Azure AD provisioning requires two runs to succeed with custom app - azure-active-directory

We've created an application using SCIM 2 SDK from PingIdentity for provisioning with Azure AD. Custom mapping is set up and working.
However, when the user is CREATED, all of the fields are included in the import, but only a few fields are included in the provisioning step and sent to our application. Provisioning needs to run a second time on that user to UPDATE in order for all the fields to be included. Amongst other things, this means that first and last name are not split and it only sends the displayname (which ends up as firstname on our end).
For some users in normal provisioning, it can take days between the create and update runs so we're missing data for a long time.
Anyone know how can we can test for what's causing this and solve it so all the fields are included in the initial CREATE run for a user?
Here are the attribute mapping settings:
And an example log of when the user is created with only basic fields:
vs. when the user is updated with all the other fields:

I'm a product manager at Microsoft that works on the provisioning service and our SCIM client.
The behavior you're seeing occurs when you have attributes that are not part of the SCIM core schema included as "short" names. Attributes not defined in the SCIM core schema (RFC 7643) should have full URN syntax. Something to the effect of urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:appName:2.0:User:attributeName is commonly used by other implementations. The shaky behavior you're seeing where the AAD provisioning service fails to send these attribute values via a POST but later includes them in a PATCH comes down to different code paths in the AAD provisioning service, and the PATCH code happens to handle this differently than the POST code. This is purely by chance, however, and isn't an intentional design choice. At some future point I'm hoping we'll make this more consistent and disallow incorrectly structured attribute names entirely.
If you adjust your attribute names to align with the guidance in the SCIM spec's schema RFC and provide the attributes with fully defined URNs, you should see consistent behavior that works on both POST and PATCH.


Enhanced Domains - What to Check in your Org?

As you know Salesforce is enforcing Enhanced Domains. I found from Salesforce help that:
Custom components in your org must be evaluated in order to check
whether they use domain name/static URLs
Some embedded content stored in Salesforce might no longer appear
Third-party applications can lose access to your data
Single sign-on integrations can fail
However, I'm struggling with finding out which particular Salesforce elements/configurations should be checked in order to detect potential gaps? Do you know which areas exactly can be affected and shall be evaluated (like Apex Codes, Email Templates and so on)? Is there any guide on that?
Your biggest concern should be inbound integrations. Things that log in over REST/SOAP API, get response with session id back, ignore the "url to use for all subsequent requests" and just use hardcoded url, whether it's prod or sandbox.
Look at this guy, he's victim of either enhanced domain or "disable api versions < 30" thing: The requested resource no longer exists with rest PHP. Look at these guys, they had hardcoded url: how to solve python code error (TooManyRedirects: Exceeded 30 redirects), Salesforce API via postman error INVALID_SESSION_ID.
As for stuff inside Salesforce itself - best would be to download whole project with sfdx and run a text search for your domain name (and site/community name if you have these). Email templates that use merge fields for forgot password etc should be fine, merge fields with record link should be fine... But if you manually craft email body in apex - might be a problem. A lot depends how creative the developer was. If you find getsalesforcebaseurl().toexternalform() it should still work. If it's hardcoded / read from custom setting / custom label / custom metadata it might be more fun.
If you have external apps that display pieces of salesforce (embedded live chat? some iframe with FAQ? CMS Connect) - the domain change might mean they need to be updated, both in terms of updating url and changing security rules (CSP for example)

Profile Management with Identity Server

So from what I have read on IdentityServer I should be storing details about the user such as first name and last name inside claims. How would a web application then be able to access the claim information? Since the User Info endpoint requires a valid access token representing the user, I suppose I would need to make an API that could access that returned the profile information of other users? Is this the right way to do it? (use case, web page needs to display contact details that are stored in claims of another user)
Also what would be the way for multiple language profile information be stored and retrieved in the claims? For example a user can have a name/title in multiple languages. I'm thinking of making [LanguageCode]_[ClaimType] (fr_first_name) naming convention and either adding all languages to just the profile IdentityResource or creating separate resources per language.
Your best bet is to set up a project using the IdentityServer4 QuickstartUI example and review that code to better understand how it all works. As of version 4, Identity Server is only focused on the sign-in / sign-out process and the various flows around authentication. They also provide a basic EF-driven persistence model, and they also support the ASP.NET Core Identity persistence model (also EF-driven), but both of those are not meant to be production-ready code.
Basically, persistence of user details is considered your responsibility. That being said, the cookies used for ASP.NET Core authentication greatly restricts how much data you can/should store as claims. The best model is to keep "real" identity provider (IDP) claims as claims, don't add new claims to that list, copy what you need into some other separate user-data table you manage completely, and use the unique claims identifier (almost always "subject id") as the key to your user data. This also makes it easier to migrate a user to another IDP (for example, you'll know user details for "Bob" but he can re-associate his user data away from his Facebook OIDC auth to his Google auth).
Basic persistence isn't too difficult (it's only 12 or 13 SQL statements) but it's a lot more than will fit in a Stackoverflow answer. I blogged about a non-EF approach here -- also not production-ready code (for example, it has ad-hoc SQL to keep things simple), but it should get you started.

In Dynamics CRM, how much of a non null, predictable-format identifier is really "domainname"?

