How to insert Date values in Table in Microsoft SQL Server - sql-server

I have created this table:
Company_name varchar(50),
Purchase_date date,
Quantity int,
Price float,
Age int,
profit_and_loss float
While I am trying to insert date values am getting an error. Am providing the insert query I have tried and the error as well
INSERT INTO HUL (Company_name, Purchase_date, Quantity, Price, Age, profit_and_loss)
VALUES ('Hindusthan_Unilever', '25-03-2022', 1, 1950.40, 125, 669.45);
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string
INSERT INTO HUL (Company_name, Purchase_date, Quantity, Price, Age, profit_and_loss)
VALUES ('Hindusthan_Unilever', (CAST('25032022', AS DATE)), 1, 1950.40, 125, 669.45);
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'.
INSERT INTO HUL (Purchase_date)
VALUES ('25-03-2022');
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
Can any one please me get the right query to fix this in Microsoft SQL Server.

SQL Server will happily parse strings into dates if they meet a certain set of formats.
Some of those formats depend upon your regional settings. For example, people in some parts of the world (mostly the USA) seem to like dates in month-day-year format, aka MM-dd-yyyy.
In other, slightly more sensible parts of the world people are used to day-month-year format, aka dd-MM-yyyy. This is what you are currently using.
But which of those SQL will accept depends on the regional settings of the system. It can't just accept both, because what would '01-02-2022' mean? Is it the first of Febrary, or the second of January? How can SQL Server know what you meant?
Then there are formats which are unambiguous. They only get interpreted one way no matter what your regional settings are. The simplest example is yearMonthDay, ie, yyyyMMdd. If you provide this format then the interpretation doesn't depend upon your regional settings. The value '20220201' is always interpreted as "the first of February".
So that explains the problem with your first query and your third query. In your second query you have an unnecessary comma. To fix the syntax error...
cast('25032022', AS DATE) -- no good, syntax error
cast('25032022' AS DATE) -- comma removed
But this would be interpreted as the value "22nd day of the 20th month (??) in the year 2503", because you have the numbers the wrong way around.
If necessary * you can force SQL to interpret text the way you want using set dateformat. Example:
set dateformat mdy; -- tell sql to read the text as month then day then year
select cast('01-02-2022' as date); -- SQL will now read this as January 2 2022
set dateformat dmy; -- now tell it to read it as day then month then year
select cast('01-02-2022' as date); -- now it's February 1, 2022
You can also "force" a particular interpretation using convert with a style argument, or try_parse with a culture.
* "Necssary" here meaning "you might not have the option of changing the incoming format, because developers aren't normally the ones adding data, users are, and you could be receiving the data in a csv, or by some other mechanism over which you have no control, but from which you still need to ingest"

One thing to understand here is different cultures and languages have different expectations around how dates are formatted.
SQL is no different. It is its own language, and just like any other language it has its own native date format for string literals. When writing SQL, it’s wrong to put your own cultural expectations into this very different language.
So for dates in SQL Server, the correct format is yyyMMdd (no separators). For dates with a time component, there are two accepted formats: yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss[.fff] and yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss[.fff]. Anything else is not correct and there are times of the year when the value will be interpreted incorrectly.
Of course, this assumes you're including the the value as a literal in the string. If you're building this string in client code, it is never okay to use string concatenation to include these values in the SQL in the first place. Instead, you must always use parameterized queries/prepared statements.
Done properly, this means a strongly-typed datetime object in whatever client platform you prefer, assigned to a strong-typed DateTime parameter value sent directly to the server, such that the datetime value is never at any point even converted to a string.

