Microsoft.Extensions.Logging and Serilog logger configurations - wpf

In my WPF .netCore 5 app, I'm using three libraries where each library accepts Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger at initialization. I'm using Serilog and ILoggerFactory. I create three LoggerConfigurations with different WriteTo.File paths.
//licence manager logger
var serilogLM = new LoggerConfiguration()
$"{LogPathSettings.LicenseManagerLogPath}/LicenseManager {LogPathSettings.ShortDateTime}.log",
outputTemplate: "{Timestamp:dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff} [{Level:u3}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}")
var licenseManagerLogger = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerFactory.Create(l =>
//client logger
var serilogClient = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.File($"{LogPathSettings.ClientLogPath}/Client {LogPathSettings.ShortDateTime}.log", outputTemplate: "{Timestamp:dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff} [{Level:u3}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}")
var clientLogger = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerFactory.Create(l=>
The issue I'm having is that latest LoggerConfiguration overwrites all previous ones, so instead of each library using their own logger, all three log files are created, but all libraries write to logger which was created last. I know there is a catch somewhere, but I couldn't find the solution yet.
So my question is how can I create three Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger instances each using its own Serilog with custom LoggerConfiguration.
So since serilogClient logger is created last, the licenseManagerLogger uses the same WriteTo.File sink path.
All samples that I found are using simple logging or logging to multiple files based on LogLevel which is not the case here.


Dotmim.Sync is throwing exception when synchronizing existing SQLite with SQL Server databases

I get a Dotmim.Sync.SyncException when calling the agent.SynchronizeAsync(tables) function:
Exception: Seems you are trying another Setup tables that what is stored in your server scope database. Please make a migration or create a new scope
This is my code:
public static async Task SynchronizeAsync()
var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);
// Second provider is using plain old Sql Server provider, relying on triggers and tracking tables to create the sync environment
var clientProvider = new SqliteSyncProvider(Path.Combine(FileSystem.AppDataDirectory, "treesDB.db3"));
// Tables involved in the sync process:
var tables = new string[] { "Trees" };
// Creating an agent that will handle all the process
var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider);
// Launch the sync process
var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(tables);
await agent.LocalOrchestrator.UpdateUntrackedRowsAsync();
var s2 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();
I'm the author of Dotmim.Sync
Do not hesitate to to fill an issue on Github if you are still struggling.
Regarding your issue, I think you have made some tests with different tables.
You need to stick with a set of tables, because DMS needs to create different things (triggers / stored proc and so on)
If you want to test different setups, you need to define differents scopes.
You have a complete documentation on

Xamarin Forms - How do i use a Premade Local Database? [Solved] [duplicate]

I have started using the Xamarin plugin for Visual Studio to create an Android app.
I have a local SQL database, and I want to call it to display data. I don't see how I can do this. Is it possible?
After thinking this was a trivial thing to do, I was proven wrong when I tried setup a quick test project. This post will contain a full tutorial on setting up a DB for an Android App in Xamarin that will come in handy as a reference for future Xamarin users.
At a glance:
Add Sqlite.cs to your project.
Add your database file as an Asset.
Set your database file to build as an AndroidAsset.
Manually copy the database file out of your apk to another directory.
Open a database connetion using Sqlite.SqliteConnection.
Operate on the database using Sqlite.
Setting up a local database for a Xamarin Android project
1. Add Sqlite.cs to your project.
Start by going to this repository and downloading Sqlite.cs; this provides the Sqlite API that you can use to run queries against your db. Add the file to your project as a source file.
2. Add DB as asset.
Next, get your DB and copy it into the Assets directory of your Android project and then import it into your project so that it appears beneath the Assets folder within your solution:
I'm using the Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite database sample renamed to db.sqlite from this site throughout this example.
3. Set DB to build as AndroidAsset.
Right click on the DB file and set it to build action AndroidAsset. This will ensure that it is included into the assets directory of the APK.
4. Manually copy DB out of your APK.
As the DB is included as an Asset (packaged within the APK) you will need to extract it out.
You can do this with the following code:
string dbName = "db.sqlite";
string dbPath = Path.Combine (Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.ToString (), dbName);
// Check if your DB has already been extracted.
if (!File.Exists(dbPath))
using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(Android.App.Application.Context.Assets.Open(dbName)))
using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(dbPath, FileMode.Create)))
byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
int len = 0;
while ((len = br.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
bw.Write (buffer, 0, len);
This extracts the DB as a binary file from the APK and places it into the system external storage path. Realistically the DB can go wherever you want, I've just chosen to stick it here.
I also read that Android has a databases folder that will store databases directly; I couldn't get it to work so I've just ran with this method of using an existing DB.
5. Open DB Connection.
Now open a connection to the DB through the Sqlite.SqliteConnection class:
using (var conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(dbPath))
// Do stuff here...
6. Operate on DB.
Lastly, as is an ORM, you can operate on the database using your own data types:
public class Album
[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
public int AlbumId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public int ArtistId { get; set; }
// Other code...
using (var conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(dbPath))
var cmd = new SQLite.SQLiteCommand (conn);
cmd.CommandText = "select * from Album";
var r = cmd.ExecuteQuery<Album> ();
Console.Write (r);
And that's how to add an existing Sqlite database to your Xamarin solution for Android! For more information check out the examples included with the library, its unit tests and the examples in the Xamarin documentation.
Here is the one that I'm using and it's working
install the Sqlite plugin
create interface to access different platforms services
create a model for the table
implement the interface that you created earlier on all of the
platform you want to use
use the plugin to create, get, insert, etc on your table
for more detailed information check this

