How to save data take from the use in react native - reactjs

I am using react native and, i want to take input from user and store in react native state variable and display on the screen.

Well, you should start reading the official documentation, this will help you to start with the basics. However, this is the answer to your question.


Is possible use react native EXPO-CLI and implement video calling?

I need an implementation that allows me to connect two clients, one in react Js and the other in react native with expo-cli, through a video call, but I don't know if is possible to do that in these conditions. I'd like some example or alternative to solve that.
You have to use something called WebRTC , it allows you to stream audio and/or video media.
For browser , Read This article
For react native, your going to need a package called react-native-webrtc , Read more in This page.
Also read This

React data flow

I am trying to create a blog application and I am a bit confused on the data flow patterns of React.
Should I be trying to use something like Redux to store all of my posts after fetching the posts? Do I use local storage?
How do I then tell a component to render the 'expanded' version of the post? Is it better to re-use a 'post' component or should I just create two seperate components, one for the title and one for the full post?
I know it's two questions in one, but they kind of go together. Thanks in advance
Here's what I've found out about these topics after 6 months into my self-taught React journey.
In my opinion, React built-in features are more than enough to handle state for a small to medium applications (especially if you're working alone as a single developer).
If you turn to Redux right away, you'll have to learn this whole new pattern of handling state in a single immutable store and how to connect your components to it.
Since you will be most likely fetching data asynchronously, you'll need a helper library to work async on Redux: redux-thunk or redux-saga.
So right from the start, you'll have to add:
redux-thunk OR redux-saga
That is a lot of documentation to digest. It's perfectly doable, but I couldn't agree more with this quote:
don't solve problems that you don't have
It will be hard to learn those tools, since you've never faced the problems that they solve. Problems that you don't encounter just yet when you're starting to learn React.
Read this (from Redux creator):
So, my recommendation to you:
Learn basic React (with classes):
Then learn React Hooks (and you can basically forget about class components):
Build your project using only React at first. And see how it goes. Then you can read more about Redux and what it does, and will be able to make a better choice on if you really need it or not.
From what you've told us about your project:
Keep a state for all your posts in a component high in the tree. Maybe inside the <App/> component itself.
Build your functions to fetch and update post data and update the state with the response.
Render how many components as you wish. Displaying full info about the post inside a BlogPostComponent or simplified version inside a BlogPostThumbnailCard with just the thumbnail and the title, for example.
If you want to be ready for the next versions of React and have a shorter code, you should try the hooks and avoid Classes
You can organize your code as you want, but this is more interesting to have scalability with your components and reuse them with different properties

React Native Redux Multi Form / Text Input

I am newbie in react native. So i need your help right now. Can you show me some source code about handling multiform in react native? In redux surely. I have added one more parameters in actions, reducers and the component but still not working.
This is a topic so widely documented that should not be asked here, but since you have take a look at:
Even though hey are for react all the concepts are appliable.
Please, this is just the first results of a google search, use it.

Need help understanding flow of react redux application

Took course on Udemy "Modern React and Redux" , Still not very clear about how data flows...
Please suggest How to Learn Reactjs and Redux,
What sources are best for basics?
How to start programming in reactjs?
In my opinion, the best source material concerning Redux and how to use it with React are these courses created by Dan Abramov (the creator of Redux).
The first course explains you what Redux is about, how it is made and how to use it.
The second course is more pratical, it shows you how to use it in a real application using React.
I personnally have learned how to use React and Redux using these two courses only.

Is it possible to use React.js in React-Native?

Using React-Native, I'll make Native app. But I don't know anything about it.
So, I am going to buy some books about React-Native.
If It is possible to use React.js in React-Native, then I will buy the book about React.js .
Is it possible?
ps. Do you know some links or website about React-Native? Please Share!
React-Native uses the same syntax as React.js. You have to use React in order to use RN, but the functions, methods and components are not the same. (There is no , no documentElement or anything else).
You should take a look at the Fabebook documentation for React & RN:
