Add comments to Codename One build hints - codenameone

I'm starting a new project with Codename One. I was pleased to see that there have been significant improvements in Codename One. About the various ways to edit build hints (, I would like to know if there is at least a way to insert comments in build hints.
The problem occurs because, sometimes, the customization of build hints is very complex. That's why it is appropriate to note the meaning and motivation of each build hint.

You can comment in when editing it directly but that might be discarded by an editor as you work on it. This isn't something I tried in the past.


Can't open/create my Salesforce projects with Mavensmate anymore

I used to connect my Salesforce projects without any problem since today.
Now everytime I want to create or open a new project through Mavensmate. I get this error :
Error initializing project: client identifier invalid
I don't know how to solve it. I have googling without finding any solution. I thought this could solve my issue, but it doesn't work.
Please help!
Not sure if this is related or already said but it sounds like MavensMate has finally died. Related conversation/details here. If I knew how to build the windows version of the MavensMate source I'd try myself but seems like there is a security issue that would have to be applied too which I don't have time for (plus possibly out of my expertise reach).
So I'm now biting the bullet and starting the move from Sublime to VS Code using a couple different articles (here and here). Pretty sad about this but seems no other way. If possible I'll loop back to Sublime in the future but no idea if that will be feasible or not. If anyone finds a fix for MavensMate or a new way to do SFDC work in Sublime please let us know!

is there a way to add patch version in CN1 version number

To my knowledge CN1 does not allow to keep patch version in the Version number. Please advise if there is a way I can do it.
Codename One only supports decimals because Android and iOS handle versioning very differently. It's really hard to create common code that works everywhere that's still easy to use.
As a workaround you can use the build hint ios.bundleVersion=1.1.1. Notice that this overrides the version value you set in the UI.

Codename One - rim.obfuscation build hint

About obfuscation, what is the meaning of "rim.obfuscation"? I didn't find on Internet what is the "rimc compiler".
It's a legacy build hint related to RIM (Blackberry) support. Since that support is deprecated we removed some of the docs for it.
Our old plugin UI in the preferences still has UI for this and adds those hints automatically. We hope to remove that UI on NetBeans/Eclipse so only Codename One Settings remains but removing code is sometimes just as hard as adding it.

Slyling codename one application using .css text files

A few of months ago I watched this vido Steve Hanna video.
It describes a good way to apply style in a "Codename One application" using .css text files.
Does current version of "Codename One Plugin (3.6)" allow me to do that?
Do I need to install some .cn1lib module to make this feature work?
I would have written this as a comment, but I don't have enough reputation.
I would be very happy if you adopted Steve's cn1-css plugin into Codename One. I use it every day, and vastly prefer it to messing with the GUI theme/resource editor.
I use a lot of "custom" rounded rectangles with background color, and I'd much rather make a quick edit to a text file (.css) than "start over" in a paint application, divide image into pieces, etc. CSS is quicker and a lot less error prone (for me, at least).
Perhaps I am missing an "obvious" solution to this problem of "I want to try out a different bg color, or a different border radius," or maybe cn1-css is this obvious solution?
I am very grateful to Steve for writing this cn1-css plugin!
This is a feature Steve worked on in his spare time and integrated via an extensions which you can install with these instructions. We are looking for feedback on this feature and we are trying to gauge the desire to roll it into Codename One proper.
We know a few people use it but we're still looking for feedback.

How to pinpoint the source of angular console errors

Note: This question will be changed to eliminate old question with lower rating.
I see AngularJS console errors as follows:
Lexer Error: Unexpected next character at columns 0-0 [#] in expression [#].
The problem now is how to locate the source of this error among thousands of lines of code?
Old Question:
NOTE: This is the old question, please ignore.
I was working with a sample application from ng-flow file upload. I then moved the developed parts to my colleague's environment who is using bootstrap for CSS. I noticed that the look and feel changed on from his environment.
I realized that my colleague is using this css file:
and I am using the css file the came with the download:
and both work fine, but they have clear differences on how the look and feel and how layout is presented.
I included both, and it seems the application is still working fine, and the look and feel is now merged.
I am just wondering if there is documentation that explains the differences and how to decide which one to use.
Appreciate your feedback.
The reason they look different is that they're referring to different versions of Bootstrap - version 3.3.7 vs version 2.3.2. (The other difference is where the files are hosted.) 3.3.7 is more recent than 2.3.2.
Generally, you want to use the most recent version available for whatever libraries you're including, unless you need to stay compatible with an older one. You shouldn't include both, though; that's going to have your users downloading a lot of redundant css.
