How to build a Horizontal list images container using Ant design and Reactjs? - reactjs

I am using Ant Design UI in my application. I've searched for results but Google doesn't show me the clearly way for my case.
According the design, I have to build the layout for each of tabs (image).
Could you give me some advises for building this layout? Thank you for your helps!


How to create button with dynamic width in Skia React Native

I want to create a button using Skia library in React Native. The width of button should expand acconding to text or content in it.
If you're aiming for creating a button with the Skia library in React Native you probably have some drawing magic on your mind. If you really need this for a button then I would advice to check out the excellent tutorials of William Candillon:
In the example shown here at Shopify you can already find some tips towards building the button you would need:

How can make this web app mobile responsive

enter image description here
I make this web app using react.js and I tried very much to do Responsive for mobile devices but I couldn't, any one solve this problem please.
I used useMediaQuery from material ui which helps very much in creating responsive site.
Here is the documentation for it.
After then for displaying responsive components
You can create new components that are fit to that window size
You can use states for toggling for the different window sizes
And then you can import them as you want.

Why when I add ant design to my project I get problems with First Contentful Paint on Lighthouse panel?

Why when I add ant design to my project I get problems with First Contentful Paint on Lighthouse panel?
What can be cause of this and how fix it in ant design?

How to add icons on searchable on react native material design toolbar?

Now I am developing react native app using material design, I am using react-native-material-ui package.
However, I can't add some icons in searchable on toolbar.(on searchable function).
like this link :
please help me about this.
Updated the code in this link. Please check:---

Getting Started with AngularJS and Material Design

I am trying to play around with the Material Design stuff for AngularJS. The Project can be seen here. I'm trying to do a basic project. This has led me to two questions about material design.
How do I use an icon for a button? I ran git submodule update --init per the docs. I have the icons directory. However, I do not understand how to actually use a button. For instance, I want to use the refresh icon (/icons/system_icons/av/res/2x_web/ic_loop_24dp.png), so I'm trying the following:
However, the icon is off-center. How should I fix this?
How do I setup navigation up in the app?
Thank you!
