Salesforce Custom button calling docsign through javascript not working in lightning - salesforce

Salesforce custom button calling docsign through java script not working in lightning.
Javascript code is as below :-
window.location.href ="{!URLFOR('/apex/dsfs__DocuSign_CreateEnvelope', null, [DSEID='0',LA='0',SourceID=End_Customer_Contracts__c.Id])}"
Please suggest.


Salesforce - Docusign Preview button on the record page

We got a DOCUSIGN button to generate a PDF document and send it to the clients for the e-signature but we need the one-click button to preview the document without having to go through all the steps (Selecting template -> selecting recipients --> then clicking on preview button). Really appreciate it if someone could provide guidance here.
With DAL/Apex toolkit, there is no API function allowing to preview a document inside a template. However if an envelope was already sent in draft state, built based on this template, you can preview the envelope with the API function "getSenderViewUrl".
If you're interested, please refer to the documentation:

Google Chome Extension: Not able to do pass angular validation by javascript

I am working on google chrome extension project and wanted to insert login credentials to Angular based website through external javascript like
but when I click on Submit button it will not submit the form due to the validation ng-untouch by Angular.
Please suggest me how can i pass the validation so that I can login.

Pre-populate recipients list on Docusign for Salesforce Lightning

I know this feature is available for the old Salesforce UI, but couldn't find anywhere how to pre-populate recipients using Docusign Lightning component.
Has anybody been able to solve it?
With SalesForce "classic" you could use a JavaScript button to prepopulate recipient info when the DocuSign Envelope is created. However, it appears that SalesForce Lightening does not support JavaScript buttons.
To customize "Send with DocuSign" behavior in SalesForce Lightening, you might try the following approach:
Create a Visualforce page that launches an APEX class controller that opens a URL.
Create a class to define that controller.
Create a new action on the opportunity and associate the Visualforce page to the action.
Add the Action to the appropriate area on the Opportunity page layout.
You can find a code sample for this type of implementation on this thread in the SalesForce Developer forum: And, this other SO post shows an attempt to implement this approach to customize the Send with Docusign behavior: Customize "Send With Docusign" in Salesforce Lightning.
Note: I'm not a SalesForce developer and this answer is simply recommending an approach that others seem to have used in the scenario you've described.

Do something before logout in salesforce apex?

Is it possible to customize or override the salesforce logout method in apex? I want to do some thing custom when user goes to logout salesforce account.
enter image description here
You screenshot shows the standard logout link which can not be customized.
You can customize the "logout" flow in a community using custom code by having a custom logout link which calls a controller action which wraps the standard logout function but this is only in a case where you are not using the standard header and can implement a custom link for logging out.
The logout flow of salesforce is a standard anchor tag call with a href to a link. If you inspect the element you can see that.
Unfortunately, there is no controller where the control comes after a click of the LogOut option. The only way you can get some control is, if you customize your logout URL and make salesforce redirect to it after it logs itself out. In that way, you can solve the branding issues but can not do anything related to the user as the user context is lost as soon as salesforce logs out itself.
Though in the idea forum there are ideas for doing that but looks like Salesforce is not doing anything in that front.
Hope this helps.

How to override or change the action call in websphere portal 8.0 application

What I did.
Step 1: I have made a web page and added Search widget as web content.
when I have seen the view-source code the I have got action call on submit of search button is : action='/wps/myportal/Search/Search%20Center/!ut/p/b1/jZBBDoIwEEXPwgFMP4QWWNbW0EbAaEShG8PCmCYCLozn1xLiwig4u0nemz_5xJCKmK552Etzt33XXN1u2AkQQukY6_SwpeBhTn2q9gHAXkA9AN-HY_BFylUYZUAspYCWy4QVjAIrjP4bQBgHDlAySnJAs__yJwJm_CMxH0iS-Q7ZiB2PgNQfgakXxwu_O5hroVB9eya3tiwrWL3gnvcEg0x68A!!/dl4/d5/L0lJSklKSmchL0lCakFBQXlBQkVRaVFBISEvNEprRnQyUWp2eWpDL1o2X0NHQUg0N0wwMEdQNzkwSURCOTBNTkkwT0kzL1o3X0NHQUg0N0wwMEdQNzkwSURCOTBNTkkwT0E2LzFicVBOWkpqZWRB/'.
Now I want change this action functionality either can I write my own action and How do I do my development so the action developed by me is invoked?.
If you want custom action processing then you should create your own search portlet and use that instead. You can then use the Search and Index API to create your results page.