In SQL Server insert into keyword is used to add up some values in a table.
'A Worldwide Company',


SQL Server date separator dot not working while inserting data

When I insert a date like this '01.03.2020 21:35:12' it changes into '2020-01-03 21:35:12.000'.
I want to insert the date with DOT as the Date separator.
NOTE: I'm not using a stored procedure, just insert query.
This is an inferior choice in format, because nobody reading that code can be certain whether you meant January 3rd or March 1st. You can get there this way, but it is ugly, unintuitive, and equally non-self-documenting:
DECLARE #d varchar(30) = '01.03.2020 21:35:12';
SELECT CONVERT(datetime, #d, 104);
Much better to use a standard, unambiguous date format for literals. These are the only two formats not subject to misinterpretation by language, dateformat, or regional settings, and therefore don't need to be accompanied by cryptic style numbers:
DECLARE #d1 varchar(30) = '20200301 21:35:12',
#d2 varchar(30) = '2020-03-01T21:35:12';
SELECT CONVERT(datetime, #d1), CONVERT(datetime, #d2);
Recommended SQL Server Date Formats
Bad Habits to Kick : Mis-handling date / range queries
Dating Responsibly
I don't think you can change the display in SSMS from the YYYY-MM-DD TIME format. If you want to change the way you get the date back when selected, you can use the CONVERT or FORMAT functions.
CONVERT function:
FORMAT function:
You may need to select your datetime twice with the CONVERT. Once for the date and once for the time in order to get the combination of formats you want.

Check data type format of every value of a column in SQL Server

I have a table_1 that has column dob which has datatype nvarchar(max). Now I want to check every date whether it is in datetime format or not.
The dates which are in datetime format should be copied to table_2 that has column with a datatype of datetime.
Any help how can I do this?
If you are using SQL Server 2012 or later, then TRY_CONVERT can help here:
FROM yourTable
This would return every record from your table where the dob text field is in some format which SQL Server cannot natively convert to a datetime.
This will insert all the strings can be converted into Table_2
INSERT INTO Table_2 (DateTimeColumn)
FROM Table_1
It is a very bad habit to store datetime values in a string. The reason why: Date-Time formats differ around the world and depend on your system's culture settings. Even worse, some format depend on a given language. Try this out:
SET LANGUAGE ENGLISH; --try with GERMAN to see the effect on "Decemeber"
SET DATEFORMAT ymd; --try with "ydm" or "dmy"
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES('blah') --just a wrong value
,('20201231') --ISO, "unseparated YMD-format (see CONVERT with 112)
,('2020-12-31') --ISO8601
,('2020-31-12') --European with leading year
,('12-31-2020') --USA (see CONVERT with 110)
,('31-12-2020') --European (see CONVERT with 113)
,('31 December 2020') --language dependant (see CONVERT with 113), try with German "Dezember"
,('2020-02-30'); --Invalid, there's no 30th of February
SELECT t.dob --Your value
,[cast] = TRY_CAST(t.dob AS DATETIME) --CAST relies on the system's settings (might work on your machine but can break on a customer's machine
,[convert] = TRY_CONVERT(DATETIME, t.dob, 112) --CONVERT allows to use the style paramter, better than CAST, but more strict
,[parse] = TRY_PARSE(t.dob AS DATETIME USING 'en-US') --Parsing allows to mention the culture. You do not need to specify the language as a general setting
,[xmlCast] = CAST(t.dob AS XML).value('. cast as xs:date?','datetime') --Works below v2012, but can deal with ISO8601 only.
FROM #tbl t;
Play with the settings
You can use GERMAN instead of ENGLISH. The entry with December will not work any more. You can change the general date format to any combination of ymd and find, that some formats stop to work while others start to work.
TRY_CAST, TRY_CONVERT and TRY_PARSE will need a version of v2012 or higher.
If you are running an older system you should upgrade ( :-) ). The only chance with an older system is a XML hack, but this is very tightly bound to ISO8601.
Finally: For your next question, please try to add more information. State some of your input values, mention your RDBMS with version and try to set up a mockup with DDL and INSERT (look what I've done above).
Hint: Very dangerous...
Try to insert a value like 2020-05-06 and you will find, that some styles read this as the 5th of June, while others return the 6th of May. Returning wrong values is worse than returning NULL or throwing an error...

