addition with python into a .txt file - file

i am creating a chatroom bot using python 2.7.9 and i wanna know how to take the number i have in the .txt file and add a number to it, im stuck and i wanna know how to do this so i can add currency to my chatroom bot.
ive tried to do this before but i am having too many problems with it.
"args" is the argument/number i want to add
"yp" is the currency i am using
this is what i have, but it isnt working
Definition for the currency:
yp = []
f = open("yp.txt", "r")
for currency in f.readlines():
if len(currency.strip())>0: yp.append(currency.strip())
what i use to save the numbers to the file:
def saveyp(user):
f = open("yp.txt", "w")
and my command i have for the bot:
if used_prefix and cmd == "test" and in owners:
if args:
room.message("$"+args+" has been added to your currency :)")
room.message(", you now have $"+yp)

I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do or what errors you have been getting, but the number from the file will be encoded as a string, so you need to cast it as an integer before adding it to the currency. Maybe that's where you're getting an error?
Also, before room.message(", you now have $"+yp), you will need to increment currency somewhere so that you print the updated amount. You would do something like:
yp += int(args)
The way you have done it has not actually incremented the yp variable.


making discord bot command to store message content (python)

So this is my first time coding an actual project that isn't a small coding task. I've got a bot that runs and responds to a message if it says "hello". I've read the API documentation up and down and really only have a vague understanding of it and I'm not sure how to implement it.
My question right now is how would I go about creating a command that takes informationn from a message the command is replying to (sender's name, message content) and stores it as an object. Also, what would be the best way to store that information?
I want to learn while doing this and not just have the answers handed to me ofc, but I feel very lost. Not sure where to even begin.
I tried to find tutorials on coding discord bots that would have similar functions to what I want to do, but can't find anything.
Intro :
Hi NyssaDuke !
First of all, prefer to paste your code instead of a picture. It's easier for us to take your code and try to produce what you wish.
In second, I see an "issue" in your code since you declare twice the bot. You can specify the intents when you declare your bot as bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", intents=intents)
Finally, as stated by #stijndcl , it's against TOS, but I will try to answer you at my best.
My bot needs to store data, like users ID, language, and contents relative to a game, to get contacted further. Since we can have a quite big load of requests in a small time, I prefered to use a file to store instead of a list that would disappear on crash, and file allow us to make statistics later. So I decided to use pytables that you can get via pip install pytables. It looks like a small DB in a single file. The file format is HDF5.
Let say we want to create a table containing user name and user id in a file :
import tables
class CUsers (tables.IsDescription) :
user_name = StringCol(32)
user_id = IntCol()
with tables.open_file("UsersTable.h5", mode="w") as h5file :
groupUser = h5file.create_group("/", "Users", "users entries")
tableUser = h5file.create_table(groupUser, "Users", CUsers, "users table")
We have now a file UsersTable.h5 that has an internal table located in root/Users/Users that is accepting CUsers objects, where, therefore, user_name and user_id are the columns of that table.
getting user info and storing it
Let's now code a function that will register user infos, and i'll call it register. We will get the required data from the Context that is passed with the command, and we'll store it in file.
async def FuncRegister (ctx) :
with tables.open_file("UsersTable.h5", mode="a") as h5file :
tableUser = h5file.root.Users.Users
particle = tableUser.row
particle['user_name'] = str(
particle['user_id'] =
The last two lines are sending the particle, that is the active row, so that is an object CUsers, into the file.
An issue I got here is that special characters in a nickname can make the code bug. It's true for "é", "ü", etc, but also cyrillic characters. What I did to counter is to encode the user name into bytes, you can do it by :
particle['user_name'] = str(
reading file
It is where it starts to be interesting. The HFS5 file allows you to use kind of sql statements. Something you have to take in mind is that strings in the file are UTF-8 encoded, so when you extract them, you have to call for .decode(utf-8). Let's now code a function where a user can remove its entry, based on its id :
async def FuncRemove(ctx) :
with tables.open_file("UsersTable.h5", mode="a") as h5file :
tableUser = h5file.root.Users.Users
positions = tableUser.get_where_list("(user_id == '%d')" %
nameuser = tableUser[positions[0]]['user_name'].decode('utf-8')
.get_where_list() returns a list of positions in the file, that I later address to find the right position in the table.
If possible, prefer saving ID over name, as it complicates the code with encode() and decode(), and that bots have access to a wonderful function that is fetch_user(). Let's code a last function that will get you the last entry in your table, and with the id, print the username with the fetch method :
async def FuncLast(ctx) :
with tables.open_file("UsersTable.h5", mode="r") as h5file :
tableUser = h5file.root.Users.Users
lastUserIndex = len(tableUser) - 1
iduser = tableUser[lastUserIndex]['user_id']
member = await bot.fetch_user(iduser)
await ctx.send(member.display_name)
For further documentation, check the manual of, this link to context in particular.

How can I allow my try block to work multiple times?

So I've been trying to do a loop when working with classes but I find that fixing errors work once. Here's my code:
class team:
def __init__(self,budget):
self.budget = budget
def test_func():
team.budget = input("How much money should your baseball team own? ")
team.budget = int(team.budget)
except ValueError:
print("Either you added a dollar sign, put in text or tried something weird. Either way, don't do that.")
team.budget = input("How much money should your baseball team own? ")
This try block should block anything that's not an integer, but here's what happens when I cause an error twice:
Is there something you'd recommend to allow the input to happen until the user enters in something acceptable?
Much thanks!
You need to use a loop to repeat the prompt until a valid integer is entered.
def test_func():
while True:
team.budget = input("How much money should your baseball team own? ")
team.budget = int(team.budget)
break # Stop the loop since the input is valid.
except ValueError:
print("Either you added a dollar sign, put in text or tried something weird. Either way, don't do that.")

How do I get the index to take the filename as its value?

I have a list of filenames that I want to make (they don't exist yet). I want to loop through the list and create each file. Next I want to write to each file a path (along with other text not shown here) that includes the name of the file. I have written something similar to below so far but cannot see how to get the index i to take the file name values. Please help.
import os
for i in biglist:
myfile.write('DATA = c:\autumn\winter\spring\i.dat')
Maybe you can try this below python function.
import sys
def create_file():
for i in biglist:
file_name_with_ext = "C:\autumn\winter\spring\"+ i + ".txt"
file = open(file_name_with_ext, 'a')
print("caught error!")
create_file() #invoking the function

Locating a dynamic string in a text file

Hello, I have been struggling recently in my programming endeavours. I have managed to receive the output below from Google Speech to Text, but I cannot figure out how draw data from this block.
Excerpt 1:
[VoiceMain]: Successfully initialized
{"result":[{"alternative":[{"transcript":"hello","confidence":0.46152416},{"transcript":"how low"},{"transcript":"how lo"},{"transcript":"how long"},{"transcript":"Polo"}],"final":true}],"result_index":0}
[VoiceMain]: Successfully initialized
{"result":[{"alternative":[{"transcript":"hello"},{"transcript":"how long"},{"transcript":"how low"},{"transcript":"howlong"}],"final":true}],"result_index":0}
My goal is to extract the string "hello" (without the quotation marks) from the first transcript of each block and set it equal to a variable. The problem arises when I do not know what the phrase will be. Instead of "hello", the phrase may be a string of any length. Even if it is a different string, I would still like to set it to the same variable to which the phrase "hello" would have been set to.
Furthermore, I would like to extract the number after the word "confidence". In this case, it is 0.46152416. Data type does not matter for the confidence variable. The confidence variable appears to be more difficult to extract from the blocks because it may or may not be present. If it is not present, it must be ignored. If it is present however, it must be detected and stored as a variable.
Also please note that this text block is stored within a file named "CurlOutput.txt".
All help or advice related to solving this problem is greatly appreciated.
You could do this with regex, but then I am assuming you will want to use this as a dict later in your code. So here is a python approach to building this result as a dictionary.
import json
with open('CurlOutput.txt') as f:
lines =
flag = '{"result":[]} '
for line in lines: # Loop through each lin in file
if flag in line: # check if this is a line with data on it
results = json.loads(line.replace(flag, ''))['result'] # Load data as a dict
# If you just want to change first index of alternative
# results[0]['alternative'][0]['transcript'] = 'myNewString'
# If you want to check all alternative for confidence and transcript
for result in results[0]['alternative']: # Loop over each alternative
transcript = result['transcript']
confidence = None
if 'confidence' in result:
confidence = result['confidence']
# now do whatever you want with confidence and transcript.

How would you add the name of a variable to a file name in Python 3.4?

Intuitively, although I know this is wrong, it would look something like this:
secondFileNamePart = "7"
file = open(('test+secondFileNamePart.txt'), 'w')
With the name of the new file being test7.
Obviously though, this does not work. Is their any way to do this, or if not a workaround? I want to create a user specified number of files, all with different names.
You should consider reading the Python tutorial - string concatenation is a basic topic.
secondFileNamePart = '7'
file = open('test'+secondFileNamePart+'.txt', 'w')
