Installation of package ‘sf’ had non-zero exit status - sf

This error came, and I have tried many ways to install the sf package on Mac I found online. But nothing works.
install.packages("sf_1.0-8.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type ="source")
install.packages("sf", dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("Desktop/sf_1.0-8.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")
install.packages("sf", configure.args="--with-proj-lib=/opt/homebrew/lib/")
system("ls -l /usr/include/udunits2.h")


SFML D bindings: cannot open shared object file:

I recently did a fresh install of CSFML and I am getting this errors when running my program:
object.Exception#source/app.d(38): Fatal error(s) encountered whilst calling `loadSFML()` function:
["Error:, Message: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory",
"Error:, Message: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory",
"Error:, Message: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"]
I am using SFML D bindings (
void loadDyn() {
if (!loadSFML()) {
string[] messages;
foreach (const(ErrorInfo) err; errors) {
string errorStr = to!string(err.error);
string messageStr = to!string(err.message);
messages ~= format("Error: %s, Message: %s", errorStr, messageStr);
throw new Exception(format("Fatal error(s) encountered whilst calling `loadSFML()` function: %s", messages));
void main() {
sfRenderWindow* renderWindow = sfRenderWindow_create(sfVideoMode(500, 500), "Snake Smooth Dynamics", sfWindowStyle.sfDefaultStyle, null);
sfEvent event;
while (renderWindow.sfRenderWindow_isOpen()) {
while (renderWindow.sfRenderWindow_pollEvent(&event)) {
if (event.type == sfEventType.sfEvtClosed) {
renderWindow.sfRenderWindow_drawSprite(snakeHeadSprite, null);
Things I've tried:
I found someone with a similar question: Linux SFML - Cannot Open Shared Object File, tried out some answers but to no avail
I tried to sudo apt purge every CSFML dependency (graphics, audo, etc) and reinstall each component (csfml-audio, csfml-graphics) manually etc, to no avail.
I tried to run sudo ldconfig... didn't work
As a last ditch effort I tried to manually move the shared object files to the /usr/local/lib directory (to try and perhaps trick the compiler to run the program?) but to no avail.
I tried to run on a new VM and still didn't work
I tried to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
The amount of layers I depend on make it impossible to find where the bug is from, there are a lot of separate things going on and it's very multilayered, I don't know where the issue is specifically coming from as it used to work just fine I ran the exact same commands to install CSFML previously, now when I do it it just refuses to run.
The weird thing is when I ran a brand new virtual machine, installed those packages, still same issue.
I am running Linux Mint 21.1, Ubuntu based. Relatively new PC.

Rsyslog's imfile plugin not working on CentOS 7?

