Google Chome Extension: Not able to do pass angular validation by javascript - angularjs

I am working on google chrome extension project and wanted to insert login credentials to Angular based website through external javascript like
but when I click on Submit button it will not submit the form due to the validation ng-untouch by Angular.
Please suggest me how can i pass the validation so that I can login.


Salesforce Custom button calling docsign through javascript not working in lightning

Salesforce custom button calling docsign through java script not working in lightning.
Javascript code is as below :-
window.location.href ="{!URLFOR('/apex/dsfs__DocuSign_CreateEnvelope', null, [DSEID='0',LA='0',SourceID=End_Customer_Contracts__c.Id])}"
Please suggest.

Debounce Email Validation with Elementor Pro

I am having issues getting the Debounce API to work with Elementor Forms to verify the email addresses that users enter on my website. Has anyone successfully integrated the Debounce API with their Elementor Site via Wordpress?
I've already added required code to the server backend and also css code to the input of the form, but no luck with connecting to the Debounce service.

How to open an external URL in a modal from AngularJS app

I want to use OAuth in my AngularJS application, and to do so I need to take the user to the Twitter OAuth page so that they can grant access. I could do this inside my application, but I'd prefer not to redirect the user out of the context of the Angular app (i.e. don't reload the page) and so what I want to do is open the authorization page in a pop-up or modal window. The user completes the workflow in that window and when they close the modal, the access token is stored in my app, or in a cookie.
I am really struggling to figure out how to open this pop-up and populate it with the Twitter grant authorization page.
> Here is an example:
If you could get an external website to open in that modal then I think I might be part-way there?
I don't believe that's possible. Even if you could embed the Twitter auth page inside a modal's iframe, the OAuth flow would ways force it to redirect. Knowing that a redirect is applied to the entire page (e.g. browser window/tab) and not only to the iframe, it would end up redirecting your entire page.
And there's also the phishing risk
Your only option is to open a new browser tab/window(popup).
More information about Twitter's OAuth flows here and here.

how to setup firebase javascript simple login with cordova

I have problem when using angular firebase javascript simple login with cordova.
Below is testing under cordova emulate android
user click on google login button
redirect to google login page
after submitted login form. the page stuck with loading.... please wait
and this error messsage in console not allowed to load local resouces
I got no problem when using desktop browser or mobile browser. It is just mobile app.
Anyone know what error is that?
Tools i use
iconic framework
There are some specific configuration issues (and a couple of bugs that needed to be worked out) but this should work well now. Firebase has a blog post explaining how to get this working "Using Firebase Simple Login with Ionic and PhoneGap".

Share one page with Facebook JS SDK with angularJS

I'm doing an web app with angularJS that is about books. Now that app is in the end im try to share an book page in facebook.
Every time that user click in a share button i change in the controller the meta tags but when the FB.UI Share Dialog opens nothing is scraped . This happens because facebook scraper don't run javascript?
How can i solve this?
