Nagios bash script returns no output when executed through check_nrpe - nagios

My nagios bash script works fine from the client's command line.
When I execute the same script through check_nrpe from the nagios server it returns the following message "CHECK_NRPE: No output returned from daemon."
Seems like a command in the bash script is not being executed.
arrVars=(`/usr/bin/ipmitool sensor | grep "<System sensor>"`)
#echo "Hello World!!"
<Process array and determine string to echo along with exit code>
echo $myOPString
if [[ $flag == "False" ]]; then
exit 1
exit 0
"Hello World" shows up on the nagios monitoring screen if I uncomment the echo statement.
I am new to linux but seems like the nagios user isn't able to execute ipmitool

arrVars=(`/usr/bin/ipmitool sensor | grep "<System sensor>"`)
Check the output of the above, You can echo it and check for the values. If it still does not work use another script to be called by this to get the output and assign it to a variable
exit 1
This refers to the Severity , So you would have to define different conditions where the severity changes

Add this line to the sudoers
nagios ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ipmitool
Then use "sudo /usr/bin/ipmitool" in your script


psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 not working, cannot terminate script execution

I have a bash script that calls another script containing a psql command, i want to stop executing when the psql command fails. The below psql call is to execute a postgres function.
In below script the echo $exitcode always returns 0 even if script calling postgres function returns a error. I want psql command to return right error code, so i can handle it properly in below script.
list=`sh /opt/ -60 -30`
ID_LIST=`echo $list |sed 's/[a-z _-]*//g'|sed 's/(.*//g'`
echo $exitcode //always returns 0 both in successful and error case, i want it to return corresponding exit code for error, so i can handle it and stop the script.
if [ $exitcode -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "There seems to have errors while running script "
echo "Exit code is : "$exitcode
exit 1
fi : This script contains the following command
psql -U $DB_USERNAME -h $DB_HOST -p $DB_PORT -d $DATABASE -c "SELECT schema.${PROCEDURE}($day_begin,$day_end)"
Error thrown below when calling the above command. Since this error is thrown the psql command shouldnt return exit code 0 but its not the case, it returns 0 even if the postgres function works fine or returns a error like below. I am not sure if there a way to tweak in bash script to recognize a error is thrown
ERROR: function string_agg(numeric, unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT string_agg(pmotn_id, ',') FROM ppcapr.p...
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
When the sql function fails. It then reports the error on the console, but continues to proceed with executing remainder of the script. But i want the script execution to terminate once the error occurs.
Any suggestions?

repeat pipe command until first command succeeds and second command fails

I am trying to figure out how to get my bash script to work. I have a the following command:
curl | grep -q test
I need it to repeat until the first command in the pipline succeeds (meaning the server responds) and the second command fails (meaning the pattern is not found or the queue is empty). I've tried a number of combinations but just can't seem to get it. I looked at using $PIPESTATUS but can't get it to function in a loop how I want. I've tried all kind of variations but can't get it to work. This is what I am currently trying:
while [[ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -eq 0 && "${PIPESTATUS[1]}" -eq 1 ]]
do curl | grep -q regular
echo "The exit status of first command ${PIPESTATUS[0]}, and the second command ${PIPESTATUS[1]}"
sleep 5
Although it's not really clear what kind of output is returned by the curl call, maybe you are looking for something like this:
curl --silent |while read line; do
echo $line |grep -q regular || { err="true"; break }
if [ -z "$err" ]; then
echo "..All lines OK"
echo "..Abend on line: '$line'" >&2
Figured it out. Just had to re-conceptualize it. I couldn't figure it out strictly with a while or until loop but creating an infinite loop and breaking out of it when the condition is met worked.
while true
do curl | grep -q test
case ${PIPESTATUS[*]} in
"0 1")
echo "Item is no longer in the queue."
"0 0")
echo "Item is still in the queue. Trying again in 5 minutes."
sleep 5m;;
"7 1")
echo "Server is unreachable. Trying again in 5 minutes."
sleep 5m;;

Shell script for checking if array is empty and restarting program if so

I want to make a shell script that keeps running to check if my two light weight web servers are still running, and restart them if one is not.
I can use the the command pgrep -f thin to get an array (?) of pids of my server called thin.
When this returned array has a count of zero I want to run a command which starts both servers:
cd [path_to_app] && bundle exec thin -C app_config.yml start
pgrep -f thin returns all the pids of the servers that are running. For example:
I am new to shell scripting and don't know how to store the results of pgrep-f thin in an array. E.g.,
while true
arr=$(pgrep -f thin) # /edited and now THIS WORKS!
#Then I want to check the length of the array and when it is empty run the above
#command, e.g.,
if [ ${#arr[#]} == 0 ]; then
cd [path_to_app] && bundle exec thin -C app_config.yml start
#wait a bit before checking again
sleep 30
The first problem I have is that I cannot store the pgrep values in an array, and I am not sure if I can check against zero values. After that I am not sure if there are problems with the other code. I hope someone can help me!
You forgot to execute the command:
arr=($(pgrep -f thin))
[...] when it is empty
If you only check for emptyness, you can directly use the exit status of grep.
-q, --quiet, --silent
Quiet; do not write anything to standard output.
Exit immediately with zero status
if any match is found, even if an error was detected.