I am trying to get Rsyslog's imfile plugin working without
any real success.
Here is useful OS version information:
# cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)
And here is Rsyslog version information:
# rsyslogd -v
rsyslogd 7.4.7, compiled with:
GSSAPI Kerberos 5 support: Yes
FEATURE_DEBUG (debug build, slow code): No
32bit Atomic operations supported: Yes
64bit Atomic operations supported: Yes
Runtime Instrumentation (slow code): No
uuid support: Yes
See for more information.
I tried both legacy and RainerScript format of the configuration.
None of them works for me, sadly. I must be doing something completely wrong
but I simply can not decide on what it could be.
Here is my actual testing configuration (in RainerScript, the
former legacy version I tested was exactly the same in it's meaning):
# cat /etc/rsyslog.conf
workDirectory = "/tmp"
load = "imuxsock"
load = "imjournal"
stateFile = "journal.state"
load = "imfile"
pollingInterval = "10"
ruleset(name = "test-ruleset") {
if $syslogtag contains "test-syslogtag" then {
type = "omfile"
file = "/tmp/test-file.log"
type = "imfile"
tag = "test-syslogtag"
stateFile = "test-input.state"
facility = "daemon"
severity = "debug"
file = "/tmp/"
ruleset = "test-ruleset"
if prifilt("*.*") then {
type = "omfile"
file = "/tmp/rsyslog-testing.log"
No warning nor error are produced by the Rsyslog with the above
configuration but also nothing from the /tmp/ file
is copied to the /tmp/test-file.log.
(I also double-checked the /var/log/audit/audit.log, of course, and ...
nothing suspicious is there. Being desperate on what's going on, I also
tried to setenforce 0 to switch SELinux off completely and to restart
the Rsyslog afterwards. It did not helped so the root cause of the problem
may not be SELinux-related issue.)
Also, the test-input.state file is correctly created in the global
workDirectory path (/tmp in this testing case). I also tried
standard paths (logs in /var/log, state file in /var/lib/rsyslog)
and it does not work either although all related files were created properly.
What's weird: I can not see any change in the state file if I populate the
input log file with some testing data even after Rsyslog restart using
# systemctl restart rsyslog (it should update the state file by default).
Just to point out: the imjournal and imuxsock plugins work and populate the fallback log file /tmp/rsyslog-testing.log correctly. Also
manually running Rsyslog on foreground with -D and/or -d options
did not helped me much to clarify why the imfile plugin does not work
for me in this particular configuration.
So, could you please
check my RainerScript syntax whether there is no obvious fault (I guess there is no such),
show me some working imfile plugin configuration on EL7?
Thank you very much.
With a few minor changes it finaly started to work properly. I think the
main root cause of the problem in my case must have been my testing it in
the /tmp directory where Rsyslog does not seem to work properly for some
reason on CentOS 7.
(May it be the /tmp is populated by the File System Namespace even
despite the fact that Systemd option PrivateTmp is not set to true in
the Rsyslog unit file and this option should be set to false by
default according to the Systemd manual page? This is higly unprobable, but
I haven't managed myself to dig more further into it yet. If I find it out,
I will update this answer.)
The other minor cause might have been incorrect filter written in
RainerScript (my real testing instance contained a horrible typo I
simply over-looked). So here is the resulting testing configuration that
works like charm for me.
# cat /etc/rsyslog.conf
workDirectory = "/var/lib/rsyslog"
load = "imuxsock"
load = "imjournal"
stateFile = "journal.state"
load = "imfile"
pollingInterval = "10"
ruleset(name = "test-ruleset") {
if $programname == "test-syslogtag" then {
type = "omfile"
file = "/var/log/test-file.log"
type = "imfile"
tag = "test-syslogtag:"
stateFile = "test-input.state"
facility = "daemon"
severity = "debug"
file = "/var/log/"
ruleset = "test-ruleset"
if prifilt("*.*") then {
type = "omfile"
file = "/var/log/rsyslog-testing.log"
A little hint for those not knowing it - the $syslogtag and the
$programname seem to be close relatives: $syslogtag := $programname ":".
You can easily find out all the $ prefixed variables you can match against
by using RSYSLOG_DebugFormat output template which is already compiled in.
I hope it helps.

Problems with mod_auth_token installation

apache2 -v : Server version: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
ubuntu 14.04 LTS
I'd like to install mod_auth_token to secure some of my files but I'm having problems with the first command I need to run:
Error message
configure: error: APXS not found in $PATH, please use with-apxs to specify the location of the apxs binary
Except that locate apxs returns none so I guess it's nowhere and
echo $PATH -> /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games
Any ideas ?
Found it, apxs2 was missing, to add it apt-get install apache2-dev
But now when I run make or make check or make install I get a warning and the installation stops:
mod_auth_token.c:65:3: warning: missing sentinel in funcgtion call [ -Wformat=]
ap_set_string_slot(cmd, config, apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, arg, '/'));
if (arg[len -1] != '/') {
/*here*/ ap_set_string_slot(cmd, config, apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, arg, '/'));
conf->prefix_len = len + 1;
I was having this issue and developer here figured this for me (thanks Bill!).
According to Apache Docs "The final string must be NULL"
He changed that line to:
ap_set_string_slot(cmd, config, apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, arg, '/', NULL));
and it compiled.

How to list packages and dependencies that will be installed in Macports?

