homegraph.devices.reportStateAndNotification does not trigger google home app to update the state - google-smart-home

I am playing around with the nodejs packages googleapis and actions-on-google.
I am stuck reporting the state, which changed without googles note, so that google keeps in sync!
Sadly this does not work. I am using this method: homegraph.devices.reportStateAndNotification().
described here: https://developers.google.com/assistant/smarthome/reference/rest/v1/devices/reportStateAndNotification
The call is fine, I am getting a correct answer and everythign seems fine. Except that my google home app does not update the state.
I have another thirdparty-device which has a button to toggle the state, this works fine. So the app has no bug, it must be on my side..
I am wondering if this "feature" does only work in production and not during the test phase?
test suite says its fine too:

Google Home Assistant UI depends on various factors for the state, including query and report state responses. One should make sure that they are invoking the query correctly.
You should also try to verify that your report state implementation is correct by making use of tools provided by Google like Home Graph Viewer (make sure states are updated in the homegraph) and Test Suite (to see if both query and report state implementation pass).

I don't think the status shown by the Google Home app coming from what you have reported to HomeGraph by using the reportStateAndNotification. The QUERY intent must be invoked from Google Home app in order to see the current status of your device.
When Google Assistant wants to take an action that requires understanding the current state of a device, it can simply look up the state information in the Home Graph instead of issuing a QUERY intent
As an above statement, I think the status that you reported to HomeGraph is beneficial only for the Google Assistant not for your Google Home app.

We found it, see this issue-tracker too:
Google Home App does ONLY use the home-graph for devices that are associated with your home "directly".
It is not enough to just have them in the bottom of your app in the section "other devices connected with your account" ..
You NEED to add them properly..


React app hosted by Netlify doesn't update unless F5 or reload

I'm a little surprised there is nothing out there about this that I have found. But just like the title says, I have a React SPA deployed to Netlify. It goes live without error. The only issue is, if the end user has been to the site before, they have to refresh the page to see any changes I have pushed out.
Is there something I need to add to the index file perhaps?
The browser caches the compiled js bundle.
You can read more here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control
One of your options would be to disable it, or set cache expiration to a lower value during the intense development and increase it if/when you deploy less often.
Another option could be to implement some kind of API method to check if newer version has been deployed and trigger a page refresh. (Please be careful not to discard users work, like data filled in forms, during a refresh)
Each have pros and cons.

How to pass query string from Shopify to an embedded app?

I'm building a Shopify app with Next.js and I need to grab the query string so I can check in getServerSideProps the identity of the merchant (bear in mind that Cookies are not recommended for Shopify apps)
When visiting some apps I noticed some of them are getting the query string passed down from Shopify in each request.
This image shows how it should look on each request
This image shows how my app behaves
In this image you can see that when you hover the routes no query strings are present, meaning that are passed somehow by the parent app.
As of right now I'm using a Cookie to pass the shopOrigin but I feel like it's not necessary if somehow I'm able to get the query string in each request, also with the HMAC I will be able to verify that the requests are coming from Shopify.
Any calls to your App originating from Shopify properly provide the shop parameter when they make requests. In your own App calls to itself, you would also likely be using the shop name as a query string value.
Note that you are still able to validate your sessions internally using a cookie, you just don't do it via the third-party route, outside the iframe, like we used to. Shopify has plenty of documentation on how to properly authenticate, and construct Apps, check them out. They even give you a working Node App to play with, so you can ensure you get it right.
The solution was pretty straightforward.
Shopify provides a TitleBar AppBridge component that you can use to to handle the App's navigation. What it does is that on each route change it reloads the iframe and the hmac, shop, code and timestamp are coming in the request. It's a tad slower then client side routing but it works as expected.
In order to use it you just need to go to:
Partner's dashboard / Your App / Extensions / Embedded App (click Manage) / Navigation (click Configure) and add navigation links, then you just need to import TitleBar from app-bridge-react and put it in index.js

