psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 not working, cannot terminate script execution - database

I have a bash script that calls another script containing a psql command, i want to stop executing when the psql command fails. The below psql call is to execute a postgres function.
In below script the echo $exitcode always returns 0 even if script calling postgres function returns a error. I want psql command to return right error code, so i can handle it properly in below script.
list=`sh /opt/ -60 -30`
ID_LIST=`echo $list |sed 's/[a-z _-]*//g'|sed 's/(.*//g'`
echo $exitcode //always returns 0 both in successful and error case, i want it to return corresponding exit code for error, so i can handle it and stop the script.
if [ $exitcode -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "There seems to have errors while running script "
echo "Exit code is : "$exitcode
exit 1
fi : This script contains the following command
psql -U $DB_USERNAME -h $DB_HOST -p $DB_PORT -d $DATABASE -c "SELECT schema.${PROCEDURE}($day_begin,$day_end)"
Error thrown below when calling the above command. Since this error is thrown the psql command shouldnt return exit code 0 but its not the case, it returns 0 even if the postgres function works fine or returns a error like below. I am not sure if there a way to tweak in bash script to recognize a error is thrown
ERROR: function string_agg(numeric, unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT string_agg(pmotn_id, ',') FROM ppcapr.p...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
When the sql function fails. It then reports the error on the console, but continues to proceed with executing remainder of the script. But i want the script execution to terminate once the error occurs.
Any suggestions?


BCP command in Linux doesn't return the proper error code

In Linux/Unix based systems, whenever we execute a command in the shell and we echo the $?, the return value is 0 when its a success and the return value is 1 if the command fails.
So, if I am using the BULK COPY utility called BCP for SQL Server, and if the command fails when there is an error with the source file. For example, if I execute a bcp command like this.
/opt/bin/bcp <tablename> in <source_file> -S -U -P -D
and it says. "0 Rows Copied". It might be due to some errors in the source file. And, after that I do a echo $?. The value returned is still 0.
Is there a way we can capture the return value as 1, when encountered an error?
BCP doesn't document any return value. That's a shortcoming. What you can do is redirect output to a file, and look for error indications (probably, the text "Error").
To add a bit more detail to TT.'s answer, I write the bcp output to another file and then grep through it. My code looks like...
/opt/mssql-tools/bin/bcp "$TABLENAME" in $f \
-d $DEST_DB \
-c \
-t "\t" \
-e $EXPORT_STAGE/$TABLENAME/$TABLENAME.$(basename $f).bcperror.log \
| tee $EXPORT_STAGE/$TABLENAME/$TABLENAME.$(basename $f).bcprun.log
# note here that I preserve the bcp output to can later in script
# look for error messages in the bcp process run itself (manually done since bcp does not throw error codes)
echo -e "\n Checking for error messages in bcp output\n"
if grep -q "Error" $EXPORT_STAGE/$TABLENAME/$TABLENAME.$(basename $f).bcprun.log
echo -e "\n\nError: error message detected in bcp process output, exiting..."
exit 255
# can delete since already printing to stdout as well (and can just log the whole thing)
rm -f $EXPORT_STAGE/$TABLENAME/$TABLENAME.$(basename $f).bcprun.log

Catch invalid password on Sudo

Is there a way to trap/catch a invalid password when you use sudo? Basically I want to return a specific exit code if the sudo password is invalid. I don't want to avoid sudo or get around it, I just want to close/exit a script in a matter of my choosing.
Based on the man page of sudo(8), there is no easy way for evaluating the exact error reasons for a failure:
Exit Value
Upon successful execution of a program, the exit status from sudo will
simply be the exit status of the program that was executed.
Otherwise, sudo exits with a value of 1 if there is a
configuration/permission problem or if sudo cannot execute the given
command. In the latter case the error string is printed to the
standard error. If sudo cannot stat(2) one or more entries in the
user's PATH, an error is printed on stderr. (If the directory does not
exist or if it is not really a directory, the entry is ignored and no
error is printed.) This should not happen under normal circumstances.
The most common reason for stat(2) to return ''permission denied'' is
if you are running an automounter and one of the directories in your
PATH is on a machine that is currently unreachable.
The only "ugly" approach, which comes to my mind is to parse the result of stderr to determine the error reason:
sudo echo "dummy" 2>$tmpfile
if [ $? == 1 ]; then
if [ `cat $tmpfile | grep -x "sudo.*incorrect password attempts" | wc -l` == 1 ]; then
# exit due to failed password attempts
echo "too many failed password attempts"
# other reason, for instance configuration
echo "other reason"
rm $tmpfile
Note, however, that this approach is not upgrade-safe and moreover language-dependent: If a patch to sudo changes the text which is shown to the user in case of a wrong password, or the user logs on in a different language, this coding will not be able to handle this properly.

