'mongo' is still not working on PowerShell after doing all recommended things - database

I installed MongoDB and tried to run it on terminal. It just shows up 'mongo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I have set the path to bin folder inside Environment variables too. One thing I noticed is I might have a missing file inside bin folder and that is mongo. Because I have mongod and mongos file inside the bin folder. I tried to uninstall and reinstall the program and it was still not working.
I have no idea it's what that I'm missing. Please help out

Finally I have found the solution,
Mongo shell no longer ships with server binaries. We can download it from MongoDB Shell Download
Then we should extract the contents of the bin from the downloaded zip file to the bin file of the MongoDB folder and run mongosh instead of mongo on the terminal


How to install allure in MAC manually

I am trying to install allure in MAC not able to it.
I am getting the error "-bash: allure: command not found".
I have downloaded allure-commandline-2.9.0.tgz and allure-commandline-2.9.0.zip from the below link: https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/io/qameta/allure/allure-commandline/2.9.0/
I tried with both but it is not working.
Steps I have followed:
download the .tgz or .zip file.
unzip/untar the file.
set /allure-2.9.0/bin dir to the PATH variable.
Restart the terminal.
trying to run allure --version command.
But I am getting the error "-bash: allure: command not found".
Your installation folder of the tool is not /allure-2.9.0/bin
A good practise is to create a "bin" folder inside your user-account: "~/bin" and include this to the $PATH environment. From now on you can link or copy your extracted tool from e.g. ~/Downloads/allure-2.9.0/bin to ~/bin
You don't have to extend the PATH variable for each new tool.

Subgit installer For windows

I am trying to migrate from SVN to Git with history data and someone suggests me to use SubGit for this.
I downloaded the zip file and found that there is subgit.bat available in the bin folder after extracting it.
I don't know how to run subgit and ensure subgit installed on my windows system or not because it's throwing me subgit: Command not found
SubGit doesn't require any special installation, you can just unzip it and start to use, the bin/subgit.bat is actually SubGit start script. For convenience sake, it may worth to add the path to SubGit 'bin' folder to PATH environment variable so that subgit can start without issuing the full path every time.
The 'Command not found' error means that Windows cannot find the 'subgit' command -- it happens when there is no program called 'subgit' neither in PATH, nor in current directory. To resolve it either use full path to the 'subgit.bat' file to start the program (like, c:\subgit\bin\subgit.bat) or add SubGit bin directory path to PATH.

BIRT runtime 4.6.0 batch file not running

Trying to run a batch file on the latest version of BIRT. Upgraded from 3.7.1 to 4.6.0. The .bat file is exactly the same (other than changing the BIRT_HOME system variable).
The steps I took were as follows:
Downloaded 4.6.0 from an official mirror
Copied 2 jar files across into the BIRT_HOME/ReportEngine/lib folder. These jar files are jtds.jar and ojdbc6.jar so I can connect to an external database
Copied over my .bat file, report design file and report properties file
Edited the .bat file to give the correct location to BIRT_HOME
Executed the .bat file from command line
The error I get is:
Could not find or load main class org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.api.ReportRunner
The contents of my .bat file are:
#echo off
set BIRT_HOME=C:\birt-460\ReportEngine\
call %BIRT_HOME%genReport.bat -m runrender -o "output.PDF" -f PDF -F "reportproperties.properties" "reportproperties.rptDesign"
I can confirm that the following JAR file is present in my /lib folders: org.eclipse.birt.runtime_4.6.0-20160607.jar
The part I'm struggling with is that these steps work in 3.7.1 and 4.2.2, but not 4.6.0
Anyone got any ideas?
This is a bug in the 4.6.0 BIRT release.
As a workaround, simply remove the ECLIPSE_.RSA and ECLIPSE_.SF, from the META-INF/ folder in org.eclipse.birt.runtime_4.6.0-20160607.jar, which is in $BIRT_HOME/ReportEngine/lib/.
Refs: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/1086829/
This is fixed in the BIRT 4.9 runtime.

how to install check_inode plugin in nagios

i have to install a plugin on a red hat server where nagios is already configured.
the plugin to be installed is inode_checker which i got from this link
how to install inode checker in nagios
but when i opened this link i could find a shell script here.
now i am not sure whether i have to place the shell script directly on the server in the location /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ or is there any other way to do it since the other plugins available in this location seems to be different and i am not able to open them.
what am i doing wrong here?please advise.
Yes, this is a bash script so simply download and place it in the folder where you have other scripts sitting. Make sure to make it executable like
chmod +x scriptname
Then you should be able to use it in nagios by creating a Command object. You can find the location of the folder where your scripts are located by looking at the resources.cfg file which should hold something like below:
Hope this helps.

how to create folder in sonatype nexus repository through command line

Is there a way to create folder and copy artifacts into the created folders in sonatype nexus repository, through windows command line or batch files?
I have finally got solution to my problem by curl functionality.
curl -u admin:admin123 -T C:\upload\Test.txt http://Nexus_Repo_URL/folder_to_be_created/Test.txt
"folder_to_be_created" is the folder which is created in the repository and the file, 'Test.txt', is copied to it
Just upload the artifacts to whatever path is needed using one of the methods described here:
Any folders needed will be created automatically.
