Convert One Datetime format to another in SQL Server - sql-server

I have a datetime2 format in my Database 2015-06-22 06:23:42.790. I need to convert this into the following format 22/06/2015 06:23:42.790.
Is it possible?

Here is one way to do this:
DECLARE #date DATETIME2 = '2015-06-22 06:23:42.790';
SELECT cast(convert(VARCHAR(10), cast(LEFT(#date, 10) AS DATE), 3) AS VARCHAR(10))
+ ' ' + substring(cast(#date AS VARCHAR(50)), 12, 12)
Query breakdown:
First part: take first 10 characters from your datefield and then convert it to date style 3 (dd/mm/yyyy).
Second part: Add a space between date and time.
Third part: cast your datefield as varchar and extract the time which should always start in the 12th position of your string.
Join them all together and there you have it! Hope this helps!

Don't try to convert the database layout. Year Month Day is how SQL server shows the date because it ignores any international date formats.
I notice you want it as 22/06/2015 are you in the UK ? In the USA it would be 06/22/2015 Not such a problem because it's obvious that the 22 is the day. But if the date was 05/06/2015 how would sql or anyone know what day or month you're talking about.
So, get in to the habit of working in the ISO format year month day.
You don't mention what programming language. When reading data out of the database youd read it into a datetime variable. That will convert the date correctly into whatever locale your user is using. Different languages have different ways of getting the date into a datettime variable.

If it's only for display-use you can convert to varchar with FORMAT() function:
datevalue DATETIME2
SELECT datevalue,
FORMAT(datevalue,'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff') as newformat
FROM #tab


SQL Server date separator dot not working while inserting data

When I insert a date like this '01.03.2020 21:35:12' it changes into '2020-01-03 21:35:12.000'.
I want to insert the date with DOT as the Date separator.
NOTE: I'm not using a stored procedure, just insert query.
This is an inferior choice in format, because nobody reading that code can be certain whether you meant January 3rd or March 1st. You can get there this way, but it is ugly, unintuitive, and equally non-self-documenting:
DECLARE #d varchar(30) = '01.03.2020 21:35:12';
SELECT CONVERT(datetime, #d, 104);
Much better to use a standard, unambiguous date format for literals. These are the only two formats not subject to misinterpretation by language, dateformat, or regional settings, and therefore don't need to be accompanied by cryptic style numbers:
DECLARE #d1 varchar(30) = '20200301 21:35:12',
#d2 varchar(30) = '2020-03-01T21:35:12';
SELECT CONVERT(datetime, #d1), CONVERT(datetime, #d2);
Recommended SQL Server Date Formats
Bad Habits to Kick : Mis-handling date / range queries
Dating Responsibly
I don't think you can change the display in SSMS from the YYYY-MM-DD TIME format. If you want to change the way you get the date back when selected, you can use the CONVERT or FORMAT functions.
CONVERT function:
FORMAT function:
You may need to select your datetime twice with the CONVERT. Once for the date and once for the time in order to get the combination of formats you want.

Convert DDMMYYYY to YYYYMMDD date format in sql server?

I have a date in table as "26052016" in format DDMMYYYY
I want to convert this date to "YYYYMMDD" format.
Any idea
I have tried this method
select CONVERT(varchar(8),[doc-date],112) FROM C034_PDK_ParallelBillingSourceExtract
But this is gives me the same date as a result.
Please help me
I can find this way, i don't know if any other way exist or not..
declare #date nvarchar(max)='01052016'
select convert(varchar(8),cast(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(#date,3,2),'/',SUBSTRING(#date,1,2),'/',SUBSTRING(#date,5,4)) as date),112)as [YYYYMMDD]
Clear Code:
declare #date nvarchar(max)='01052016'
declare #date1 date
set #date1 =cast(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(#date,3,2),'/',SUBSTRING(#date,1,2),'/',SUBSTRING(#date,5,4)) as date)
select convert(varchar(8),#date1,112)as [YYYYMMDD]
If you are using Sql version< 2012 then you need to skip CONCAT and use + for string concatination.
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), doc-date, 112) AS [YYYYMMDD] from
Check ... this should work correctly.
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), '26052016', 112) AS [YYYYMMDD] from
Try like this,
SELECT substring([doc-date], 5, 4) + substring([doc-date], 3, 2) + substring([doc-date], 1, 2) AS [YYYYMMDD]
FROM C034_PDK_ParallelBillingSourceExtract
There are differet ways to do it.
The best way is to use substring method as you know the character positions are going to remain same.
For Example
Suppose your date is - 31122015
Pick the portions of date using substring method and concatenate them
select SUBSTRING('31122015',5,4) + SUBSTRING('31122015',3,2) + SUBSTRING('31122015',1,2)
The result would be - 20153112
Since SQL Server 2016 we have a couple of handy tools for this:
Use DATEFROMPARTS and SUBSTRING to convert odd date formats from any arrangement within a Varchar to an actual date:
SELECT DATEFROMPARTS(SUBSTRING('31122015',5,4), SUBSTRING('31122015',3,2), SUBSTRING('31122015',1,2))
Use FORMAT to Convert an actual date to YYYYMMDD:
SELECT FORMAT(MyDate, 'yyyyMMdd')
watch out for the yyyyMMdd, that's the only part of MS SQL that is case-sensitive. Lower case mm is "minutes" and upper case MM is "Month", upper case YYYY or DD is nothing, and will just add letters to your output!