I have code that calls the Dynamics CRM Web API to get information about a Dynamics user. It doesn't know the user's internal Dynamics identifier ahead of time and thus relies on their Active Directory login as a key in queries.
I have a few doubts and questions about that :
domainname (i.e. user login) is a mandatory field when you create a user in Dynamics, but will it always be non-empty - even when you disable the user for instance?
I noticed that you can indifferently specify a login in the form domain\username and username#fulldomainname at user creation. Login seems to be kept intact inside Dynamics, so when you use the API you must be aware of the format it was entered in in the first place. For instance, searching for mydomain\bob won't give you a bob#mydomain user.
Are there any other possible formats for a user's login in Dynamics CRM or are we safe assuming that it will follow one of these 2 patterns?
Is domainname case-sensitive?
How do Dynamics modules or third party tools that somehow only have windows logins to start with manage to find users deterministically? For instance, we could have an external application that needs to access all the Leads owned by a particular user in Dynamics. Do they systematically try all different login formats and all combinations of cases? I think it would be pretty spooky.
The attribute domainname will not be emptied on disabling the user - this will only affect the state of the record.
It's true that you have to consider both variants if your authentication authority allows both variants (see last point) when using domainname as a query criteria.
I could not think of a real world 3rd variation that allows omitting the domain name.
The domain name is not case-sensitive.
Since there are basically 2 (real world) options for on-premise systems, it's not that spooky after all: You can either authenticate against IIS directly or SSO via STS/ADFS. Both impose the accepted login and use common windows authentication methods.
There's nothing special CRM needs to handle - it relies on users arriving with a valid authentication token.

ADFS not issuing claims from custom attribute stores to some users

I'm trying to work out why some of our users aren't issued claims by our custom attribute stores.
Our main attribute store for authentication is Active Directory, but we are using two custom attribute stores to issue several custom claims to users, and also to perform some logging of claims issued. When an affected user logs in, they are authenticated successfully by AD, but have no more claims added. According to the logging in our attribute stores, the BeginExecuteQuery is never called.
I can't see anything to link the affected users, but they mainly seem to be new users, or users that have not logged into the system in a long time. Restarting ADFS sometimes clears the problem, but whether it does or not seems to be random.
I'm trying to understand why an attribute store would be ignored by ADFS on logon for certain users, when it works fine for others. If there is a quick guaranteed temporary fix to get users' claims issued correctly, that would be useful too!
For security reasons, I don't have access to the ADFS Debug tracing.
This was eventually solved with a longs string of calls to Microsoft's AD FS support team. The problem was traced to a piece of our claims rule language which was using the lastLogon and lastLogonTimestamp AD attributes without understanding how they actually behaved. This meant that for some users the condition to grant the custom claims was never met.

Data security in result sets from Elastic Search, Solr or

I need to add full-text search capabilities to my existing database. Of course first turn is to something like Solr or Elastic Search. And the blocking point I’ve got to is – how to securely display results returned from underlying search engine (let’s think about Solr or Elastic Search for now, however any other solution or engine that hit the point are also appreciated).
The tricky context is that I have, for example, in my system Personal Profile records that are to be indexed. One of the fields in personal profile is – manager’s feedback. Normally in the system that field is visible only to employee’s direct manager and higher hierarchy, i.e. ‘manager’ from another branch will not be able to see that field. However, I want that field to be searchable via full text search but only for people who actually can see it.
Now I query Solr for ‘stupid’ (that is query string) and it returns me N documents. When returning that to end-user I’ll remove the ‘Manager’s feedback’ field because end-user is not the manager of given people – but just presence of the document in resultset is already the evidence of ‘stupid’ guys …
The question is – what is workable approach to handle that use-case? Is it possible to plug into Solr/ES with home-grown security filter for outputs?
filtering out only fields do not work because of above mentioned scenario
filtering out complete documents will not work because of
search engine does not tell which fields matched – therefore no way to manually filter resultset by field
even this does work, removing documents from result set will spoil down facets (e.g. number of matches by department) returned by the engine – I’ll have to either recalculate facets manually or they will not match to manually filtered records and will reveal what I actually do not want to show to end users
In Solr you can create multiValued fields. In your case you can use it to store de-normalized values of organization structure.
In described scenario you will create multi valued field ouId (Organization Unit Id) and store employee's ouId and all parent ouIds. In other words you will save allowed ouIds into this field.
In search scenario you will use FilterQuery - fq parameter filtering by ouId of manager.
where 12 is organization unit id of selected manager.
Maybe this is helpful for you It adds Document level security to elasticsearch.
"Currently for user based authentication and authorization Kerberos/SPNEGO and NTLM are supported through 3rd party library waffle (only on windows servers). For UNIX servers Kerberos/SPNEGO is supported through tomcat build in SPNEGO Valve (Works with any Kerberos implementation. For authorization either Active Directory and generic LDAP is supported). PKI/SSL client certificate authentication is also supported (CLIENT-CERT method). SSL/TLS is also supported without client authentication.
You can use this plugin also without Kerberos/NTLM/PKI but then only host based authentication is available.
As of now two security modules are implemented:
Actionpathfilter: Restrict actions against Elasticsearch on a coarse-grained level like who is allowed to to READ, WRITE or even ADMIN rest api calls
Document level security (dls): Restrict actions on document level like who is allowed to query for which fields within a document"