Configuring Webpack build for file:// use in CEF

I have to develop a webapp for a CEF-Browser environment. There is no HTTP server available, everything will be served over file:// protocol.
When developing a Webapp nowadays one doesn't get round working with a framework like react/vue for frontend. The standard webpack build scripts of those build a bundle which only works served over HTTP.
Is it possible to configure webpacks build bundle to work on file:// or is there another way to use react or vue via file://?
I'm suggest read CEF wiki more carefully. You are especially interested in
In short:
You can register custom scheme handler to serve resources over http+custom fake domain.
You can pack resources in zip for example if you like, or leave them at file system as is (but in that case you can expect that some funny users can edit your files, and then report back unexisting errors back to you).
Important helpers already done (but you can write own when need.)
You can... many other things.
Main thing that "file" scheme are more restricted, and for example you can't do XHR requests. But for custom handler you can. Even if dynamic loader for some reason use XHR instead DOM-based loading it will work again same as on http without touching network.
cefclient itself also has usage of custom schemes. Check URL of Tests->Other... in menu. :)
PS: Sorry that my answer doesnt have direct answer for your question. But, custom resource handling in CEF is so common, that i'm just should say about.
fddima is right - you don't need to configure your webpack (although it would be theoretically possible). Instead you can use custom scheme handler in CEF. I made it work with angular at work.
I wrote blog post on how to serve web application via 'file' protocol in CEF.
What you want to add is your scheme handler and its factory:
using System;
using System.IO;
using CefSharp;
namespace MyProject.CustomProtocol
public class CustomProtocolSchemeHandler : ResourceHandler
// Specifies where you bundled app resides.
// Basically path to your index.html
private string frontendFolderPath;
public CustomProtocolSchemeHandler()
frontendFolderPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "./bundle/");
// Process request and craft response.
public override bool ProcessRequestAsync(IRequest request, ICallback callback)
var uri = new Uri(request.Url);
var fileName = uri.AbsolutePath;
var requestedFilePath = frontendFolderPath + fileName;
if (File.Exists(requestedFilePath))
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(requestedFilePath);
Stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
MimeType = GetMimeType(fileExtension);
return true;
return false;
public class CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory : ISchemeHandlerFactory
public const string SchemeName = "customFileProtocol";
public IResourceHandler Create(IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, string schemeName, IRequest request)
return new CustomProtocolSchemeHandler();
And then register it before calling Cef.Initialize:
var settings = new CefSettings
BrowserSubprocessPath = GetCefExecutablePath()
settings.RegisterScheme(new CefCustomScheme
SchemeName = CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory.SchemeName,
SchemeHandlerFactory = new CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory()

Copy/Cache Azure database locally for offline use.

