Codename One - rim.obfuscation build hint - codenameone

About obfuscation, what is the meaning of "rim.obfuscation"? I didn't find on Internet what is the "rimc compiler".

It's a legacy build hint related to RIM (Blackberry) support. Since that support is deprecated we removed some of the docs for it.
Our old plugin UI in the preferences still has UI for this and adds those hints automatically. We hope to remove that UI on NetBeans/Eclipse so only Codename One Settings remains but removing code is sometimes just as hard as adding it.


Add comments to Codename One build hints

I'm starting a new project with Codename One. I was pleased to see that there have been significant improvements in Codename One. About the various ways to edit build hints (, I would like to know if there is at least a way to insert comments in build hints.
The problem occurs because, sometimes, the customization of build hints is very complex. That's why it is appropriate to note the meaning and motivation of each build hint.
You can comment in when editing it directly but that might be discarded by an editor as you work on it. This isn't something I tried in the past.

is there a way to add patch version in CN1 version number

To my knowledge CN1 does not allow to keep patch version in the Version number. Please advise if there is a way I can do it.
Codename One only supports decimals because Android and iOS handle versioning very differently. It's really hard to create common code that works everywhere that's still easy to use.
As a workaround you can use the build hint ios.bundleVersion=1.1.1. Notice that this overrides the version value you set in the UI.

Codename One gui builder 4.32

Where is the multi selection button in Gui Builder 4.32? In previous version tutorials it appears, but not the encounter in this version. What am I not seeing?
That feature was removed a while back and wasn't added back as far as I recall. We had some bugs with that feature and most people didn't even notice when it was removed.
You can file an RFE in the issue tracker if you want us to look into adding it back.

How to enhance a class in Codename One API

I'm looking to add functionality to the built in Java SDK classes beyond the CLDC 1.1 standard which is where the API seems to be compatible with. Specifically looking to implement StringBuffer#replace(...)
What is the best way to go about this?
cldc1.1 is a very old standard. Codename One supports far more than what that standard had but retained the filename due to legacy issues.
There is a guide on how to use the Codename One source and contribute it back to the git repository:
However, the main issue is the need to fix this for all OS's which is pretty challenging.
To just fix the stubs for the method to appear to compile you can change the project here. However, this will only work for targets where the method is already there (Android, JavaSE etc.).
You will then need to make sure there is an implementation for all other targets:
For Windows you will need to fix the ikvm target and fork, for iOS you will need to fix the code in the JavaAPI directory under the VM directory for JavaScript you will need to contribute your changes to TeaVM if required.
For older platforms you will need to implement your changes into the retroweaver support although this might not be as relevant.

is there an alternative to the Internet Developer Toolbar for IE7?

Does anyone know of an alternative to the Internet Developer Toolbar for IE7 that I can use for dom browsing and css debugging? I've used Firebug in the past and the IDT seemed anemic in comparison. It also seemed to crash my browser a lot.
OR: Has the IDT for IE7 improved to the point that it's almost as good as Firebug?
Update: shortly after writing this I started using the Developer Toolbar. Well, that's a strong term. I tried to use it. It's not working at all. Specifically I needed Select Element By Click and it won't do a damn thing. All the menu options are grayed out even after restarting IE7. Good thing I asked this question, looks like the IDT is just as buggy as I remember.
Debug Bar is pretty nice, and is free for personal use. You have to pay for it if using commercially though.
Update: I should add that it did crash once or twice when there was some fairly advanced javascript. Didn't kill the entire browser but the toolbar was rendered useless until I restarted IE.
Check out Firebug Lite :
IE7 hasn't. But IE8 has. The developer tools included in Beta 2 and RC1 are very, very good. Well above the level of Firebug.
Check and see if you have the latest version of the toolbar. I used to use a version prior to the one I now use, and the older version did crash IE7 quite a bit.
As far as features go, it would help to know what you feel you're missing. Having a lot of features isn't the same as having a lot of features you use.