Insert System date in dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss format

Im trying to insert Checkout Date in dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss format using the following query:
insert into Rawtransactions
(Card Number,Processing Date,CurrencyCode,Checkout Date
But It inserted date in this format 02 Sep 2015 14:45:09:390 instead of 02/09/2015 14:45:09:390. What is the right syntax for this?
EDITED - Please note that the Checkout Date is an nvarchar field and the Schema cant be changed now. I want to know how can I insert date in this field?
Try like this:
select CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 103) + ' ' + convert(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(), 14)
However it is not recommended to store dates as varchar() as it may lead you to some formatting issues like this in future.
Dates are dates. You can't control the format in which the database stores them; they're just values with a date data type. If you want to use them later in an application and display them a certain way, then that is up to your application.

display current date -1 in sybase

I am trying to display the previous day's date Sybase using a select query:
select dateadd(day,-1,convert(char(10), getdate(), 23))
this query displays as 2015-06-18 00:00:00.0
I expect the output to be 2015-06-18.
How can I get that?
Try select dateadd(day,-1,convert(Date, getdate(), 365))
Try select convert(char(10),dateadd(day,-1, getdate() ), 23 )
Dateadd expects a date parameter as the third argument. In your example you're feeding it a char(10) . Even though implicit conversion from Char->DateTime is supported in Sybase, I would not code to depend on it in this case.
Well, datetime is a binary type. How it is formatted for display is up to you.
getdate() returns a datetime representing the current date/time. And dateadd() returns a datetime or date value, depending on what it started with (in your case, that would be datetime). And when you run your select statement, it's getting converted to a string using the default format configured for your Sybase instance. Hence your results.
In a nutshell, you are:
Converting the datetime value to char(10) to get an ISO 8601 format date string (yyyy-mm-dd).
Converting that back to a datetime value (so the time component is start-of-day)
Subtracting one day.
The easiest way to get what you want (yesterday's date) is this:
dateadd(day,-1, convert(date,getdate()) )
Which, when formatted for display, will come out as something like (depending on the default format configured for your Sybase instance) yyyy-mm-dd.
Or it might come out like November 29, 2015. If you want to ensure that it is an ISO 8601 date representation, you'll need to be explicit about it and cast it a char or varchar, thus:
convert(char(10) , dateadd(day,-1, convert(date,getdate()) ) , 23 )
which leaves you with a char(10) value containing yesterday's date.
If your version of Sybase doesn't support date, you'll have to fall back to what you were doing, but something like this:
convert(char(10) , dateadd(day,-1, getdate() ) , 23 )
You are telling it to give you hh:mm:ss, so that's what you are getting.
The 23 inside the convert is the format code for yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss There is no code to get yyyy-mm-dd, the closest you can get is 105 (dd-mm-yy) or 110 (mm-yy-dd).
If you need yyyy-mm-dd, then you'll have to convert the date to a string(char or varchar), and truncate the parts you don't want.
Converting Datetime

SQL Server 2008 script - how to to acquire current date from system and store it into a date column

Hey fellas, I'm having difficulty obtaining only the date from the system and inserting it into a column, is there a built-in function that can acquire it?
On top of that, how do I add years to the current date?
I know I'm pushing it right now, but I'm also wondering what's the format for the date datatype?
Because sometimes I'd like to manually insert values into a column with that type in mind.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
To get date only (SQL Server 2008 only) CAST to date type
To add years, use DATEADD
Formats: use yyyymmdd or ISO yyyy-mm-dd (for newer datetime types) for safety.
Read this for everything about date+time in SQL Server
To add a year to the current date, look at the dateadd() function.
To just get the date from sql w/o the time, you can do this:
Sql will implicity convert the VARCHAR back to DATETIME. Look up the CONVERT function in BOL and it will give you all kinds of different styles for the 3rd parameter.
