Is possible use react native EXPO-CLI and implement video calling? - reactjs

I need an implementation that allows me to connect two clients, one in react Js and the other in react native with expo-cli, through a video call, but I don't know if is possible to do that in these conditions. I'd like some example or alternative to solve that.

You have to use something called WebRTC , it allows you to stream audio and/or video media.
For browser , Read This article
For react native, your going to need a package called react-native-webrtc , Read more in This page.
Also read This


A way to precompile a single react component for a react native webview

As the title suggests I am looking for a way to precompile a single or set of normal react components to plain html/js so I can inject this into my webview.
Since I am open to any solution I will give you some background on what I am trying to achieve. We are building a react native app and need to use Leafleft maps by customer requirement. Since Leaflet is not available for react native straight away we are looking for a way to implement it. Currently we are looking at compiling the leaflet react code to normal html/js and inject this into a webview. If there are other/ better ways by all means suggest them!
Thanks for your time 😄

How to save data take from the use in react native

I am using react native and, i want to take input from user and store in react native state variable and display on the screen.
Well, you should start reading the official documentation, this will help you to start with the basics. However, this is the answer to your question.

Tabulator: React formater: need 'dispose' handler for a correct implementation

react-tabulator is a library providing an integration of Tabulator in React. Their solution to render a React component within a Tabulator formater uses this function. However, I don't think this is 100% correct, because based on the React doc on integrating React w/ plain JS, ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode() needs to be called on dispose in order to to some cleanup. I also communicated this to the author within a GitHub issue, and maybe he'll provide additional info.
My question: is there a hook/handler/way to receive notifications when a cell is being disposed? 1) This will allow me to call the mentioned method, so that React can do some cleanup. 2) This opens also the path towards an alternative approach, leveraging React portals.
Thank you in advance!
I have created an implementation using portals in this gist. It's a Storybook pages. I'm using semantic-ui-react in my project, so a copy/paste of the file may need adapting.
I don't know if it's OK to have thousands of portals. I.e. one per cell. Also, I didn't see any action do "dispose" a portal. I hope that disposing the DOM element where the portal was rendered suffices. Otherwise => memory leaks possible I think.

Is Redux the same for React and React native?

I am currently studying RN by myself, without prior knowledge in React. A lot of things seem to exist in both such as Redux and hooks. Many of the resources I find refer to React in the title (e.g "Redux Crash Course With React").
My question is: where does the line cross between React and React Native? Would I be fine studyig form these resources that refer to React, or would that just confuse me?
I'm trying to understand a go to approach to understand which resource I'd be fine with and which would be irrelevant.
React Native contains React library to use it as front-end library.
Most of usages of React are the same for React-Native. And it is same for Redux too.
React-Native must have other libraries to build applications that can run on both of Android and iOS.
Also it has middleware libraries that allow us to use most of native libraries' functionalities. As an example you can check Alert directory out. It is used for to show native Android alert dialogs.
Good luck..
Both react and react native use javascript to create the user interface we need but the difference is in the rendering, style and bundling and you should know that react native is a framework itself but react.js is a library. the main difference:
---React-Native doesn’t use HTML to render the app, but provides alternative components that work in a similar way. Those React-Native components map the actual real native iOS or Android UI components that get rendered on the app.
---With React-Native, you’ll have to learn a completely new way to animate the different components of your app with Javascript.
--- navigating between pages are totally different!!!
so we conclude that it's better to study references based on RN not react.js . but some functionalities such as redux or hooks or a lot of it's components are exactly the same and you can study react.js references for them. only the 3 differents that i said above are important.

What is the better to manage state in React Native project on Expo?

I am creating React Native App for mobile on Expo.
When we try to make mobile Apps, we should usually manage state in this app.
However, I am using Expo. Of course, Expo is useful to start React Native App easily and quickly but sometimes Expo cannot accept modules.
So, in this case, I tried to use Realm to manage state but Expo can't follow this.
Could you teach me which way for state management is better in React Native on Expo?
There's a few ways to go about this, two of which I know and have used:
AsyncStorage: This is default with react-native and you won't need to install anything to use it, here's a few tutorials and documentation on it.
React-Redux: This is something I use a lot more, it utilises AsyncStorage but allows you to create a better storage flow and a system of persisting data so when you close the app and reopen it, the data will still be there. I've found React-Redux to be a lot easier once properly learned, here's a few documentations on it.
A quick google search on either (react native using react redux or react native using async storage) will give you quite a few documentations/tutorials that is quite useful and you always have Stackoverflow, if you're ever stuck.
there are multiple ways
redux (
mobx (
react context API (
for small apps, i prefered use react context and for an app with a large scale I using redux
