Where can i find the output log of snpe-throughput-net-run in SNPE SDK tools? - qualcomm

I enable the parameter --debug, I also set the storage_dir, but it only generates a .pb file and I can't read it. Could somebody helps me?


Keil microVision "Cannot download file ... Cannot write destination file"

Trying to download the ARM::CMSIS-RTOS pack my mouse is hovering over and I get the errors in red at the bottom ("Cannot download file http://www.keil.com/pack/ARM.CMSIS-RTOS_Validation.1.1.0.pack: Cannot write destination file"). The project is saved in a file I have complete access to - the only answer I've found for why this may occur.
Any help would be massively appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Searching the Keil support forum the problem appears that you do not have write privileges to the folder that the pack installer is downloading to. Run as admin or manually install.

Would it be possible to port picoc to javascript with emscripten?

I don't see how this would be possible, because it would require an input and output stream, which would be possible through node, but that's not really what I'm trying to do.
I just need to execute simple code and get an output in a browser.
I was thinking emscripten could help me do this, but I just don't see how.
Could someone please shed some light on this subject for me?

Where can I find HotRod file : startServer.bat (Windows users)

I downloaded infinispan-6.0.0.Final-all.zip.
I need to implement Infinispan Server, using HotRod protocol, but, I don't find at all the file startServet.bat that they mention in their documentation.
Can anybody give me the right link to get it? or the best thing would if somebody give me a small sample of code.
Thank you a lot!
Please refer to Infinispan Server Guide.
In the download link, you imagine that *-all.zip would include servers as well. But it doesn't.
The server has now been separated and it's a different download. Once you've downloaded it, run it with /bin/standalone.sh

CHM help on network share won't open from application

I have a .NET WinForms application that uses CHM help file. Both executable and CHM are on a network share. I used http://www.helpandmanual.com/products_hhreg.html to create registry entries that could allow display of the help contents. If I open the file itself from the share all is OK. However, when I press F1 in my application to invoke help, I get the familiar "Navigation to the webpage was canceled" error. No matter what I do, including setting zone security level = 2 will help.
How do I go about using CHM help in my application when launched from a network share?
I found this other approach https://stackoverflow.com/a/928156/1757491 which seems to allow me to view the help but when I use
System.Windows.Forms.Help.ShowHelp(null, path);
I get what you describe.

Automate download of file dynamically generated by http request

I am trying to automate the download of a bunch of csv files that are generated from a database based on which checkboxes are selected on a form. The website generates the csv file with the click of a 'Download' button. I found the URL to the download prompt using Firebug (and determined how it changes based on checkbox selection), but am unsure how to use it since it is dynamically generated and does not contain a file path. An example URL is the following:
What is the best way to go about doing this? I looked into the Python mechanize module and briefly glazed over pydermonkey, but had trouble finding documentation on downloading dynamically generated files. I also found some suggestions on other forums for using VBscript and Perl-- I prefer to use Python if possible since I am most familiar with it, but if another language is more appropriate, I will learn what I need in order to accomplish this task--I just hope to do it efficiently! Comments from anyone with experience/knowledge/insight on this topic would be appreciated.
Probably the easiest way for you to do this is to use the command line tool wget. If running a UNIX/Linux it's already there. If you're running Windows then a Win32 version can can be downloaded from: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/wget.htm
The you can use a shell/batch script that will download the file for you.
Example for Windows:
set id=10
set sc=1
set mr=10000
set my_url=https://www.quantcast.com/download/plannerCSV?&d0Id=%id%&sc=%sc%&mr=%mr%
set filename=planner.csv
wget %my_url% --output-document=%filename%
: do stuff with file
