SQL Server date separator dot not working while inserting data - sql-server

When I insert a date like this '01.03.2020 21:35:12' it changes into '2020-01-03 21:35:12.000'.
I want to insert the date with DOT as the Date separator.
NOTE: I'm not using a stored procedure, just insert query.

This is an inferior choice in format, because nobody reading that code can be certain whether you meant January 3rd or March 1st. You can get there this way, but it is ugly, unintuitive, and equally non-self-documenting:
DECLARE #d varchar(30) = '01.03.2020 21:35:12';
SELECT CONVERT(datetime, #d, 104);
Much better to use a standard, unambiguous date format for literals. These are the only two formats not subject to misinterpretation by language, dateformat, or regional settings, and therefore don't need to be accompanied by cryptic style numbers:
DECLARE #d1 varchar(30) = '20200301 21:35:12',
#d2 varchar(30) = '2020-03-01T21:35:12';
SELECT CONVERT(datetime, #d1), CONVERT(datetime, #d2);
Recommended SQL Server Date Formats
Bad Habits to Kick : Mis-handling date / range queries
Dating Responsibly

I don't think you can change the display in SSMS from the YYYY-MM-DD TIME format. If you want to change the way you get the date back when selected, you can use the CONVERT or FORMAT functions.
CONVERT function: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/1145/date-and-time-conversions-using-sql-server/
FORMAT function: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/format-transact-sql
You may need to select your datetime twice with the CONVERT. Once for the date and once for the time in order to get the combination of formats you want.


Varchar(255) as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM to Datetime format - SQL Server

I know there are a million of these date conversion questions, but I can't find the specific one to solve my problem.
I have a table with a column [Date] that contains data that is formatted as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM, but is stored as a varchar.
[Date] (varchar(255),null)
12/22/2017 0:34
12/21/2017 21:33
12/21/2017 21:17
I need to run a query and filter by date range, so I need to figure out how to convert to a usable datetime format.
I've tried
WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(255), CAST([Date] AS DATETIME), 121) between #beg1 and #end1
But get the error
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
I've tried several other answers, but none were quite formatted the same as my data so the conversions didn't work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
As many of us have mentioned, to real solution is fix the data type, which means altering the database.
First, to fix the data, you need to change the format to an ISO format, specifically here we're going to do with the ISO8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.mmm). This will require a TRY_CONVERT and CONVERT (the first to change the data to a smalldatetime and the second to the formatted varchar):
UPDATE dbo.YourTable
SET YourDate = CONVERT(varchar(20),TRY_CONVERT(smalldatetime, YourDate, 101), 126);
Now we can alter the data type (to a smalldatetime as your data is accurate to a minute:
ALTER TABLE dbo.YourTable ALTER COLUMN YourDate smalldatetime NULL;
If you "must" leave it at a varchar (this is a bad idea, as your data has so many problems is so), then you need to use TRY_CONVERT in the WHERE, with the correct style code:
WHERE TRY_CONVERT(smalldatetime, YourDate, 101)
This is, however, a really bad idea as your data is severely flawed. For example, according to your data, the "date" '12/22/2017 0:34' is after today ('09/30/2020 21:25'), not before.
The code as you wrote it works fine. You probably have a badly formatted record or record where it is not in a date format. Try code like this to find those records. Any columns with a "NULL" value are ones where the try_cast could not succeed. These are the ones blowing up your query.
You can then choose to correct these values or simply exclude them from your query.
[DateText], try_cast([DateText] AS Datetime) FROM Dates

Check data type format of every value of a column in SQL Server

I have a table_1 that has column dob which has datatype nvarchar(max). Now I want to check every date whether it is in datetime format or not.
The dates which are in datetime format should be copied to table_2 that has column with a datatype of datetime.
Any help how can I do this?
If you are using SQL Server 2012 or later, then TRY_CONVERT can help here:
FROM yourTable
This would return every record from your table where the dob text field is in some format which SQL Server cannot natively convert to a datetime.
This will insert all the strings can be converted into Table_2
INSERT INTO Table_2 (DateTimeColumn)
FROM Table_1
It is a very bad habit to store datetime values in a string. The reason why: Date-Time formats differ around the world and depend on your system's culture settings. Even worse, some format depend on a given language. Try this out:
SET LANGUAGE ENGLISH; --try with GERMAN to see the effect on "Decemeber"
SET DATEFORMAT ymd; --try with "ydm" or "dmy"
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES('blah') --just a wrong value
,('20201231') --ISO, "unseparated YMD-format (see CONVERT with 112)
,('2020-12-31') --ISO8601
,('2020-31-12') --European with leading year
,('12-31-2020') --USA (see CONVERT with 110)
,('31-12-2020') --European (see CONVERT with 113)
,('31 December 2020') --language dependant (see CONVERT with 113), try with German "Dezember"
,('2020-02-30'); --Invalid, there's no 30th of February
SELECT t.dob --Your value
,[cast] = TRY_CAST(t.dob AS DATETIME) --CAST relies on the system's settings (might work on your machine but can break on a customer's machine
,[convert] = TRY_CONVERT(DATETIME, t.dob, 112) --CONVERT allows to use the style paramter, better than CAST, but more strict
,[parse] = TRY_PARSE(t.dob AS DATETIME USING 'en-US') --Parsing allows to mention the culture. You do not need to specify the language as a general setting
,[xmlCast] = CAST(t.dob AS XML).value('. cast as xs:date?','datetime') --Works below v2012, but can deal with ISO8601 only.
FROM #tbl t;
Play with the settings
You can use GERMAN instead of ENGLISH. The entry with December will not work any more. You can change the general date format to any combination of ymd and find, that some formats stop to work while others start to work.
TRY_CAST, TRY_CONVERT and TRY_PARSE will need a version of v2012 or higher.
If you are running an older system you should upgrade ( :-) ). The only chance with an older system is a XML hack, but this is very tightly bound to ISO8601.
Finally: For your next question, please try to add more information. State some of your input values, mention your RDBMS with version and try to set up a mockup with DDL and INSERT (look what I've done above).
Hint: Very dangerous...
Try to insert a value like 2020-05-06 and you will find, that some styles read this as the 5th of June, while others return the 6th of May. Returning wrong values is worse than returning NULL or throwing an error...

