django admin select all checkbox not present - checkbox

Please read this question!
The "select all" header checkbox that I used in Django 1.5 is missing in Django 1.9
I have same problem with django version 3.2.14. I am new to django and not understanding what is overriding in my files that even I can't see this select all checkbox. Also, I did run "python ./ collectstatic" this. it still didn't change anything on my portal.
Thanks in advance!


Application created by App builder in Oracle Apex is not working

I have created a very simple application in app builder in oracle apex. But its not working. When i run this application "Page not found error" is showing. I'm using ORDS 21.0 and APEX 20.0.
Installations are perfectly fine. I've kinda double checked my installations and i think there is no error/defact in my installation.
Otherwise, APEX is working fine just not running my application. Please guide and help me in this !
Looks like Home and/or Login URL point to page that doesn't exist. Check that at:
App. Builder
select that application
in upper right corner you'll see Edit application properties button
go to User interface tab
have a look at Home/Login URLs; fix them. For example, in f?p=&APP_ID.:100:&SESSION., 100 represents page number

Salesforce, Lightning Web Components - change code online

Is it possible to change code (html, js, css) in Lightning Web Components online in Salesforce?
Something like this
I don't know to run it according this manual.
Because I would like to check code imported from VSCode. It seems to me that the code/component is not updated.
there is a variety of chrome extensions available to view and edit the LWC code within the salesforce. I am using the following:
To view the code only you can make use of the Salesforce Assitant extension:
If you want to edit the code as well, then you can consider salesforce advance code searcher:
Currently, you can't "import code online".
To check if your code been deployed correctly you can use chrome devtools and see if your files been deployed and used.
There is a cache machanizam also which you can disable -will reduce performance
For more info regarding debugging LWC check out this article:

CMS user cannot see "add child page" button

I am trying to use Wagtail within a pre-existing Django project. I have installed the CMS, and it seems to be working well within the existing Django admin - I can authenticate using one of Django admin's users and see the CMS UI, all good.
But: No matter what I try, as an admin user, I cannot see the "Add Child Page" button at the URL of the page e.g /cms/pages/3/. The "Add Child Page" lozenge icon does not show. This is a bit of a pain, because all tutorials and examples assume that this icon is already showing!
The user I am logged-in as is set as "is_superuser" = 't' in auth_user, and one of the two groups the user is in, has been granted ALL wagtail permissions within Django admin (I was desperate!), but still no dice. I've also tried giving ALL perms to other (non-admin) users, and logging-in as them, but still cannot see the button.
I have created a basic HomePage that subclasses Page and I still see no way to create one. delving deeper, I see that one of the user's groups ( has the "add" permission in "wagtailcore_grouppagepermission" for the page I am viewing in the CMS which appears correct.
I am new to Python/Django, so I may have missed something obvious!
Django 2.2
Wagtail 2.8.1
Python 3.6
(Docker multi-service setup through docker-compose using CentOS)
I can see that the following line is failing the test for specific_class being anything other than None. If I hack the line to return True, I see the button in the CMS UI:
def can_add_subpage(self):
if specific_class is None or not specific_class.creatable_subpage_models():
print('##', specific_class) # None
return False
Why would specific_class be None? What exactly is specific_class?
Take a look at the subpage_types declaration:
Also see parent_page_types below that.

Default values automatically save in database when plugin will be activated

I have used a WordPress Settings API PHP Class framework, that found here, to create my first plugin setting page.
Everything is working fine except default option values are not saving in database until I hit "Save" going to setting page. But I would like this to be saved automatically when someone activate the plugin.
I tried using register_activation_hook() but failed. I am not sure how to use that framework with register_activation_hook(). You can check the codes going to the link I mentioned above. I am about to finish my first plugin but stuck on this.

how to verify the tooltip in extjs application with selenium ide

I learning automation of application with selenium ide.The application which I am currently testing is a extjs application.In this application all the required validations are shown in the tooltip.For ex: I have password form in which new password and confirm password are the two fields and there is a submit button.If the password entered in the new and confirm password field do not match then "Password do not match" message is shown in the tooltip and the submit button is disabled.In this case how to verify the tooltip and its contents in the selenium.
Plz can anyone suggest some solution to the above problem?All validation in my application are shown in the tooltip.
First, make sure that you explicitly assign ids to your fields. Otherwise, it will be very hard to get a hold of the components with the automatically generated ids (like "ext-comp-004").
The strategy is to use the verifyEval Selenium command and use the Ext JS API to do certain things.
For checking the active error message of a field with id "password_confirm", you can use:
First, try this in the Firebug console manually to make sure it works for you. Then you can do the same in your Selenium script as:
Command: verifyEval
Script: Ext.getCmp("password_confirm").getActiveError()
Expected: Passwords do not match
If you want to test this out with Selenium IDE in Firefox first, you should take into account that the window object will be wrapped in a XPCNativeWrapper. You can access the actual window object and the Ext JS namespace in it through wrappedJSObject:
Command: verifyEval
Script: window.wrappedJSObject.Ext.getCmp("password_confirm").getActiveError()
Expected: Passwords do not match
For some general tips on testing Ext JS applications with Selenium, see this answer. Some parts of it may be outdated, but can still give you an idea about the general strategies involved.
