How can I allow my try block to work multiple times? - try-catch

So I've been trying to do a loop when working with classes but I find that fixing errors work once. Here's my code:
class team:
def __init__(self,budget):
self.budget = budget
def test_func():
team.budget = input("How much money should your baseball team own? ")
team.budget = int(team.budget)
except ValueError:
print("Either you added a dollar sign, put in text or tried something weird. Either way, don't do that.")
team.budget = input("How much money should your baseball team own? ")
This try block should block anything that's not an integer, but here's what happens when I cause an error twice:
Is there something you'd recommend to allow the input to happen until the user enters in something acceptable?
Much thanks!

You need to use a loop to repeat the prompt until a valid integer is entered.
def test_func():
while True:
team.budget = input("How much money should your baseball team own? ")
team.budget = int(team.budget)
break # Stop the loop since the input is valid.
except ValueError:
print("Either you added a dollar sign, put in text or tried something weird. Either way, don't do that.")


How to parse data and store it into variables using Nokogiri and Ruby

When I assign variable names such as service_names and name_array they are nil and nothing goes to the class variable ##product_names.
I used Pry to try the code without storing it into a variable and it works. It has the values I need.
I had this split up in more variables before to make cleaner code, for example:
require 'pry'
require 'rubygems'
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
class KefotoScraper::CLI
##product_names =[]
def call
puts "These are the services that Kefoto offers:"
puts "which service would you like to select?"
#selection = gets.chomp
puts "Would you like to go back to the service menu? y/n"
answer = gets.chomp
if answer == "y"
def home_html
# #home_html ||=
# HTTParty.get root_path
# # TODO: read about ruby memoization
# def home_node
# #home_node ||=
# Nokogiri::HTML(PAGE_URL)
# end
def service_names
#service_names = home_html.css(".nav-link").map do
|link| link['href'].to_s.gsub(/.php/, "")
#service_names.each do |pr|
##product_names << pr
def list_products
i = 1
n = 0
while ##product_names.length < n
##product_names.each do |list_item|
puts "#{i} #{list_item[n]}"
i += 1
n += 1
def view_price_range
price_range = []
#service_links.each do |link|
if #service = link
link.css(".row").map {|price| price["p"].value}
price_range << p
def service_links
#service_links ||=
home_html.css(".nav-item").map { |link| link['href'] }
##product_names should contain the code that comes out of
home_html.css(".nav-link").map { |link| link['href'] }.to_s.gsub(/.php/, "")
which later I turn back to an array.
This is what it looks like in Pry:
9] pry(#<KefotoScraper::CLI>)> home_html.css(".nav-link").map { |link| link['href'] }.to_s.gsub(/.php/, "").split(",")
=> ["[\"foto-enmarcada\"", " \"impresion-fotografica\"", " \"photobooks\"", " \"impresion-directa-canvas\"", " \"impresion-acrilico\"", " \"fotoregalos\"]"]
[10] pry(#<KefotoScraper::CLI>)> home_html.css(".nav-link").map { |link| link['href'] }.to_s.gsub(/.php/, "").split(",")[0]
=> "[\"foto-enmarcada\""
Nokogiri's command-line IRB is your friend. Use nokogiri "" at the shell to start it up:
irb(main):006:0> #doc.css('.nav-link[href]').map { |l| l['href'].sub(/\.php$/, '') }
=> ["foto-enmarcada", "impresion-fotografica", "photobooks", "impresion-directa-canvas", "impresion-acrilico", "fotoregalos"]
That tells us it's not dynamic HTML and shows how I'd retrieve those values. Since an a tag doesn't have to contain href parameters I guarded against retrieving any such tags by accident.
You've got bugs, potential bugs and bad practices. Here are some untested but likely to work ways to fix them:
Running the code results in:
uninitialized constant KefotoScraper (NameError)
In your code you have #service and #service_links which are never initialized so...?
Don't do this because it's cruel:
def home_html
Every time you call home_html you (re)open and (re)read the page from the remote site and wasting your and their CPU and network time. Instead, cache the parsed document in a variable kind of like you did in your commented-out line using HTTParty. It's much more friendly to not hit sites repeatedly and helps avoid getting banned.
Moving on:
def service_names
#service_names = home_html.css(".nav-link").map do
|link| link['href'].to_s.gsub(/.php/, "")
#service_names.each do |pr|
##product_names << pr
I'd use something like get_product_names and return the array like I did in Nokogiri above:
def get_product_names
get_html.css('.nav-link[href]').map { |l|
l['href'].sub(/\.php$/, '')
##product_names = get_product_names()
Here's why I'd do it another way. You used:
link['href'].to_s.gsub(/.php/, "")
to_s is redundant because link['href'] is already returning a string. Stringizing a string wastes brain cycles when rereading/debugging the code. Be kind to yourself and don't do that.
require 'nokogiri'
html = '<a href="foo">'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)'a')['href'] # => "foo"'a')['href'].class # => String
gsub Ew. How many occurrences of the target string do you anticipate to find and replace? If only one, which is extremely likely in a URL "href", instead use sub because it's more efficient; It only runs once and moves on whereas gsub looks through the string at least one additional time to see if it needs to run again.
/.php/ doesn't mean what you think it does, and it's a very subtle bug in waiting. /.php/ means "some character followed by "php", but you most likely meant "a period followed by 'php'". This was something I used to see all the time because other programmers I worked with didn't bother to figure out what they were doing, and being the senior guy it was my job to pick their code apart and find bugs. Instead you should use /\.php/ which removes the special meaning of ., resulting in your desired pattern which is not going to trigger if it encounters "aphp" or something similar. See "Metacharacters and Escapes" and the following section on that page for more information.
On top of the above, the pattern needs to be anchored to avoid wasting more CPU. /\.php/ will cause the regular expression engine to start at the beginning of the string and walk through it until it reaches the end. As strings get longer that process gets slower, and in production code that is processing GB of data it can slow down a system markedly. Instead, using an anchor like /\.php$/ or /\.php\z/ gives the engine a hint where it should start looking and can result in big speedups. I've got some answers on SO that go into this, and the included benchmarks show how they help. See "Anchors" for more information.
That should help you but I didn't try modifying your code to see if it did. When asking questions about bugs in your code we need the minimum code necessary to reproduce the problem. That lets us help you more quickly and efficiently. Please see "ask" and the linked pages and "mcve".