How to set date format for the result of a SELECT statement in SQL Server

I know how to use CONVERT function in SELECT statement to change the format of the Date column:
, CONVERT(varchar, [Date], 101) as Date
, Value
FROM my_table
But I was wondering if I can set the date format in general before running the SELECT statement, when I don't know the name of the date column in the following SELECT statement:
SELECT * from FROM my_table
Is any SET statement or other T-SQL that I can run before my SELECT statement so that I can change the Date format temporarily?
Thank you
In particular, any date columns which you select are not actually formatted at all, but are instead returned down the wire as an actual piece of date data in a binary "format" which is used for dates. If you are seeing them formatted, it's because your client (either management studio or some other tool) is converting them to strings to display.
When you use SELECT *, there is obviously no way to tell SQL Server to do any conversions on any particular columns, so the data is going to be returned in whatever the data types of the underlying query returns. So regardless of whether your data types are really date or not, no manipulation is going to happen at that point anyway.
I'm pretty sure there's no way to do what you're asking. However, there are ways to format the date string when you output it using your programming language.

How to convert SQL Server's timestamp column to datetime format

As SQL Server returns timestamp like 'Nov 14 2011 03:12:12:947PM', is there some easy way to convert string to date format like 'Y-m-d H:i:s'.
So far I use
date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime('Nov 14 2011 03:12:12:947PM'))
SQL Server's TIMESTAMP datatype has nothing to do with a date and time!
It's just a hexadecimal representation of a consecutive 8 byte integer - it's only good for making sure a row hasn't change since it's been read.
You can read off the hexadecimal integer or if you want a BIGINT. As an example:
SELECT CAST (0x0000000017E30D64 AS BIGINT)
The result is
In newer versions of SQL Server, it's being called RowVersion - since that's really what it is. See the MSDN docs on ROWVERSION:
Is a data type that exposes automatically generated, unique binary numbers within a database. rowversion is generally used as a mechanism
for version-stamping table rows. The
rowversion data type is just an incrementing number and does not
preserve a date or a time. To record a date or time, use a datetime2
data type.
So you cannot convert a SQL Server TIMESTAMP to a date/time - it's just not a date/time.
But if you're saying timestamp but really you mean a DATETIME column - then you can use any of those valid date formats described in the CAST and CONVERT topic in the MSDN help. Those are defined and supported "out of the box" by SQL Server. Anything else is not supported, e.g. you have to do a lot of manual casting and concatenating (not recommended).
The format you're looking for looks a bit like the ODBC canonical (style = 121):
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), #today, 121)
2011-11-14 10:29:00.470
SQL Server 2012 will finally have a FORMAT function to do custom formatting......
The simplest way of doing this is:
SELECT id,name,FROM_UNIXTIME(registration_date) FROM `tbl_registration`;
This gives the date column atleast in a readable format.
Further if you want to change te format click here.
Using cast you can get date from a timestamp field:
SELECT CAST(timestamp_field AS DATE) FROM tbl_name
Works fine, except this message:
Implicit conversion from data type varchar to timestamp is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query
So yes, TIMESTAMP (RowVersion) is NOT a DATE :)
To be honest, I fidddled around quite some time myself to find a way to convert it to a date.
Best way is to convert it to INT and compare. That's what this type is meant to be.
If you want a date - just add a Datetime column and live happily ever after :)
cheers mac
My coworkers helped me with this:
select CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), <tms_column>, 112), count(*)
from table where <tms_column> > '2012-09-10'
group by CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), <tms_column>, 112);
select CONVERT(DATE, <tms_column>, 112), count(*)
from table where <tms_column> > '2012-09-10'
group by CONVERT(DATE, <tms_column>, 112);
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
— Inigo Montoya
The timestamp has absolutely no relationship to time as marc_s originally said.
declare #Test table (
TestId int identity(1,1) primary key clustered
,Ts timestamp
,CurrentDt datetime default getdate()
,Something varchar(max)
insert into #Test (Something)
select name from sys.tables
waitfor delay '00:00:10'
insert into #Test (Something)
select name from sys.tables
select * from #Test
Notice in the output that Ts (hex) increments by one for each record, but the actual time has a gap of 10 seconds. If it were related to time then there would be a gap in the timestamp to correspond with the difference in the time.
for me works:
TO_DATE('19700101', 'yyyymmdd') + (TIME / 24 / 60 / 60)
(oracle DB)
Robert Mauro has the correct comment. For those who know the Sybase origins, datetime was really two separate integers, one for date, one for time, so timestamp aka rowversion could just be considered the raw value captured from the server. Much faster.
After impelemtation of conversion to integer
CONVERT(BIGINT, [timestamp]) as Timestamp
I've got the result like
Yes, this is not a date and time, It's serial numbers
Why not try FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp, format)?
I had the same problem with timestamp eg:'29-JUL-20 PM'. I wanted to turn it into 'yyyy-MM-dd' format. The solution that finally works for me is
SELECT TO_CHAR(mytimestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD') FROM mytable;
I will assume that you've done a data dump as insert statements, and you (or whoever Googles this) are attempting to figure out the date and time, or translate it for use elsewhere (eg: to convert to MySQL inserts). This is actually easy in any programming language.
Let's work with this:
CAST(0x0000A61300B1F1EB AS DateTime)
This Hex representation is actually two separate data elements... Date and Time. The first four bytes are date, the second four bytes are time.
The date is 0x0000A613
The time is 0x00B1F1EB
Convert both of the segments to integers using the programming language of your choice (it's a direct hex to integer conversion, which is supported in every modern programming language, so, I will not waste space with code that may or may not be the programming language you're working in).
The date of 0x0000A613 becomes 42515
The time of 0x00B1F1EB becomes 11661803
Now, what to do with those integers:
Date is since 01/01/1900, and is represented as days. So, add 42,515 days to 01/01/1900, and your result is 05/27/2016.
Time is a little more complex. Take that INT and do the following to get your time in microseconds since midnight (pseudocode):
MicrosecondsTime = TimeINT*10000/3
From there, use your language's favorite function calls to translate microseconds (38872676666.7 µs in the example above) into time.
The result would be 10:47:52.677
Some of them actually does covert to a date-time from SQL Server 2008 onwards.
Try the following SQL query and you will see for yourself:
SELECT CAST (0x00009CEF00A25634 AS datetime)
The above will result in 2009-12-30 09:51:03:000 but I have encountered ones that actually don't map to a date-time.
Not sure if I'm missing something here but can't you just convert the timestamp like this:

