How can I add Multiple Time dimensions on the same Google Data Studio chart? - google-data-studio

I would like to check if it's possible to plot more than one time-dimensions in a Google Data Studio chart, preferably a time series (line) chart. I'm having a lot of trouble to represent different information in the same chart through Google Data Studio.
I want to represent a sales cycle, that has 8 stages, meaning that most of them does not occur in the same day. All of them are related to one client/user. I've treated the data so I have this information separated, as I'm able to use it and create different and separated graphs - my intention, although, is to create one common graph with the time dimension not necessarily related to the other DateTime metrics.
Data set (Google Sheets):
Client ID (string)
Sign in at (date)
Commercial Approval at (date)
Commercial Approved (string)
Contract signed at (date)
Contract signed (string)
The result I want to achieve (hand-made, on the PowerPoint):
Google Data Studio result I'm achieving:
Google Data Studio makes me choose one of the Date dimensions as the dimension. For example, if I chose the Signed at as a dimension and choose the period as between (including) 04/12/2021 and 06/12/2021, then Google Data Studio will group the Clients by Signed at, and overlook the activities by those that Signed at 03/12/2021.

You should try linking the two sources directly through the date's, and not choose any other dimension, only as metrics! This worked for me, but unfortunately I can't replicate it for another project.
It is worth a try anyway.
Looks like this:
enter image description here


Google Data Studio convert metric to dimension not working

I have imported my GA4 data into Google Data Studio and am trying to see how many giftcards have been sold by their value.
The item revenue metric in GA4 is equal to the giftcard value (i.e. revenue = $200 therefore $200 giftcard was sold).
I want to breakdown sales by giftcard value like so:
Giftcard (revenue)
To do this, I need to set a copy of item revenue as a dimension rather than a metric.
In Google Data Studio, I can create a calculated field with the following formula that should convert the item revenue into text:
CAST(Item Revenue AS TEXT)
The problem I'm having is that while the formula sets the field type as text, it is still regarded by GDS as a metric and can't be used as a dimension.
Even when I try to add text, GDS still recognises the field as a number:
CONCAT(CAST(Item Revenue AS TEXT), " giftcard")
To use a metric as a dimension you can make a combination of data. When defining the graphic element (table, for example) and the respective data source, just create a data combination, but do not combine the data with any other source and just define the combination with the initial data itself. So you will have the same data structure only through a combined structure.
When making a combination of data, data studio recognizes all calculated fields (metrics) as dimensions. Thus, it is possible to make the conversion.

Comparation Periods in Google Data Studio

I'm creating a in google data studio that has a table behind with data by day.
I need it to be comparable with the month before, but there's a catch that I'm currently stuck!
The period should be something like:
This allows the comparation between periods with different number of days, example:
Date of analysis: 28/06/2021 - 27/07/2021
Date of comparation: 28/05/2021 - 27/06/2021
When trying to create something like this in DataStudio (with date range controls) none of the options does this, and for what I've explored, there isn't an option to do a formula like the one above.
The closest I get is "Previous Period" but that makes the Date of Comparation 29/05/2021 - 27/06/2021, missing the 28/05/2021.
I'm really stuck and running out of ideas, I've even considered changing the SQL query behind to convert the days somehow.
I've done this by mocking the dates for the comparator.
The other way is to create two series, and don't use the comparator.
Series #1 will have label 28/06/2021 and data from 28/06/2021 (current period).
Series #2 will have label 28/06/2021 (the same) and data from 28/05/2021 (previous period).
They plot nicely:

representing 2 different metrics with different columns in line chart

I am preparing a datastudio report. The data studio report consists of the following columns below:
As seen in the picture it captures metric data at a particular time.
The date range is set as the end_time
The X axis will represent the end_time column and the breakdown dimension will be InstanceName column and I am preparing to show it as line chart.
There are 2 metrics readops and writeops columns.
I need to represent these 2 metrics as 2 different lines in the same chart so that the read and write operation fluctuations for the instance at a particular time can be easily viewed.
I am not sure on how to represent this on data studio. If it is 1 metrics, i know it is straight forward. I can set instancename as breakdown dimension and end_time as dimension and date range is set to end_time and can represent it. But to represent the 2 metrics as 2 different lines for a particular Instance, with the time range on x axis, i don't know as I am very new to datastudio. I want to do it without drill-down. similar to the picture below which I got from google cloud console which shows ReadBytes the Big Triangle and the smaller one at the bottom in red for WriteBytes
Can anyone help me? Thanks
There are two approaches based on how the the charts need to be displayed:
1) Filter Control
If the aim is to only display 2 lines (2 Metrics):
While allowing the user to select the required InstanceName, then a Filter Control (optionally with a default selection) could be used.
The chart would be set up using:
Dimension: end_time
Metric #1: readops
Metric #2: writeops
Editable Google Data Studio Report and a GIF to expand on the above:
2) Multiple Metrics
If the objective is to display a line for each of the InstanceName values as well as both the Metrics (readops and writeops), then the below approach would be one way.
Currently, when using a Breakdown Dimension, Google Data Studio charts (such as a Time Series chart) support a single metric.
Using the Data Set below, based on the screenshot in the question (Editable Google Sheets):
One approach is to create and use multiple CASE statements at the Data Source; for example:
WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(InstanceName, "(dum)") THEN readops
WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(InstanceName, "(dum)") THEN writeops
Editable Google Data Studio Data Source and an image to elaborate:
A Chart could then be created with end_time as the Dimension and using the newly created Metrics; Editable Google Data Studio Report and an image to visualise with a Time Series chart:

How do I create a default everyday date dimension?

I am trying to create a line chart counting all the optins per date, however the only dimension that is will allow me to choose from have to be a date column on my source. The problem with this is it only chooses from dates that are populated in those fields with an optin date.
For example: I have 5 optins on 1/1/2019, 0 on 1/2/2019, and 3 on 1/3/2019
If I use this series and want to include another metric, 1/2/2019 will not show anything for that other metric
I just want a standard everyday series that counts every metric on a given day. The google analytics connection source has a generic Date dimension but I can not figure out how it was done
Ive tried creating a new column with everydate on it and trying to use that as a dimension without any luck
You should be able to use a Time Series graph (of which there are 3 types) instead of a Line graph.
A Time Series will keep the days where no data is available unlike the Line Graph which only presents labels for those which have values in the data.

Google Data Studio piechart from column with multiple values per cell

I have an excel spreadsheet from a Questionnaire. One of the questions was in checkbox format. The result of this question are held in a single column, and where the user has selected more that one answer, the answers are separated by comma's.
What devices do you own? Mobile, PC, Laptop, Tablet
So in a single cell I get 'Mobile,PC' when these two are selected.
I am using Google Data Studio to visualise the data, but stuck on how to create a graph that shows all the values individually.
At the minute I get a combination for every value. So a value of 1 for 'Mobile,PC' rather than a value for 1 'PC' and '1'Mobile.
Google Data Studio doesn't allow countif statements, so a bit lost.
I have tried to TRIM, COUNIF and REGEX but none have worked.
Count(REGEXP_MATCH(Device, "PC"))
I'm a bit lost on this, tried so many combinations. If someone can put me on the right track I would be very grateful
I don't think you'll be able to achieve that with a pie chart without changing your data source first as it needs one dimension (Device) and then one count metric which your data doesn't seem to support.
You could create 4 metrics like
WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(Device, "PC") then 1
And put them into a Stacked bar / column chart. You might need to create a dimension that has a single value to avoid having multiple bars/columns.