I have a piece of software that connects to an Azure database to gather formulas for several varieties of colors to allow the user to follow a recipe to create their own product.
Basically there is just one big database pull when the application launches, that pulls down all the formulas, and from there the user can simply use, modify, or even delete the formulas as they wish.
The problem is that where this software is used, there are seldom constant internet connections, and the application so far is simply designed to shutdown if there isn't one present.
I am looking for a solution for being able to allow the application to BOTH connect to the database on application startup(If a connection is present) and save a copy locally, or if no connection is present, check for a locally saved copy to work with.
I have looked everywhere, but have been unable to find any methods to "programmatically" retrieve the pertinent(or all, if necessary) data, and either export it to a local file, or cache it somehow for offline use.
Any suggestions?
You don't mention what kind of technology you're using on the client side, and if you require access to a database on the client or just the data - but regardless there are several ways to do this.
Azure Mobile apps have a quickstart which will implements an Azure SQL <-> SQL Lite (mobile) database sync framework (table controllers on the server side). This lets you use libraries on the mobile side to use the local db for getting its data, and when you know you're online you can sync to/from the server. This is quite sophisticated and probably gives you more than just the caching that you're looking for.
I've used two other strategies for caching - one for HTML/javascript based applications (phonegap/cordova) and the other for Xamarin c# apps on iOS and Android. I'm assuming if it's a standard windows desktop app you know how to persist data so you can use whatever kind of cache/file system/db you like.
JavaScript/html - use the html5 localStorage functions to store the JSON output of the web server calls you're making. This is really easy then to abstract, where your app before is making an ajax call to the server to get some data, instead move that to a "liveorcache" class, which can determine whether to go to the server or just use the local storage. Code snippet for saving/loading json in localstorage below:
$scope.saveFixtures = function () {
localStorage["fixtures"] = JSON.stringify($scope.fixtures);
$scope.loadFixtures = function () {
if (localStorage["fixtures"] != undefined) {
$scope.fixtures = JSON.parse(localStorage["fixtures"]);
If you're writing your app in Xamarin you can do the same kind of thing, but using a PCL library - I used "PCLStorage" which works on Android and iOS. Same strategy though, in my code I just write the JSON data to a file with an appropriate filename, but usually wrap the object in another object that contains the cache write date/time. You then serialise the object to the file - something like below.
public class CacheProvider
public static async Task<CacheModel> ReadCache<T>(string filename)
IFolder rootFolder = FileSystem.Current.LocalStorage;
IFolder cache = await rootFolder.CreateFolderAsync("sportenzaCache", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
IFile file = await cache.GetFileAsync(filename);
var data = await file.ReadAllTextAsync();
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(data) as CacheModel;
catch(FileNotFoundException ex)
return null;
public static async void WriteCache<T>(string filename, CacheModel data)
IFolder rootFolder = FileSystem.Current.LocalStorage;
IFolder cache = await rootFolder.CreateFolderAsync("sportenzaCache", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
IFile file = await cache.CreateFileAsync(filename, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
if (file != null)
data.CacheCreated = DateTime.Now;
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);
await file.WriteAllTextAsync(json);
public static async void DeleteCache(string filename)
IFolder rootFolder = FileSystem.Current.LocalStorage;
IFolder cache = await rootFolder.CreateFolderAsync("sportenzaCache", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
IFile file = await cache.GetFileAsync(filename);
if (file != null)
await file.DeleteAsync();

Enterprise Library 5: Creating instances of Enterprise Library objects

I am using Enterprise Library 5.0 in my win-form Application.
1. Regarding creating instances of Enterprise Library objects
What is the best way to Resolve the reference for Logging / exception objects? In our application, we have different applications in solution. So Solutions have below project:
CommonLib (Class Lib)
CustomerApp (winform app)
CustWinService (win service proj)
ClassLib2 (class Lib)
I have implemented logging / exceptions as below in CommonLib project. Created a class AppLog as below:
public class AppLog
public static LogWriter defaultWriter = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<LogWriter>();
public static ExceptionManager exManager = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<ExceptionManager>();
public AppLog()
public static void WriteLog(string LogMessage, string LogCategories)
// Create a LogEntry and populate the individual properties.
if (defaultWriter.IsLoggingEnabled())
string[] Logcat = LogCategories.Split(",".ToCharArray());
LogEntry entry2 = new LogEntry();
entry2.Categories = Logcat;
entry2.EventId = 9007;
entry2.Message = LogMessage;
entry2.Priority = 9;
entry2.Title = "Logging Block Examples";
And then I used Applog class as below for logging and exception in different projects:
AppLog.WriteLog("This is Production Log Entry.", "ExceCategory");
string strtest = string.Empty;
strtest = strtest.Substring(1);
catch (Exception ex)
bool rethrow = AppLog.exManager.HandleException(ex, "ExcePolicy");
So its the correct way to use Logging and Exception? or any other way i can improve it?
2. Logging File Name dynamic
In logging block, we have fileName which need to be set in app.config file. Is there a way I can assign fileName value dynamically through coding? Since I don't want to hard code it in config file and paths are different for production and development environment.
To keep your application loosely coupled and easier to test, I would recommend defining separate logging and exception handling interfaces, then having your AppLog class implement both. Your application can then perform logging and exception handling via those interfaces, with AppLog providing the implementation.
You can have a different file name set per environment using config transforms, which I believe you can use in a winforms application by using Slow Cheetah.
