how to create folder in sonatype nexus repository through command line - batch-file

Is there a way to create folder and copy artifacts into the created folders in sonatype nexus repository, through windows command line or batch files?

I have finally got solution to my problem by curl functionality.
curl -u admin:admin123 -T C:\upload\Test.txt http://Nexus_Repo_URL/folder_to_be_created/Test.txt
"folder_to_be_created" is the folder which is created in the repository and the file, 'Test.txt', is copied to it

Just upload the artifacts to whatever path is needed using one of the methods described here:
Any folders needed will be created automatically.


How to upload react build folder to my remote server?

I'm trying to deploy my react build folder to my server. I'm using index.html and static that configured in my file to do that. (
Since my backend is running on Ubuntu, I can't just copy from my Windows side and paste it. For now, I uploaded my build folder to my Google Drive and I download it on Ubuntu. But I still can't just copy and paste it on my PyCharm IDE, I can only copy the content in each file and then create a new file ony my server and paste the content to the file. This is just so time-consuming.
Is there any better way to do this?
you can use scp to upload the floder to remote
This link may help you:
use scp command
# in dest folder:
scp username#remove_address:/path/for/deploy ./

'mongo' is still not working on PowerShell after doing all recommended things

I installed MongoDB and tried to run it on terminal. It just shows up 'mongo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I have set the path to bin folder inside Environment variables too. One thing I noticed is I might have a missing file inside bin folder and that is mongo. Because I have mongod and mongos file inside the bin folder. I tried to uninstall and reinstall the program and it was still not working.
I have no idea it's what that I'm missing. Please help out
Finally I have found the solution,
Mongo shell no longer ships with server binaries. We can download it from MongoDB Shell Download
Then we should extract the contents of the bin from the downloaded zip file to the bin file of the MongoDB folder and run mongosh instead of mongo on the terminal

download multiple files from sftp with Jenkins

I have to download all files from a ftp folder using Explicit FTP over SSL/TLS. I need that for a jenkins job, running on a windows machine and didnt find any plugins - so I am trying to use a batch script with curl and the following code lists the contents of the folder.
set "$FILEPATH=C:\temp"
set "$REMOTEPATH=/files/"
curl -u user:pass --ftp-ssl$REMOTEPATH% -o %$FILEPATH%
I figured out that with curl I have to download files one by one, but how can I achieve to go through all the files in a ftp directory and get them one by one?
Is there a better way to achieve that? I read about mget, but it doesnt seem to work with the explicit ftp over ssl.
I couldnt bring it to work with batch directly in the script, so I wrote a python script instead and download it from git and execute it as a step in the pypeline. It has some nice libraries, so it works as a charm.

How to download all files in a link

I have this link
which has many files in it.
I tried to download it through FileZilla but did not work. it is not ftp
so how can I download all files in that link?
You should use any "SVN client" to checkout the repository at
Try with Tortoise SVN for windows or any svn client listed in
Using SVN from command line you can get the complete repository running:
svn checkout
And then you can compress the retrieved 'crunch' folder if you want.

What "option" to use with "WGET" for selecting only few files with particular extension from a FTP directory

I am trying to download files with particular datestamp as an extension from a folder through FTP server. Since the folder contains all other files, I wanted to download only files with a particular datestamp.
I tried using wget files_datestamp*.extension, which didn't work.
I also tried using wget -i files_datestamp*.extension, which downloads all.
My question is: What option to use with wget to download only particular files that I am interested in?
The link you've shared is over HTTP and not FTP. As a result, it is not possible to glob over the filenames, that is feasible only over FTP.
With HTTP, it is imperative that you have access to a directory listing page which tells you which files are available. Then use -r --accept-regex=<regex here> to download your files
