Repeating same statements in some regular time? - azure-logic-apps

Im new to Logic Apps , is there any way to use Logic App or trigger logic app in frequent regular intervals of time i.e something like recurrence?
If we can do , then can anyone provide an example on how to do it. Thanks in Advance.

Yes you can do it, If you want default templates then you should use Consumption plan while creating your logic app then in default templates select Recurrence as below:
Then you will get a recurrence tab where you can perform recurring operations:


Oracle ADF: Refresh Form data

I am developing a web app using Oracle ADF. I have a bounded task flow. In that I have a search page like below.
I have created the above two forms using view object data controls.
Searching is performing well. But my problem is when I go some where else in my application using menus provided left side and come back to the search page , the page is not getting refreshed. I am getting a search page that contains old search results. At this point of time if I am trying to make any changes am getting some error called "Another user with this id already modifed data ....". After this error my app is not running. Means what ever am trying to do its showing the same error.
So I need to make this: "When ever the user come to this form, He should get fresh form. It should not contain old search results.
Please help me. How do I achieve this.
Thank you.
There are 2 ways of doing it:
1) Set your task flow as ISOLATED, from Task Flow Overview tab -> Behaviour -> Share Data Control with calling task flow -> unchecked (or isolated, if you are using JDev 12c)
This will ensure you always start FRESH when accessing the page, but it will potentially create a performance overhead because entire View Object cache will be recreated (requeried) on page load. Nevertheless, it is the quickest solution.
2) You may create a default Method Call Activity in your task flow from where you may call a AM's custom method that resets the view criteria. The method will be placed on application module's implementation class and it may look like this:
public void initTaskFlow() {
This will clean the result data. If you want to reset the querying parameters as well, you can use this example:
When you made any changes to any viewObject then excute this viewObject to match entity state and viewState , i think excuting viewObject will solve your issue

What is the best way (Least Read Operations) to do autocomplete on Google App Engine Using Objectify

I am currently using ajax to do autocomplete emails and would like to find out what is the best way to do this without too much read operations. Thanks!
The best way to do these kind of operations is use the following approach
Use full text search:
When creating a document to search on, you could tokenize the email id. for example if you have you could tokenize it to f, fo, foo, foobar .... and save it into a textfield.
then use to query for the results.
then every successful lookup can be cached for say 2 hours ( you can change it as per your requirement ).
Anytime you update the model add/update/remove entries then delete the memcache entries/flush the memcache, preferably using the datastore callbacks.
please note that the tokenize + adding a document could to be processed in task queue to fit into the "gae way of doing things"
Also as a footnote, you could try implementing client side caching mechanism using http cache control + etags. I have not implemented such a solution so others could pitch in how their experience was implementing such a solution.

AngularJs search and pagination code duplication

Some modules of the application I'm writing give the user the option to filter a dataset and paginate the results.
After getting everything to work as intended, I'm trying to refactor the code in order to remove code duplication.
Each and everyone of the afore mentioned modules share the same bit of logic for filtering and pagination.
I'm wondering which is the best practice to follow in order to remove that kind of duplication.
As of now I was thinking of creating a "filter and pagination" service with the following API:
Returns an object:
Predicate is called for each and every item passed in the collection, and it is used
to select items based on user preferences.
Now each module would take advantage of that API.
Is there a better, recomended way?
Thanks in advance for your help

tracking affiliates in mixpanel

Trying to use mixpanel to set up a basic affiliate tracking system.
No problem setting up referral links and tracking events through the segmentation system, however I want to be able to attribute a certain event to a refferer even if the event is triggered in a later session (e.g the classic 30 day cookie for a standard affiliate program).
Anyone know how to go about doing this?
It sounds like you want a super property.
Building on raylu's answer you certainly want a super property: How do I set a property every time?
For affiliates you likely want to only count the first affiliate so you want to use register_once:

Updating Model Schema in Google App Engine?

Google is proposing changing one entry at a time to the default values ....
I have a model with a million rows and doing this with a web browser will take me ages. Another option is to run this using task queues but this will cost me a lot of cpu time
any easy way to do this?
Because the datastore is schema-less, you do literally have to add or remove properties on each instance of the Model. Using Task Queues should use the exact same amount of CPU as doing it any other way, so go with that.
Before you go through all of that work, make sure that you really need to do it. As noted in the article that you link to, it is not the case that all entities of a particular model need to have the same set of properties. Why not change your Model class to check for the existence of new or removed properties and update the entity whenever you happen to be writing to it anyhow.
Instead of what the docs suggest, I would suggest to use low level GAE API to migrate.
The following code will migrate all the items of type DbMyModel:
new_attribute will be added if does not exits.
old_attribute will be deleted if exists.
changed_attribute will be converted from boolean to string (True to Priority 1, False to Priority 3)
Please note that query.Run returns iterator returning Entity objects. Entity objects behave simply like dicts:
from google.appengine.api.datastore import Query, Put
query = Query("DbMyModel")
for item in query.Run():
if not 'new_attribute' in item:
item['attribute'] = some_value
if 'old_attribute' in item:
del item['old_attribute']
if ['changed_attribute'] is True:
item['changed_attribute'] = 'Priority 1'
elif ['changed_attribute'] is False:
item['changed_attribute'] = 'Priority 3'
#and so on...
#Put the item to the db:
In case you need to select only some records, see the google.appengine.api.datastore module's source code for extensive documentation and examples how to create filtered query.
Using this approach it is simpler to remove/add properties and avoid issues when you have already updated your application model than in GAE's suggested approach.
For example, now-required fields might not exist (yet) causing errors while migrating. And deleting fields does not work for static properties.
This doesn't help OP but may help googlers with a tiny app: I did what Alex suggested, but simpler. Obviously this isn't appropriate for production apps.
deploy App Engine Console
write code right inside the web interpreter against your live datastore
like so:
from models import BlogPost
for item in BlogPost.all():