Is there a way to just list all new packages and their dependencies that port will install for a given command?
For instance, consider installing the SciPy stack with the suggested:
sudo port install py27-numpy py27-scipy py27-matplotlib py27-ipython +notebook py27-pandas py27-sympy py27-nose
That installs a ton of packages and dependencies not listed in the above command.
Also, some of them I already have.
I'm already aware of the -y switch but that gives a verbose output of everything, including packages I had already installed.
I'm interested to have port tell me which new packages (be it dependencies or not) will be installed.
Is there a known way or do people just parse the -y output of the command, comparing each reported package against the existing installed packages?
p.s. I'm fairly new to Macports and MacOSX (in Linux, apt-get always tells you which new packages will be installed)
You can use a port expression to print what will be installed:
port echo rdepof:$yourport and not installed
or for multiple ports
port echo \( rdepof:$yourport rdepof:$yourport2 ... \) and not installed
Due to the number of Portfiles involved in this and how the set operations are implemented, this will be rather slow. That being said, we're also working on improving this and providing feedback prior to installation like apt-get in a future MacPorts version.
neverpanic already gave a answer, but it seems unable to handle variants (like +notebook) and command-line options (like configure.compiler=macports-clang-3.7). I had a separate solution. The following Python script can display the new dependencies recursively:
#!/usr/bin/env python
#coding: utf-8
import re
import sys
import subprocess
# Gets command output as a list of lines
def popen_readlines(cmd):
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if p.returncode != 0:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, cmd)
return map(lambda line: line.rstrip('\n'), p.stdout.readlines())
# Gets the port name from a line like " gcc6 #6.1.0_0 (active)"
def get_port_name(port_line):
return re.sub(r'^ (\S+).*', r'\1', port_line)
# Gets installed ports as a set
def get_installed():
installed_ports_lines = popen_readlines(['port', 'installed'])[1:]
installed_ports = set(map(get_port_name, installed_ports_lines))
return installed_ports
# Gets port names from items that may contain version specifications,
# variants, or options
def get_ports(ports_and_specs):
requested_ports = set()
for item in ports_and_specs:
if not ('^[-+#]', item) or'=', item)):
return requested_ports
# Gets dependencies for the given port list (which may contain options
# etc.), as a list of tuples (combining with level), excluding items in
# ignored_ports
def get_deps(ports, ignored_ports, level):
if ports == []:
return []
deps_raw = popen_readlines(['port', 'deps'] + ports)
uninstalled_ports = []
for line in deps_raw:
if'Dependencies:', line):
deps = re.sub(r'.*Dependencies:\s*', '', line).split(', ')
uninstalled_ports += [x for x in deps if x not in ignored_ports]
ignored_ports |= set(deps)
port_level_pairs = []
for port in uninstalled_ports:
port_level_pairs += [(port, level)]
port_level_pairs += get_deps([port], ignored_ports, level + 1)
return port_level_pairs
def main():
if sys.argv[1:]:
ports_and_specs = sys.argv[1:]
ignored_ports = get_installed() | get_ports(ports_and_specs)
uninstalled_ports = get_deps(ports_and_specs, ignored_ports, 0)
for (port, level) in uninstalled_ports:
print ' ' * (level * 2) + port
if __name__ == '__main__':
It can be invoked like libomp configure.compiler=macports-clang-3.7. As a bonus, it can show the uninstalled dependencies as a tree.

git_remote_connect always return wrong

i'm new in libgit2. and my problem is about git_remote_connect function, this problem has been confusing me for many days.
when i use git_remote_connect, it always return wrong, the message is:This transport isn't implemented. Sorry
The code is simply looks like:
git_remote *remote = NULL;
git_remote_load(remote, git_repo, remote_name);
// output the correctly result, just like run: git remote -v
g_message("remote user:", git_remote_name(remote)); // github-username
g_message("remote url:", git_remote_url(remote)); //
if (git_remote_connect(remote, GIT_DIRECTION_FETCH) < 0) {
const git_error *e = giterr_last();
g_error("connect wrong!\n"
"message: %s",
The protocol you're asking libgit2 to use was not included while compiling. Install the development package/headers for whatever package is needed and compile libgit2 again. The cmake output will tell you what was discovered; see the README for the libraries.
As an aside, is a local path, which is always available, so it's unlikely that this is the URL which libgit2 is trying to use.
you should enable SSH in CMakeLists.txt
OPTION(USE_SSH "Link with libssh2 to enable SSH support" ON)