Generating a reverse-engineerable code to save game, python 3

So I'm making a little text based game in Python and I decided for a save system I wanted to use the old "insert code" trick. The code needs to keep track of the players inventory (as well as other things, but the inventory is what I'm having trouble with).
So my thought process on this would be to tie each item and event in the game to a code. For example, the sword in your inventory would be stored as "123" or something unique like that.
So, for the code that would generate to save the game, imagine you have a sword and a shield in your inventory, and you were in the armory.
location(armory) = abc
sword = 123
shield = 456
When the player inputs the command to generate the code, I would expect an output something like:
I think putting periods between items in the code would make it easier to distinguish one item from another when it comes to decoding the code.
Then, when the player starts the game back up and they input their code, I want that abc.123.456 to be translated back into your location being the armory and having a sword and shield in your inventory.
So there are a couple questions here:
How do I associate each inventory item with its respective code?
How do I generate the full code?
How do I decode it when the player loads back in?
I'm pretty damn new to Python and I'm really not sure how to even start going about this... Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
So, if I get you correctly, you want to serialize info into a string which can't be "saved" but could be input in your program;
Using dots is not necessary, you can program your app to read your code without them.. this will save you a few caracters in lenght.
The more information your game needs to "save", the longer your code will be; I would suggest to use as short as possible strings.
Depending on the amount of locations, items, etc. you want to store in your save code: you may prefer longer or shorter options:
digits (0-9): will allow you to keep 10 names stored in 1 character each.
hexadecimal (0-9 + a-f, or 0-9 + a-F): will allow you to keep from 16 to 22 names (22 if you make your code case sensitive)
alphanum (0-9 + a-z, or 0-9 + a-Z): will allow you to keep from 36 to 62 names (62 if case sensitive)
more options are possible if you decide to use punctuation and punctuated characters, this example will not go there, you will need to cover that part yourself if you need.
For this example I'm gonna stick with digits as I'm not listing more than 10 items or locations.
You define each inventory item and each place as dictionaries, in your source code:
You can a use single line like I have done for places
places = {'armory':'0', 'home':'1', 'dungeon':'2'}
# below is the same dictionary but sorted by values for reversing.
rev_places = dict(map(reversed, places.items()))
Or for improved readability; use multiple lines:
items = {
'magic wand':'4'
#Below is the same but sorted by value for reversing.
rev_items = dict(map(reversed, items.items()))
Store numbers as strings, for easier understanding, also if you use hex or alphanum options it will be required.
Then also use dictionaries to manage in game information, below is just a sample of how you should represent your game infos that the code will produce or parse, this portion should not be in your source code, I have intentionally messed items order to test it.;
game_infos = {
Then you could generate your save code with following function that reads your inventory and whereabouts like so:
def generate_code(game_infos):
''' This serializes the game information dictionary into a save
code. '''
location = places[game_infos['location']]
inventory = ''
#for every item in the inventory, add a new character to your save code.
for item in game_infos['items']:
inventory += items[game_infos['items'][item]]
return location + inventory # The string!
And the reading function, which uses the reverse dictionaries to decipher your save code.
def read_code(user_input):
''' This takes the user input and transforms it back to game data. '''
result = dict() # Let's start with an empty dictionary
# now let's make the user input more friendly to our eyes:
location = user_input[0]
items = user_input[1:]
result['location'] = rev_places[location] # just reading out from the table created earlier, we assign a new value to the dictionary location key.
result['items'] = dict() # now make another empty dictionary for the inventory.
# for each letter in the string of items, decode and assign to an inventory slot.
for pos in range(len(items)):
slot = 'slot' + str(pos)
item = rev_items[items[pos]]
result['items'][slot] = item
return result # Returns the decoded string as a new game infos file :-)
I recommend you play around with this working sample program, create a game_infos dictionary of your own with more items in inventory, add some places, etc.
You could even add some more lines/loops to your functions to manage hp or other fields your game will require.
Hope this helps and that you had not given up on this project!

