't have a specific timline for implementing it yet.
From your code, via a Runscope URL
When you make a request from code that includes multipart data, it will be relayed through the Runscope URL in tact. The dashboard will display the file meta data that it relayed, but the files are not stored or displayed and retries will not re-send the file data again.
We're happy to help answer any questions in more detail by emailing us at help#runscope.com any time.

How to get cakephp to reduce the size of HTTP Post response?

I have used cakephp's cake bake facility to quickly build a simple website. My application involves plenty of HTTP POST to add records to the database. However, it is not as fast as I like and the web host provider has a quota for network traffic.
I am using python request module to send the HTTP POST. I noticed that the HTTP response from cakephp is quite a lot. How to get cakephp to reduce the size of its HTTP Post response? I don't really care about the response.
I am using cakephp 2.3
return $this->response;
will send a response without any content and statuscode 204, meaning the resource was created
