Salesforce : Apex test class for the getting trending articles of Knowledge from Community - salesforce

I need to get trending articles from the community. I created a apex class for that by using ConnectApi.Knowledge.getTrendingArticles(communityId, maxResult).
I need to create a test class for that. I am using test class method provided by Salesforce for that. setTestGetTrendingArticles(communityId, maxResults, result) but I am getting this error "System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: No matching test result found for Knowledge.getTrendingArticles(String communityId, Integer maxResults). Before calling this, call Knowledge.setTestGetTrendingArticles(String communityId, Integer maxResults, ConnectApi.KnowledgeArticleVersionCollection result) to set the expected test result."
public without sharing class ConnectTopicCatalogController {
public static List<ConnectApi.KnowledgeArticleVersion> getAllTrendingArticles(){
string commId = [Select Id from Network where Name = 'Customer Community v5'].Id;
ConnectApi.KnowledgeArticleVersionCollection mtCollection = ConnectApi.Knowledge.getTrendingArticles(commId, 12);
System.debug('getAllTrendingTopics '+JSON.serializePretty(mtCollection.items));
List<ConnectApi.KnowledgeArticleVersion> topicList = new List<ConnectApi.KnowledgeArticleVersion>();
for(ConnectApi.KnowledgeArticleVersion mtopic : mtCollection.items)
return topicList;
Test class that I am using for this
public class ConnectTopicCatalogControllerTest {
public static final string communityId = [Select Id from Network where Name = 'Customer Community v5'].Id;
static void getTrendingArticles(){
ConnectApi.KnowledgeArticleVersionCollection knowledgeResult = new ConnectApi.KnowledgeArticleVersionCollection();
List<ConnectApi.KnowledgeArticleVersion> know = new List<ConnectApi.KnowledgeArticleVersion>();
know.add(new ConnectApi.KnowledgeArticleVersion());
know.add(new ConnectApi.KnowledgeArticleVersion());
system.debug('know '+know);
knowledgeResult.items = know;
// Set the test data
ConnectApi.Knowledge.setTestGetTrendingArticles(null, 12, knowledgeResult);
List<ConnectApi.KnowledgeArticleVersion> res = ConnectTopicCatalogController.getAllTrendingArticles();
// The method returns the test page, which we know has two items in it.
System.assertEquals(12, res.size());
I need help to solve the test class

Your controller expects the articles to be inside the 'Customer Community v5' community, but you are passing the communityId parameter as null to the setTestGetTrendingArticles method.


Unable to Correctly Serialize RangeSet<Instant> with Flink Serialization System

I've implemented a RichFunction with following type:
RichMapFunction<GeofenceEvent, OutputRangeSet>
the class OutputRangeSet has a field of type:<Instant>
When this pojo is serialized using Kryo I get null fields !
So far, I tried using a TypeInfoFactory<RangeSet>:
public class InstantRangeSetTypeInfo extends TypeInfoFactory<RangeSet<Instant>> {
public TypeInformation<RangeSet<Instant>> createTypeInfo(Type t, Map<String, TypeInformation<?>> genericParameters) {
TypeInformation<RangeSet<Instant>> info = TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<RangeSet<Instant>>() {});
return info;
That annotate my field:
public class OutputRangeSet implements Serializable {
private String key;
private RangeSet<Instant> rangeSet;
Another solution (that doesn't work either) is registring a third party serializer:
env.getConfig().registerTypeWithKryoSerializer(RangeSet.class, ProtobufSerializer.class);
You can get the github project here:
When you run the test you can see (in debug) that the rangeSet beans I get from my RichFunction has null fields, see test method :
final RangeSet<Instant> rangeSet = resultList.get(0).getRangeSet(); // rangetSet.ranges = null !
Thanks for your help

Apex class code is getting highlighted when I tried to check code coverage

Test class :
public class PriceName_PriceList_test {
#istest static void PriceName_PriceListMethod(){
PriceName_PriceList priceObj = new PriceName_PriceList();
Product_Line_Item__c prl = New Product_Line_Item__c();
prl = [SELECT, List_Price__c FROM Product_Line_Item__c]; = 'testproduct';
prl.List_Price__c = 123;
insert prl;
You didn't pass the Id to the class. So with a null the query will return 0. But it's interesting, I'd expect you to at least get coverage for line 6...
Change your code to this and run again
insert prl;
PriceObj.drId = prl.Id;
Or make the function accept an Id parameter and call PriceObj.getdetails(prl.Id), no idea what's your use case