(C) - How would one compare 2 txt files REQUESTS.txt and AVAILABLE.txt, separating each str read into a (STR6, STR3, STR3, INT) formatted Structure?

I have been working on this program for over a week with no breakthrough. The questions states as follows:
A ​disc​ ​file​ ​‘REQUESTS.TXT’​ ​contains​ ​airline​ ​flight​ ​data formatted​
​(STR6,​ ​STR3,​ ​STR3,​ ​INT)​.
AA1011​SFx​LAx​​34​ ​(American Airlines​ ​1010,​ ​SF​ ​to​ ​LA,​ ​34​ ​seats)
W0924​DNV​DFW​​101​ ​(Western​ ​0924,​ ​DNV​ ​to​ ​DFW,​ ​101​ ​seats)
Another​ ​file​ ​‘AVAILABL.TXT’​ ​contains​ ​an​ ​unspecified​ number​ ​of​ ​reservation​ request​ ​records formatted​ ​identically​ ​as​ ​described​ ​above​ ​except​ ​the​ Seats​ ​Available​ ​field​ ​is​ ​a​ ​Seats​ ​Requested field.
Read reservation flights and process requests. If the request can be fullfilled (i.e.. it is in AVAILABL and REQUESTS) then print "Reservation Processed", otherwise print "Reservation Denied".
Print out flight data file before and after reservations are processed, ordered by flight ID in a four(4) column format.
Print an overall outcome report for all processed.(Present totals for the number of requests satisfied and denied)
I have tried a few different approaches.. I tried to split up the first STR6 by isalpha/isdigit and combine them to make the FlightID (AA + 1011). Proceeded to try to then split up the remaining characters between STR3 and STR3 via isalpha + for loop. And lastly, I tried to take the last 3+ digits for the # of seats during each for loop iteration and multiply the first digit by 100(for a 3-digit value) or 10(for a 2-digit value), adding it to a running total for availSeats(INT). This, at least I thought so, would produce a
AA+1011 = AA1011(STR6) // W+0924 = W0924(STR6)
SFx(STR3) // DNV(STR3)
LAx(STR3) // DFW(STR3)
(3*10)+(4*1) = 34(INT) // (1*100)+(0*10)+(1*1) = 101(INT)
All of this stored within a Struct Array.
FlightData Flight; ............................................FlightData Flight;
Flight[0].flightID = AA1011; .........................Flight[1].flightID = W0924;
Flight[0].fromCity = SFx; ...............................Flight[1].fromCity = DNV;
Flight[0].toCity = LAx; ..................................Flight[1].toCity = DFW;
Flight[0].seatsAvail = 34; .............................Flight[1].seatsAvail = 101;
I am really at a loss right now and have no other way to progress other than searching up different techniques/methods to use to make this work. I am a beginner clearly and will continue to practice and progress in C, but if anyone could provide me with a push in the right direction on how one would execute this via .txt into a Struct would be amazing. Also, if anyone has another method they used to solve this problem I would love to analyze it. Thanks!
(This is my first post, I spent a lot of time formatting it to be clear on Stackoverflow, so If i messed up in areas some constructive critisism would be useful! This applies to my posting and my coding practices. Thanks again!)
EDIT: The question I am asking here is how to successfully take a string such as AA1011SFxLAx34 and turn it into a Structure like the above diagram. It must also work for the second string W0924DNVDFW101 which has only 1 Char in its ID. (rather than two in AA1011). Im not sure what else I am supposed to edit after reading the guidelines.
I consider this a home work question, so I answer according to
How do I ask and answer homework questions?
Find a tutorial on C, work through it.
Then take a HelloWorld, modify it in small steps to approach your goal in steps from working program to working program. This way you should at least get to being able to read text from a file and print it.
Then learn to store parts of what you print into basic variables.
Then learn about structures.
And so on.
This way you will get quite close to the solution.
If it is not completely what you need show the code you have here at that point and ask a specific question about the first problem explaining what you suspect the problem to be. Show code which has exactly that one problem and makes it visible and has not other warnings (using at least e.g. gcc -Wall mycode).
Fix with the help of commments/answers you receive, repeat.