How to get the SQL Server script error in a batch File

I am calling an SQL Server script on a batch file, but I need get the error(when the script fail) in the batch file, what can I do?
This is the batch file:
sqlcmd -S HOST -U User -P password -i test.sql
echo %errorlevel%
and this is the Script File(Test.sql):
USE TrainingSitecore_Web
RAISERROR ('This is a test Error.',-- Message text.
16,-- Severity.
1 -- State.
Make sense?
It can be done using -r parameter:
sqlcmd -Q "select 1 as a; select 1/0 as b" -E -r1 1> NUL
-r[ 0 | 1] msgs to stderr
Redirects the error message output to the screen (stderr). If you do
not specify a parameter or if you specify 0, only error messages that
have a severity level of 11 or higher are redirected. If you specify
1, all error message output including PRINT is redirected. Has no
effect if you use -o. By default, messages are sent to stdout.
MSDN for more

Unix Script exiting when select query returns no rows

Below is the part of my script.
The "set -e" will make the script exit whenever a negative return code comes from any of the commands.
But, when the below select statement returns no rows from the table, the script exits there itself (echo "Get Eg names end" is not executed). Which means the below command is giving negative return code.
> /home/DummyUser/gm4/logs/MP_CACHE_REFRESH_TEMP_BK2.txt
If the select statement returns some rows, it works fine. The script doesn't exit and runs till the end.
My requirement is to exit if a genuine error occurs, like unable to connect database, invalid syntax etc.
If no rows are returned from the table, it should not be considered as an error.
Why am I getting a -ve return code for the select query not returning rows and how can I handle this?
Below is the part of the script:
set -e
if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]
echo "Invalid arugments supplied"
echo "call the script using command:"
echo "MP_CACHE_REFRESH_BRK2.ksh <BrokerName>"
exit -1
touch /home/DummyUser/gm4/logs/MP_CACHE_REFRESH_TEMP_BK2.txt
chmod 777 /home/DummyUser/gm4/logs/MP_CACHE_REFRESH_TEMP_BK2.txt
db2 CONNECT TO MSAPP USER DummyUser using paasss
echo "Get Eg names end"
The problem is not negative return codes, it is any return code that is != 0. DB2 exits with:
- 0, success
- 1, no row found
- 2, warning (for example using existing index instead of creating a new one)
- 4, error (for example object not found)
- 8, system error (os related)
Unless you wrap db2 and return 0 for $? -lt 4 I don't see how you are going to success. Example on how to deal with db2 exit codes (-e removed)
if [ $rc -ge 4 ]; then
EDIT: Alternative with sql stmts in separate file
Keeping all the sql in a separate file - say myfile.sql - you can do something like from your sh:
db2 -l myfile.log +c -s -tf myfile.sql
if [ $rc -ge 4 ]; then
echo "Error"
db2 rollback
exit 1
elif [ $rc -ge 1 ]; then
echo "Warning"
db2 commit
exit 0
-s terminates execution on error ( -ge 4 ). You can find out what caused the problem by tailing the log file, tail -10 myfile.log. Beware that certain operations such as reorg will commit the ongoing transaction.

Nagios bash script returns no output when executed through check_nrpe

My nagios bash script works fine from the client's command line.
When I execute the same script through check_nrpe from the nagios server it returns the following message "CHECK_NRPE: No output returned from daemon."
Seems like a command in the bash script is not being executed.
arrVars=(`/usr/bin/ipmitool sensor | grep "<System sensor>"`)
#echo "Hello World!!"
<Process array and determine string to echo along with exit code>
echo $myOPString
if [[ $flag == "False" ]]; then
exit 1
exit 0
"Hello World" shows up on the nagios monitoring screen if I uncomment the echo statement.
I am new to linux but seems like the nagios user isn't able to execute ipmitool
arrVars=(`/usr/bin/ipmitool sensor | grep "<System sensor>"`)
Check the output of the above, You can echo it and check for the values. If it still does not work use another script to be called by this to get the output and assign it to a variable
exit 1
This refers to the Severity , So you would have to define different conditions where the severity changes
Add this line to the sudoers
nagios ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ipmitool
Then use "sudo /usr/bin/ipmitool" in your script