SPA DTM analytics pagename issue

I am using Angular SPA with DTM.Using custom event based rules, I am able to get all my data including pageName, v41,v42 as correct. Now inside adobe editor, i am storing pagename to s.pageName and some hard-coded value to s.server. I have verified that all my data is correctly populating using OMNIBUG tool as server,pageName, v41 and v42.
Problem is coming in Omniture reporting, as server and page data are not coming through. Page-name data only showing SPA homepage in all page visits and server also coming as default from s.code and not the one i am passing from s.server. eVar/prop are all coming fine.Even if I do prop40=s.pageName/prop41=s.server, then in omniutre reporting i am seeing correct data populating in prop40/prop41 but not under Page and server. And again I cant use prop40/prop41 for pagename/server as its not a correct way to follow and PAGE-VISITS are ZERO in that case.
Any help how to get data in page/server in omniture for SPA or anything wrong in my implementation? Thanks in advance!!
If you really do see the correct values in Omnibug (or more specifically, network request to Adobe collection server), then the issue is not in the code.
Check against another AA hit debugger. Possible Omnibug is somehow bugging out. There are a ton of alternatives out there. Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger. Observepoint. Charles Proxy. Fiddler. Or just use the browser dev tool network tab (what I usually do as a backup).
Make sure you are looking in the correct report suite. Perhaps your data is being sent to a dev report suite, and you are looking at prod report suite, or visa versa?
Check to see if you have any Processing Rules that are overriding your values.
Contact your Adobe Rep to check if there are any VISTA Rules present for the report suite, that are overriding your values.
If you have verified none of the above is the case, then sorry, but it sounds like the issue must really be in your code, but there is a problem with your QA method (e.g. maybe you are looking at the wrong AA request, or something).
Based on your comment:
Earlier, i was making s.tl() call, but replacing it with s.t() call
resolved my problem for data was not populating
pageName/server/page-views in Omniture and now it is. But the current
problem is we need PageName on all SPA clicks (can be achieved by
s.t() call ) , but the page-Views are not needed on all clicks. So,
its like link-tracking needed only but with PageName data. I am
struggling not to populate page-views on a s.t() call or vice-versa
how to get PageName populated on s.tl() call. Again, omnibug shows all
requests just fine but the issue comes in reports in omniture
When Adobe processes a hit, it wipes pageName for s.tl calls, as that's how it determines whether to count the request as a page view or not. If you want to see page name even for s.tl calls, the common practice is to dupe the pageName value to a prop or eVar and send in with the s.tl call, and look at that report. In fact, most clients I work with don't even use the native pages report, and instead use the (usually eVar) report.

Piwik, Export count of page visits for a specific url

I Make artificial page views with javascript on my website using javascript, because I need to track them later
I need to be able to export how many times the above code was executed, i.e. how many times /lid/902095/website was visited, so that I can show some stats on my website, however I'm not sure what my query to the API should be, here is my attempt:
It returns an error at this time "Error: The report 'VisitsSummary_CoreMetrics' was requested but it is not available at this stage. You may also disable the related plugin to avoid this error."
I don't see a plugin with that name in plugins section, my active plugins are "Actions, Dashbord, DoNotTrack, ExampleAPI, ExamplePlugin, Live, Login, Widgetize"
Not sure if this is the right query to send to the API or not, any help is appreciated.
If you want to track the visits use this api call
by default VisitsSummary plugin is provided
Piwik Web Essentials is a good book for reference.

FB.getLoginStatus never fires the callback function in Facebook's JavaScript SDK

The simple thing of calling FB.init (right before </body>) and then FB.getLoginStatus(callback) doesn't fire the callback function.
After some debugging, I think the SDK is stuck in the "loading" (i.e. FB.Auth._loadState == 'loading') phase and never gets to "loaded", so all callbacks are queued until the SDK has loaded.
If I force-fire the "loaded" event during debugging - with FB.Event.fire('FB.loginStatus', 'loaded') in case you're intersted - then the callbacks are invoked correctly.
Extra details that might be relevant:
My app is a facebook iframe app (loaded via apps.facebook.com/myapp)
I'm using IE9. The same behavior happens in Chrome
The app is hosted in http://localhost
What's going on? Why is the SDK never gets to loaded?
UPDATE: Just tried it on Chrome and it worked (not sure why it didn't work before). Still doesn't work in IE
I had this same problem in Firefox 3.5 on Windows, but only on the very first log in to the page (probably because it was a slower machine and there was some weird timing issues going on).
I fixed it by forcing FB to refresh the login status cookie every time it checks:
FB.getLoginStatus(callback, true); //second argument forces a refresh from Facebook's server.
Without "force=true", sometimes it wouldn't fire the callback.
I had the exact same problem, and I solved it disabling "Secure Browsing" in the Facebook Security settings. Keeping Secure Browsing on forces the pages as "https", but I had no "Secure Canvas URL" set up, and this gave me a lot of errors in the console as well.
Hope this may help someone :)
In my experience, getLoginStatus() never calls the callback in Firefox when third-party cookies are disabled.
The original poster mentioned his application is hosted on http://localhost. I've never had luck with that, and believe it will cause problems.
Just today, I've had problems where getLoginStatus is not calling the callback on any browser, unless the user is actually connected to the app! I'm hoping this is a bug on facebook's end that they will solve.
Yet another possibility for FB.getLoginStatus not firing its callback is when using a "test" user account that has not been authorized to view that application. Its pretty bad that facebook doesn't give you any error messages.
I have also seen failed callbacks on bad appIds and redirectUrls.
I also ran into this issue specifically in Chrome. I tried calling it on page load and after a user-initiated action with no success.
It turned out that it was not a cross-domain issue. The getLoginStatus() call was being blocked by the Un-Passwordise extension in Chrome. As soon as I disabled the extension, it worked perfectly, even on page load.
More info about this issue here: Chrome-only cross-domain scripting errs in Facebook iFrame App upon FB.Login(..)
I understand that this question is a little old now, but I ran across it searching for solutions.
Double-check what you have set in your Facebook app configuration under the section "Website with Facebook Login". The Site URL domain must match the domain your page with the FB.getLoginStatus (and other related auth Javascript) is served from.
After hours of struggling, I realized that I could not reuse an existing app configuration I had on a new server and had to create a new app to handle the website login for this new server.
The other answers are probably equally valid in your specific case, but since there may be others like me who have struggled for a while on this, hopefully this gives you one other place to check. Making a new app with the correct Site URL was the answer in my particular case.