T SQL Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string from VARCHAR(MAX)

I'm using SQL Server 2014. I have a date stored as varchar(MAX) in the format of:
However, I want it in the British format dd/mm/yyyy (103).
This is my SQL:
SELECT CONVERT(DATE, DateField, 103) AS "JobStartDate"
FROM tblTest
However, I keep getting this error:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
What am I missing?
Update: The date is initially stored as varchar max as it is coming from a 3rd party system. I have no control over this and I completly understand this is the wrong format, but this is what I have been given.
I have a date stored as varchar(MAX)
There's your problem right there.
Not only you are using the wrong data type to store dates, you are also using max which is a known performance killer.
The solution to the problem is to alter the table and store dates in a Date data type - but first, you must look up all the objects that depends on that column and make sure they will not break or change them as well.
Assuming this can't be done, or as a temporary workaround, you must first convert the data you have to Date, and then convert it back to a string representation of that date using the 103 style to get dd/mm/yyyy.
Since yyyy-mm-dd string format is not culture dependent with the date data type, you can simply do this:
SELECT CONVERT(char(10), TRY_CAST(DateField As Date), 103) As [JobStartDate]
FROM tblTest
Note I've used try_cast and not cast since the database can't stop you from storing values that can't be converted to dates in that column.
You want to format the DateField column and not convert it to date.
So first convert it to DATE and then apply the format:
SELECT FORMAT(CONVERT(DATE, DateField, 21), 'dd/MM/yyyy') AS JobStartDate
See the demo.

Convert One Datetime format to another in SQL Server

I have a datetime2 format in my Database 2015-06-22 06:23:42.790. I need to convert this into the following format 22/06/2015 06:23:42.790.
Is it possible?
Here is one way to do this:
DECLARE #date DATETIME2 = '2015-06-22 06:23:42.790';
SELECT cast(convert(VARCHAR(10), cast(LEFT(#date, 10) AS DATE), 3) AS VARCHAR(10))
+ ' ' + substring(cast(#date AS VARCHAR(50)), 12, 12)
Query breakdown:
First part: take first 10 characters from your datefield and then convert it to date style 3 (dd/mm/yyyy).
Second part: Add a space between date and time.
Third part: cast your datefield as varchar and extract the time which should always start in the 12th position of your string.
Join them all together and there you have it! Hope this helps!
Don't try to convert the database layout. Year Month Day is how SQL server shows the date because it ignores any international date formats.
I notice you want it as 22/06/2015 are you in the UK ? In the USA it would be 06/22/2015 Not such a problem because it's obvious that the 22 is the day. But if the date was 05/06/2015 how would sql or anyone know what day or month you're talking about.
So, get in to the habit of working in the ISO format year month day.
You don't mention what programming language. When reading data out of the database youd read it into a datetime variable. That will convert the date correctly into whatever locale your user is using. Different languages have different ways of getting the date into a datettime variable.
If it's only for display-use you can convert to varchar with FORMAT() function:
datevalue DATETIME2
SELECT datevalue,
FORMAT(datevalue,'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff') as newformat
FROM #tab

Correct way of specifying a given date in T-SQL

I am writing some T-SQL which needs to enforce a minimum date value onto some null fields:
set #epoch='1900-01-01';
select min = ISNULL(ValidFromDate,#epoch)
Is the string '1900-01-01' always going to return a datetime of Jan 1 1900 in any environment or will SQL server try to parse the string according to local culture rules?
If that's not good enough, what is the recommended way of specifying a particular date/time in T-SQL?
The best format for string-based dates is the ISO-8601 standard format.
For DATETIME variables and columns, this is either YYYYMMDD (for dates without time; without any dashes!) or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (date + time).
Contrary to popular belief, YYYY-MM-DD for DATETIME variables is NOT language-/dateformat-independent! If you try this, the second CAST will result in an error:
SET LANGUAGE us_english
but this will work:
This is the best format since it's indepdendent of your language and dateformat settings in SQL Server.
For SQL Server 2008 and columns of type DATE (just date - no time), the format can also be YYYY-MM-DD (with the dashes) and that works for all settings, too.
Why there is such a difference between DATE and DATETIME is beyond me - that's just the way it is for now!
See Tibor Karaszi's excellent The Ultimate Guide to the DateTime data types for even more details and examples.