How to get query covered in apex test class for salesforce

I'm having a tough time trying to get all code covered in my test class for an apex class.
Apex class:
public with sharing class myclass {
**public List<CustomObject1> listvar {get;set;}**
public myclass(ApexPages.StandardController sc){
CustomObject2 var = [SELECT Id, Field1__c FROM CustomObject2 WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
**listvar = [SELECT Id,Name,Field1__c,Field2__c,Field3__c,Field4__c,Field5__c,CreatedDate,CreatedById FROM CustomObject1 WHERE Field2__c = :var.Field1__c ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC];**
Test Class:
public class myclass_Test {
static testmethod void dosomething(){
Account a = new Account();
a.Name = 'Test acct';
insert a;
CustomObject4__c v = new CustomObject4__c();
v.Field1__c = '123 ABC';
v.Name = 'test name';
v.Field2__c = True;
v.Account__c = a.Id;
insert v;
... more record creates including ones for the object being queried...
PageReference pageref = Page.myVFpage;
ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(v);
myclass myPageCon = new myclass(sc);
I've tried creating a new list for the underneath the last line in the test class and populating the list, but I cannot get 100% code coverage. I marked the lines that I'm not getting any coverage from the test class with. Any suggestions?
You should put some asserts into your test Class. Something like
System.assertEquals(5, yourListsize)
I figured out that the listvar list for CustomObject1 wasn't getting populated because an Id wasn't being passed to var for CustomObject2. In the test class I had to put the record Id using ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id',;
with the Id for the record created in the test class for that object. Thanks anyways guys :-)

Retrieving every field of a database row as object in zend framework 2

I know we have result set to get a row as object But How can I get every field as a separate object ? consider of this database row :
user_id address_id product_id shop_id
5 3 134 2
I want to retrieve and save the row as follows :
userEntity AddressEntity ProductEntity ShopEntity
This is not how the TableDataGateway is supposed to be used, since what you are looking for are more complex features such as the ones of Doctrine 2 ORM and similar data-mappers.
Here is one possible solution to the problem, which involves using a custom hydrator (docs). My example is simplified, but I hope it clarifies how you are supposed to build your resultset.
First, define your entities (I'm simplifying the example assuming that UserEntity is the root of your hydration):
class UserEntity {
/* fields public for simplicity of the example */
public $address;
public $product;
public $shop;
class AddressEntity { /* add public fields here for simplicity */ }
class ProductEntity { /* add public fields here for simplicity */ }
class ShopEntity { /* add public fields here for simplicity */ }
Then, build hydrators specific for the single entities:
use Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\HydratorInterface as Hydrator;
class AddressHydrator implements Hydrator {
// #TODO: implementation up to you
class ProductHydrator implements Hydrator {
// #TODO: implementation up to you
class ShopHydrator implements Hydrator {
// #TODO: implementation up to you
Then we aggregate these hydrators into one that is specifically built to hydrate a UserEntity:
class UserHydrator extends \Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ObjectProperty {
public function __construct(
Hydrator $addressHydrator,
Hydrator $productHydrator,
Hydrator $shopHydrator
) {
$this->addressHydrator = $addressHydrator;
$this->productHydrator = $productHydrator;
$this->shopHydrator = $shopHydrator;
public function hydrate(array $data, $object)
if (isset($data['address_id'])) {
$data['address'] = $this->addressHydrator->hydrate($data, new AddressEntity());
if (isset($data['product_id'])) {
$data['product'] = $this->productHydrator->hydrate($data, new ProductEntity());
if (isset($data['shop_id'])) {
$data['shop'] = $this->shopHydrator->hydrate($data, new ShopEntity());
return parent::hydrate($data, $object);
Now you can use it to work with your resultset. Let's define the service for your UserEntityTableGateway:
'UserEntityTableGateway' => function ($sm) {
$dbAdapter = $sm->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
$resultSetPrototype = new ResultSet();
$resultSetPrototype->setArrayObjectPrototype(new UserHydrator());
return new TableGateway('user', $dbAdapter, null, $resultSetPrototype);
These are all simplified examples, but they should help you understanding how powerful hydrators can be, and how you can compose them to solve complex problems.
You may also check the chapters in the documentation about the Aggregate Hydrator and Hydration Strategies, which were designed specifically to solve your problem.

GAE/JPA/DataNucleus: Strange exception while trying to persist entity (IllegalArgumentException: out of field index :-1)

I'm getting an exception after I added this embedded field in my entity:
public class Team extends DataObject
private TeamEvolution teamEvolution = new TeamEvolution();
// #AttributeOverrides({ #AttributeOverride(name = "buffer", column = #Column) })
// #Enumerated
private ScoutBuffer scoutBuffer;
This guy is very simple:
public class ScoutBuffer
private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 150;
private List<String> buffer;
... // from here on there are only methods...
When I try to merge my modifications I get the following exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: out of field index :-1
at com.olympya.futweb.datamodel.model.ScoutBuffer.jdoProvideField(
at org.datanucleus.state.JDOStateManagerImpl.provideField(
at org.datanucleus.state.JDOStateManagerImpl.provideField(
// etc, etc...
I don't think there's anything to do, but I had to use JDOHelper.makeDirty before merging the entity for it to perceive that I modified scoutBuffer:
JDOHelper.makeDirty(team, "scoutBuffer");
As you can see commented in the code, I tried the workaround described here, without success. Strange thing is that is from 2009... I'm using GAE 1.7.0, by the way. Also, I tried cleaning/re-enhancing the datamodel.
