Adding all table fields into the SE11 structure? - sap-data-dictionary

I'm learning SAP and ABAP language, I need to create a structure with all the fields of the SFLIGHT database table and a few more. Do I have to enter all the fields of the SFLIGHT table manually or is there any possibility to add all the fields of a given table at once?
I have to create DDIC structure like that:
Do I have to fill this component names manually?

The code solution is given by Jonas, but if you are asking about SE11-way then
Edit => scroll down to Include => click on Insert

With the TYPES ... LINE OF statement one can declare a type which represents a structure for one line of a table:
TYPES flight TYPE LINE OF sflight.
" the structure type can then be used in the program
DATA(scheduled_flight) = VALUE flight(
" ...
INSERT scheduled_flight INTO sflight.
Thus usually there is no need to declare such a structure in the dictionary, as it already exists implicitly through the table creation.


checking structure of GLobally defined Varray or nested table in PL/SQL

I am modifying a package. In one of the procedure I got below line.
query_det_arr ecc_query_det_arr_type := ecc_query_det_arr_type(NULL);
this ecc_query_det_arr_type is not defined anywhere inside the package. as per my understanding this must be varray or nested table.
They may have created using separate create command.
Is there anyway to check what ecc_query_det_arr_type contains? I mean any query or anyway in sql developer?
One way to do that is desc <your_type> like below:
desc ecc_query_det_arr_type;
A side note: Since you are taking a guess here, I thought of writing. It is always better to follow a naming convention for Oracle Objects. In your case I would have created that type like below:
ecc_query_det_ntt if it is nested table type
ecc_query_det_aat if it is associative array type
ecc_query_det_vat if it is varray type
Ok, here is another way:
select * from user_source where type = 'TYPE' and lower(name) = 'ecc_query_det_arr_type';

How to pass result of Conditional Split to variable?

I have a flat file and used conditional split to filter the record into a single row. For example, RecordType == "2" retrieves single row with record having multiple columns say A,B,C,D and E. I want to pass the result of Column C value to a variable. And then to use it to update the table like:
Update tablename
Set A = that variable
Where A is null
Could you please help me in find out the solution.
I would not use the variable but use a Ole DB Command object.
You set the connection.
Then add your SQL from above:
Update tablename Set A = ? Where A is null
The map to Col C.
However, what I might guess you are trying to do is add a column to your other record set that has the detail but no key.
I would use a script component to do this:
Similar to this example:
Importing Grouped Report Data to Database

Oracle PL/SQL: Approach to select an array of ids first, then loop/process them

I, Oracle newbie, am trying to select the primary key ids with a complicated query into an array structure to work with this afterwards.
The basic workflow is like:
1. Select many ids (of type long) found by a long and complicated query (if I would know if and how this is possible, I would separate this into a function-like subquery of its own)
2. Store the ids in an array like structure
3. Select the rows with those ids
4. Check for duplicates (compare certain fields for equality)
5. exclude some (i.e. duplicates with a later DATE field)
I read a lot of advice on PL / SQL but haven't found the right concept. The oracle documentation states that if I need an array, I should use VARRAY.
My best approach so far is
TYPE my_ids IS VARRAY(100000) OF LONG
SELECT id INTO my_ids FROM myTable WHERE mycondition=true
-- Work with the ids here, i.e. loop through them
dbms_output.put_line('Hello World!');
But I get an error: "Not suitable for left side". Additionally, I don't want to declare the size of the array at the top.
So I think this approach is wrong.
Could anyone show me a better one? It doesn't have to be complete code, just "use this data structure, these SQL-structures, that loop and you'll get what you need". I think I could figure it out once I know which direction I should take.
Thanks in advance!
My_ids in your example is a type, not a variable.
You cannot store data into the type, you can store data only to some variable of this type.
Try this code:
TYPE my_ids_type IS VARRAY(100000) OF LONG; /* type declaration */
my_ids my_ids_type; /* variable declaration */
-- Work with the ids here, i.e. loop through them
dbms_output.put_line('Hello World!');
Read this article:
to learn basics how to bulk collect data in PL/SQL.

how to store the alphanumeric value in integer type in postgres?

I need to store the id of the person in Database.But the id should contain one alpha in beginning for that ,I have followed following thing ,
for id column I set the default value like
create table alphanumeric (id int default ('f'||nextval('seq_test'))::int) ;
So now table was created like
default (('f'::text || nextval('seq_test'::regclass)))::integer
After creating the table I insert the values its showing the error like
INSERT INTO alpha VALUES (default) ;
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "f50"
I understood the error but I need this type of storing .....!
Notes : I don't want to use function or triggers .
Just to add a couple more cents to #muistooshort's answer. If you are certain the IDs you want will always conform to a certain regular expression, you can enforce that with a CHECK constraint:
CREATE TABLE alphanumeric (
id VARCHAR DEFAULT ('f' || nextval('seqtest') PRIMARY KEY,
CHECK(id ~ '^[A-Za-z][0-9]+')
Of course, I'm making a gross assumption about the nature of your identifiers, you will have to apply your own judgement about whether or not your identifiers constitute a regular language.
Secondly, the sort order #muistooshort is talking about is sometimes (confusingly) called 'natural sort' and you can get a PostgreSQL function to assist with this.
You want to use a string for your ids so use a text column for your id:
create table alphanumeric (
id text default ('f' || nextval('seq_test'))
If you're only use seq_test for that column then you probably want it to be owned by that column:
alter sequence seq_test owned by
That way the sequence will be dropped if you drop the table and you won't have an unused sequence cluttering up your database.
One thing you might want to note about this id scheme is that they won't sort the way a human would sort them; 'f100' < 'f2', for example, will be true and that might have side effects that you'll need to work around.

Create postgresql index on text column casted to array

I have a postgresql table that has a column with data type = 'text' in which I need to create an index which involves this column being type casted to integer[]. However, whenever I try to do so, I get the following error:
ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE
Here is the code:
create table test (a integer[], b text);
insert into test values ('{10,20,30}','{40,50,60}');
CREATE INDEX index_test on test USING GIN (( b::integer[] ));
Note that one potential workaround is to create a function that is marked as IMMUTABLE that takes in a column value and performs the type casting within the function, but the problem (aside from adding overhead) is that I have many different 'target' array data types (EG: text[], int2[], int4[], etc...), and it would not be possible to create a separate function for each potential target array data type.
Answered in this thread on the PostgreSQL mailing lists. Click on "Follow-ups" or "next by thread" in the links after the post to follow the (short) thread on the topic.
There's no recipe given there, but Tom's just talking about defining an explicit cast from text[] to integer[]. If time permits I'll flesh this answer out with an example.