removing portion of filename

I have done some searching but cannot see how to actually code this. I am new to Python and not really sure what method I should use to try to do this.
I have some files that I would like to rename. Unfortunately the portion towards the file extension is never the same and would like to just remove it.
File name is like AC_DC - Shot Down In Flames (Official Video)-UKwVvSleM6w.mp3
Any help would be appreciated.
Since this looks like the result from youtube-dl, the "random" substring is most likely the unique video id, which in my experience is always 11 characters long. It can, however, include dashes (-), so the regex-approach suggested by smitrp would not always work.
I use this "dirty" workaround:
>>> original_name="AC_DC - Shot Down In Flames (Official Video)-UKwVvSleM6w.mp3"
>>> new_name=original_name[:-16]+".mp3"
>>> new_name
'AC_DC - Shot Down In Flames (Official Video).mp3'
If you really, REALLY want to find the "-XXXX"-portion, have a look at str.rfind(). This will help you to find the index of the last dash (-), which you can directly use for the slice notation of the string.
This will provide wrong results, if the video id contains a dash, e.g. here:
Then you will find the last dash, remove -wa0 and be left with -7WVBEB8 at the end of the filename.
Using idea of the above answer, one can also take into account that a normal word does not
contain more than one capital character.
def youtube_name_fix(folder):
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
REGEX = re.compile(r'[A-Z]')
for name in os.listdir(folder):
basename = Path(name)
last_12 = basename.stem[-12:]
# check if the end string is not all uppercase (then it could be part of a valid name)
if not last_12.isupper():
# check if the last string has more than one uppercase letters
if len(REGEX.findall(last_12)) > 1:
# remove the end youtube string and create new full path
new_name = os.path.join(folder, basename.stem[:-12] + basename.suffix)
os.rename(os.path.join(folder,name), new_name)
except Exception as e:
> youtube_name_fix(p)
old name -> "4-Discrete and Continuous Probability Models-esHwigpYggU.mp4"
new name -> "4-Discrete and Continuous Probability Models.mp4"

addition with python into a .txt file

i am creating a chatroom bot using python 2.7.9 and i wanna know how to take the number i have in the .txt file and add a number to it, im stuck and i wanna know how to do this so i can add currency to my chatroom bot.
ive tried to do this before but i am having too many problems with it.
"args" is the argument/number i want to add
"yp" is the currency i am using
this is what i have, but it isnt working
Definition for the currency:
yp = []
f = open("yp.txt", "r")
for currency in f.readlines():
if len(currency.strip())>0: yp.append(currency.strip())
what i use to save the numbers to the file:
def saveyp(user):
f = open("yp.txt", "w")
and my command i have for the bot:
if used_prefix and cmd == "test" and in owners:
if args:
room.message("$"+args+" has been added to your currency :)")
room.message(", you now have $"+yp)
I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do or what errors you have been getting, but the number from the file will be encoded as a string, so you need to cast it as an integer before adding it to the currency. Maybe that's where you're getting an error?
Also, before room.message(", you now have $"+yp), you will need to increment currency somewhere so that you print the updated amount. You would do something like:
yp += int(args)
The way you have done it has not actually incremented the yp variable.
