Node-Red flow deploy using http request - ibm-watson

I am referring this example and could successfully deploy it in Node-Red. But in this sample the input is Inject based. Is there a way of deploying this same example onto a page using HTTP request or maybe Websocket? I figured we can use http request and response for that, but how should the template code look like if i need microphone and audio out in my http webpage. Thanks in advance.

Yes it is. The flows require a text input, which could easily come from a HTTP form. So add a HTTP Input, HTTP Response and Template with a form, and you should have your text input.


ELK - How to match http request and response and store it as a single line of record?

I have seen a log in Kibana where the http request and response was displayed in a single line/record.
My Kibana setup currently displays the request and response in separate lines/records.
How do i customize and ultimately achieve this?
"Multiline" codec is the tool for this.

Anything like AngularJS's $http.pendingRequests in Angular's HttpClient

I was working on AngularJS before and I know there is a build-in property called $http.pendingRequests which can tell me if there is any pending http request existing.
Now I am working on Angular 4.4.6 and using HttpClient from #angular/common/http.
My Goal
I would like to use such result to display a loading message when any http request happens and hide it when all requests finish.
My Search
Did NOT get any luck via search or going through all the #angular/common/http source codes.
My Question
How can I find if there is any pending http request existing.
Or I have to implement it by myself?
Thanks in advance.

Get request to Json does it need jsonp

I am using Angular v1.2.15 to GET a URL to retrieve JSON results.
I need to send a custom AUTHENTICATION Header with the request.
the url will send back Json.
So far I can only get both $resource and $http to even send the request
if I use JSONP type of request. However when I do this it does not send
my CUSTOM HEADER. Can I retrieve JSON content using a normal GET request?
The problem was the Ripple Emulator for Cordova apps was running the proxy on a different port. The the emulator was actually not allowing the http request.

How to get cakephp to reduce the size of HTTP Post response?

I have used cakephp's cake bake facility to quickly build a simple website. My application involves plenty of HTTP POST to add records to the database. However, it is not as fast as I like and the web host provider has a quota for network traffic.
I am using python request module to send the HTTP POST. I noticed that the HTTP response from cakephp is quite a lot. How to get cakephp to reduce the size of its HTTP Post response? I don't really care about the response.
I am using cakephp 2.3
return $this->response;
will send a response without any content and statuscode 204, meaning the resource was created

how to build a SOAP request in libcurl using C

i am new to libcurl and i want to create a SOAP request and send to web service. Can anyone send me some example or tutorial to read.
thanks in advance
See here, scroll down to the SOAP example by vivtek.
