Why is the endpoints tab not appearing in the microsoft 365 defender console - azure-active-directory

I am trying to onboard a device to MS 365 defender via the Settings -> Endpoints tab as stated in MSDN, but the tab is not showing up for me. It shows up for other people ive talked to. Is there something I need to do to enable it?

Please check the below note from MsDoc:
What you see in Microsoft 365 Defender depends on your current subscriptions.
I tried to check the same in my environment and was unable to find the Endpoint menu same as you like below:
This issue usually occurs if there is no required license that supports Microsoft 365 Defender.
Please check the below link to know the licensing requirements to access Microsoft 365 Defender:
Microsoft 365 Defender prerequisites | Microsoft Docs
Try to acquire at least Microsoft Defender for Endpoint license.
Make sure to sign-in with admin account to Microsoft 365 Defender admin center.
If the issue still persists, please raise Azure Support Ticket.
Endpoint menu missing in security.microsoft.com by Ash Gardiner
Onboard devices and configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint capabilities | Microsoft Docs


Get active users windows 10 joined azure ad, Microsoft graph

I have some users in azure ad and some windows 10 joined devices. I want to get list of active users in windows 10(logged in with azure ad) making request to Microsoft graph, but i can't find that option.
I would appreciate any help or indication that you could give me. Thanks!!
You can try this
Get https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/devices?$count=true&$filter=startswith(operatingSystem, 'Windows')&$expand=registeredUsers
With request header ConsistencyLevel:eventual
List devices - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Docs

Microsoft 365 subscription extra-costs for registering app in Azure Active Directory Admin Center

I am a software developer and I've been working on integrating Microsoft Graph Api in my application to be able to retrieve calendar information for users. For development purposes, I have been using a Microsoft 365 Developer subscription, in which I register my app, by following https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-register-app. This seems to be working fine with my developer subscription, so after creating a small proof of concept, now I am trying to make a time and cost estimation for this, and I have some doubts about if there are any costs for the client.
Is Azure Active Directory Admin Center available on all Microsoft 365 business plans with the "App registration" option? Or are there any other cost-related aspects I need to take in consideration?
I've searched online and found that there shouldn't be any additional costs, but since I am not really familiar with Microsoft 365 and Azure Active Directory Admin Center other than what I used for my proof of concept, I am not really sure I have the right information.
Maybe there is someone who already implemented this in production and can have a better understanding over this.
Microsoft 365 subscription extra-costs for Microsoft Graph Api usage
1.There is no extra cost to use the API, it is open source.
and I have some doubts about if there are any costs for the client.
2.No,it's free.And only microsoft 365 subscription needs to be charged.
3.Yes,all Microsoft 365 subscriptions offer this option.
As #Nishant - MSFT Identity says,Registering apps in Azure AD does not involve any costs and Microsoft 365 E5 developer subscription​ comes with Azure Active Directory(it's free) for building advanced identity and access management solutions.
M365 subscription will have an Azure tenant associated with it and hence you can create application for authenticating to AAD using MS Graph.

Teams App : Is it mandatory that customer should have 365 to use teams app?

Is it mandatory that the tenant has to have Microsoft Office 365? Can we sync our on premise Active Directory to Azure AD using Azure Connect and login to Microsoft Teams using AD credentials?
the Full version of teams requires an office 365 license. as this is an office 365 product.
Without an office 365 license that includes teams. you won't be able to use the full version of teams regardless of AD Account.
So to answer your question. yes it is mandatory to have a o365/teams license in order to use teams.
There is however a free version of teams that you can use, and if your entire tenant in aad doesn't have any office 365 at all, then 'I believe' you can log into / sign up for that free version.
though there are various limitations on that version but if you are just testing it out, or are a small organization, of less than 25 users then you could use it.

Enabling AAD login for existing Virtual Machines

I have seen that AAD login can be enabled at the time VM creation -- when we do this, I noticed that it adds an extension someething like 'AADLoginForLinux'. But for the VMs for which we don't specify AAD login at the time of creation, how do we enable it? Can we go to the extension blade and just search for 'AADLoginForLinux' extension and install it (if available for the selected OS) ? Will that make AAD login work for the VM?
Of course, it's possible to install VM extension for the existing VM which does not enable the AAD login in the creation time.
For Linux, you can see all the support distributions and regions here currently. Not long below, you also can find the steps that how to install the VM extension for the existing Linux VM.
For Windows, you can find the steps here. But it seems only the Windows Server 2019 Datacenter and the Windows 10 1809 and later are supported currently. See more details here.

How to change default email client in Dynamics NAV?

We are switching from Ms Outlook to Lotus Notes as our default email client. The problem I have is that some customize button to print and send PDF are not longer working and instead return this message: "Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the default mail client"
What I tried so far was
Change the default email client in the ControlPanel --> DefaultPrograms --> Set Your Default Programs settings and made my Lotus Notes Mail and then clicked on the "Set this program as default".
This did not work, so I went back into the same settings but instead clicked on "Set program access and computer defaults", from there I went under the section of default e-mail program and chose Lotus Notes, still no go.
Went into regedit navigated to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\mailto\UserChoice" changed the key "Progid" (of type REG_SZ) to the value of "LotusNotes.URL.mailto"
Googled it a lot but still cannot find anything that is working.
Dynamics NAV seems to have the Outlook very deep inside it, but I really have no choice but to switch to Lotus Notes. Any help would be appreciate. We also have both Windows 7 and Windows XP at our location.
Looking into the codeunit has the function call of Mail.NewMessage() which again was working correctly with Outlook but I can't get it to work with Lotus Notes
The short answer, current versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV are specifically integrated with Outlook not just an e-mail client.
To get the same type of integration as Outlook you need to start with the automation variables within the Mail Codeunit point to Outlook specific controls, the first step is to augment or replace those automation controls to the equivalent ones for the version of Lotus that you are running.
You will then need to review each function call within the Mail Codeunit to ensure that the function has the same method signature in Lotus as it does in Outlook and adjust each function accordingly.
Changes like this require the Solution Builder license granule and modify access to the core application codeunits. This tends to require a Microsoft Solution Center and is not likely to be a small modification.
If you are purely looking to send E-Mail then you can adjust the logic to use Codeunit 400 which is just SMTP and should use any SMTP client that can be located on the network.
Depending on the Version of NAV you are running different versions of office are supported:
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 (SP1/R2)
Microsoft Office 2003, Service Pack 3 or later
the 2007 Microsoft Office system, Service Pack 1
Microsoft Dynamics 2013
Microsoft Office 2013 or Microsoft Office 2010 is required for mail merge. Microsoft Office 2013, Microsoft Office 2010, or Microsoft Office 2007 SP1 is required for Outlook client integration, budget import and export to and from Microsoft Excel and Office XML, and SharePoint links