Allow Search for Invalid Date stored as string - Is it recommended or not

I have two tables for an Entity - say Valid_Doc and Invalid_Doc. If document is valid, then all the data gets saved in Valid_Doc table.In case any of the attribute of document is invalid , it gets saved in Invalid_Doc.Due_Date is on of the column of both the tables. In Invalid_Doc , we are saving Invalid dates as string.
Suppose if user searches for documents through a SEARCH screen with following date
Due_Date - is after - 07/07/11,
Shall we show all the documents from both the tables.As Due_Date in Invalid_Doc table is string, there is no way we can compare the entered search date with the dates available in database in Invalid_Doc table.
Can someone please guide me whether to use DATEDIFF - i.e. need to convert the String date in DB to Date(millisecs) first and then do the comparison with the entered data.Doing this , there may be unpredictable results. So , shall we allow the user to search for Invalid doc through Date or NOT.
Select * FROM invalid_doc iil WITH (nolock) WHERE
CAST(Datediff(s, '19700101 05:00:00:000', iil.due_date) AS NUMERIC) *
BETWEEN '1120501800000' AND '1120501800000'
Where '1120501800000' and '1120501800000' are Date converted in milliseconds.
Please suggest.
I would convert the dates in the database to a uniform string format using regex (eg. Q20011231Q) and also convert the query to the same format before searching.
This way you would have control on your data and can easily do comparisons
I continue as answer :)
As I don't know your language you handle the xml data I strongly suggest you validate you date befor you insert into your database.
It is not possible to enter a non valid data value into a datatime field.
if you have a data like 11/24/2011 and insert it, the datetime value always add the time itself.
Then you have eg. 11/24/20011 17:29:00 000 as value stored.
If you insert less then a date it might crash or if the value can be converted to a valid date, the missing parts will be replaced by "current date information".
So in fact you have to validate you string, convert it. Something like this:
-- #datestring <= somehow your string from xml
SET arithabort arith_overflow OFF
SET #date = CAST(#datestring AS DATETIME)
IF #date is NULL SET #date = GETDATE()
SET arithabort arith_overflow ON
You turn overflow error mode off, try convert and set default if it fails.
Or in MS SQL
IF ( ISDATE(#date_string) = 0 ) SET #date = GETDATE()
Hope this helps