Launch PL/SQL script from batch file (with arguments)

I'm strugling at passing arguments to a PL/SQL script from a Windows .bat file.
Here is the content of the batch file :
#echo off
set mName = "test"
exit | sqlplus <connection_string> #test.sql %mName%
And here is the content of test.sql :
set verify off
set serveroutput on size unlimited
I would expect to see "test" appearing in the shell but instead, I get the following message :
Enter value for 1:
SP2-0546: User requested Interrupt or EOF detected.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem ?
Remove the spaces around your = sign. Here's my working batch file:
#echo off
set mName="test"
exit | sqlplus <connection_string> #test.sql %mName%
Also note that you can use the -L option on sqlplus for batch jobs:
-L Attempts to log on just once, instead of reprompting on error.

Check database connectivity using Shell script

I am trying to write a shell script to check database connectivity. Within my script I am using the command
sqlplus uid/pwd#database-schemaname
to connect to my Oracle database.
Now I want to save the output generated by this command (before it drops to SQL prompt) in a temp file and then grep / find the string "Connected to" from that file to see if the connectivity is fine or not.
Can anyone please help me to catch the output and get out of that prompt and test whether connectivity is fine?
Use a script like this:
echo "exit" | sqlplus -L uid/pwd#dbname | grep Connected > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "OK"
echo "NOT OK"
echo "exit" assures that your program exits immediately (this gets piped to sqlplus).
-L assures that sqlplus won't ask for password if credentials are not ok (which would make it get stuck as well).
(> /dev/null just hides output from grep, which we don't need because the results are accessed via $? in this case)
You can avoid the SQL prompt by doing:
sqlplus uid/pwd#database-schemaname < /dev/null
SqlPlus exits immediately.
Now just grep the output of the above as:
if sqlplus uid/pwd#database-schemaname < /dev/null | grep 'Connected to'; then
# have connectivity to Oracle
# No connectivity
#! /bin/sh
if echo "exit;" | sqlplus UID/PWD#database-schemaname 2>&1 | grep -q "Connected to"
then echo connected OK
else echo connection FAIL
Not knowing whether the "Connected to" message is put to standard output or standard error, this checks both. "qrep -q" instead of "grep... >/dev/null" assumes Linux.
output=`sqlplus -s "user/pass#POLIGON.TEST " <<EOF
set heading off feedback off verify off
select distinct machine from v\\$session;
echo $output
if [[ $output =~ ERROR ]]; then
echo "ERROR"
echo "OK"
Here's a good option which does not expose the password on the command line
sqlplus -s -L /NOLOG <<EOF
whenever sqlerror exit 1
whenever oserror exit 1
[ $SQLPLUS_RC -eq 0 ] && echo "Connected successfully"
[ $SQLPLUS_RC -ne 0 ] && echo "Failed to connect"
none of the proposed solutions works for me, as my script is executed in machines running several countries, with different locales, I can't simply check for one String simply because this string in the other machine is translated to a different language. As a solution I'm using SQLcl
which is compatible with all sql*plus scripts and allow you to test the database connectivity like this:
echo "disconnect" | sql -L $DB_CONNECTION_STRING > /dev/null || fail "cannot check connectivity with the database, check your settings"
echo "exit" | sqlplus -S -L uid/pwd#dbname
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "OK"
echo "NOT OK"
For connection validation -S would be sufficient.
The "silent" mode doesn't prevent terminal output. All it does is:
-S Sets silent mode which suppresses the display of
the SQL*Plus banner, prompts, and echoing of
If you want to suppress all terminal output, then you'll need to do something like:
sqlplus ... > /dev/null 2>&1
This was my one-liner for docker container to wait until DB is ready:
until sqlplus -s sys/Oracle18#oracledbxe/XE as sysdba <<< "SELECT 13376411 FROM DUAL; exit;" | grep "13376411"; do echo "Could not connect to oracle... sleep for a while"; sleep 3; done
And the same in multiple lines:
until sqlplus -s sys/Oracle18#oracledbxe/XE as sysdba <<< "SELECT 13376411 FROM DUAL; exit;" | grep "13376411";
echo "Could not connect to oracle... sleep for a while";
sleep 3;
So it basically does select with magic number and checks that correct number was actually returned.
