In the wamp server
I want to move data from “www” folder to “www/site1”
Currently, I have designed a site with wordpress at this folder “www”
When I cut/paste the files from folder “www” to folder “www/site1”, the WordPress counter does not run
And the whole site crashes
How can I solve this problem?
In which folder should I put phpmyadmin folder in aegir system?
In a old project I remember an expert developer used to put the phpmyadmin folder under the folder /var/aegir/hostmaster and it worked (through the url
I am now trying same thing but it doesn’t work. Should I modify some file or some setting to “read” the folder hostmaster? (I have tried to change permission but it didn’t help).
In this new server I am using Nginx.
In the old one (when everything was working) there was Apache.
It can be a problem of configuration of Nginx?
Thank you
When I install my Windows Forms application from a website URL using ClickOnce it is creating 2 new folders rather than the expected 1 folder in the following path...
Folder A is called...
and Folder B is called...
Folder A has all of the compiled files, rescource files, config files and manifest files
Folder B just has the rescource files, config files and manifest files but no compiled files
I have pasted images of the folders below and the parent folder (Folder C).
Why is it creating two application folders ?
Folder A
Folder B
Folder C - Parent Folder
Thank you in advance.
Try Advanced Installer to create an installer for Winforms applications.
I have a project which should be located in certain folder on server (, and locally on I'm using Webpack, React, and React Router.
When I upload all of the files to specific folder on server, it cannot resolve the paths to js files, images, and all of the routes mentioned without that folder.
Is there any way to manage paths within configs without server access?
In my opinion, you should create a PUBLIC folder (example: /public) on server side and the structure /public folder is looked like a router.
I have to work on following step
local server
i have created new folder in webroot
put all cake php another project in side that folder
configure .htaccess in root folder ,app folder and webroot
then it is working fine
live server
i have to follow all the above step but it is not working on live server
Tomcat 6.29 creates a folder under temp folder in apache tomcat, and when I uploaded a file with the path req.getSession().getServletContext() + specified folder but when the application is redeployed another application folder is again created so the previously uploaded files stay at the older deployed application. I want to upload files under webapp folder/app_name but at that time I take the specified doesn't exist. I wonder if it is possible to upload and retrieve the files under the webapp/app_name.
Note: application is developed with spring+hibernate and deployed with maven.
Yes. Just use a relative path in your file handler code. Go up with ../../.. etc. Or you can make a direct server request against the old app from within your handler - servlet to servlet, for example.