Configuring Webpack build for file:// use in CEF - reactjs

I have to develop a webapp for a CEF-Browser environment. There is no HTTP server available, everything will be served over file:// protocol.
When developing a Webapp nowadays one doesn't get round working with a framework like react/vue for frontend. The standard webpack build scripts of those build a bundle which only works served over HTTP.
Is it possible to configure webpacks build bundle to work on file:// or is there another way to use react or vue via file://?

I'm suggest read CEF wiki more carefully. You are especially interested in
In short:
You can register custom scheme handler to serve resources over http+custom fake domain.
You can pack resources in zip for example if you like, or leave them at file system as is (but in that case you can expect that some funny users can edit your files, and then report back unexisting errors back to you).
Important helpers already done (but you can write own when need.)
You can... many other things.
Main thing that "file" scheme are more restricted, and for example you can't do XHR requests. But for custom handler you can. Even if dynamic loader for some reason use XHR instead DOM-based loading it will work again same as on http without touching network.
cefclient itself also has usage of custom schemes. Check URL of Tests->Other... in menu. :)
PS: Sorry that my answer doesnt have direct answer for your question. But, custom resource handling in CEF is so common, that i'm just should say about.

fddima is right - you don't need to configure your webpack (although it would be theoretically possible). Instead you can use custom scheme handler in CEF. I made it work with angular at work.
I wrote blog post on how to serve web application via 'file' protocol in CEF.
What you want to add is your scheme handler and its factory:
using System;
using System.IO;
using CefSharp;
namespace MyProject.CustomProtocol
public class CustomProtocolSchemeHandler : ResourceHandler
// Specifies where you bundled app resides.
// Basically path to your index.html
private string frontendFolderPath;
public CustomProtocolSchemeHandler()
frontendFolderPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "./bundle/");
// Process request and craft response.
public override bool ProcessRequestAsync(IRequest request, ICallback callback)
var uri = new Uri(request.Url);
var fileName = uri.AbsolutePath;
var requestedFilePath = frontendFolderPath + fileName;
if (File.Exists(requestedFilePath))
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(requestedFilePath);
Stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
MimeType = GetMimeType(fileExtension);
return true;
return false;
public class CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory : ISchemeHandlerFactory
public const string SchemeName = "customFileProtocol";
public IResourceHandler Create(IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, string schemeName, IRequest request)
return new CustomProtocolSchemeHandler();
And then register it before calling Cef.Initialize:
var settings = new CefSettings
BrowserSubprocessPath = GetCefExecutablePath()
settings.RegisterScheme(new CefCustomScheme
SchemeName = CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory.SchemeName,
SchemeHandlerFactory = new CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory()


Pass byte array from WPF to WebApi

tl;dr What is the best way to pass binary data (up to 1MBish) from a WPF application to a WebAPI service method?
I'm currently trying to pass binary data from a WPF application to a WebAPI web service, with variable results. Small files (< 100k) generally work fine, but any larger and the odds of success reduce.
A standard OpenFileDialog, and then File.ReadAllBytes pass the byte[] parameter into the client method in WPF. This always succeeds, and I then post the data to WebAPI via a PostAsync call and a ByteArrayContent parameter.
Is this the correct way to do this? I started off with a PostJSONAsync call, and passed the byte[] into that, but thought the ByteArrayContent seemed more appropriate, but neither work reliably.
Client Method in WPF
public static async Task<bool> UploadFirmwareMCU(int productTestId, byte[] mcuFirmware)
string url = string.Format("productTest/{0}/mcuFirmware", productTestId);
ByteArrayContent bytesContent = new ByteArrayContent(mcuFirmware);
HttpResponseMessage response = await GetClient().PostAsync(url, bytesContent);
WebAPI Method
public async Task<bool> UploadMcuFirmware(int productTestId)
bool result = false;
Byte[] mcuFirmwareBytes = await Request.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();
Web Config Settings
AFAIK these limits in web.config should be sufficient to allow 1MB files through to the service?
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1073741824" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" maxRequestLength="2097152"/>
I receive errors in WebAPI when calling ReadAsByteArrayAsync(). These vary, possibly due to the app pool in IIS Express having crashed / getting into a bad state, but they include the following (None of which have lead to any promising leads via google):
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: offset
at System.Web.HttpInputStream.Seek(Int64 offset, SeekOrigin origin)\r\n
at System.Web.HttpInputStream.set_Position(Int64 value)\r\n at System.Web.Http.WebHost.SeekableBufferedRequestStream.SwapToSeekableStream()\r\n at System.Web.Http.WebHost.Seek
Message = "An error occurred while communicating with the remote host. The error code is 0x800703E5."
InnerException = {"Overlapped I/O operation is in progress. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800703E5)"}
at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.RaiseCommunicationError(Int32 result, Boolean throwOnDisconnect)\r\n
at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.ReadEntityCoreSync(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)\r\n
at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequ...
Initially I thought this was most likely down to IIS Express limitations (running on Windows 7 on my dev pc) but we've had the same issues on a staging server running Server 2012.
Any advice on how I might get this working would be great, or even just a basic example of uploading files to WebAPI from WPF would be great, as most of the code I've found out there relates to uploading files from multipart forms web pages.
Many thanks in advance for any help.
tl;dr It was a separate part of our code in the WebApi service that was causing it to go wrong, duh!
Ah, well, this is embarrassing.
It turns out our problem was down to a Request Logger class we'd registered in WebApiConfig.Register(HttpConfiguration config), and that I'd forgotten about.
It was reading the request content via async as StringContent, and then attempting to log it to the database in an ncarchar(max) field. This itself is probably OK, but I'm guessing all the weird problems started occurring when the LoggingHandler as well as the main WebApi controller, were both trying to access the Request content via async?
Removing the LoggingHandler fixed the problem immediately, and we're now able to upload files of up to 100MB without any problems. To fix it more permanently, I guess I rewrite of the LoggingHandler is required to set a limit on the maximum content size it tries to log / to ignore certain content types.
It's doubtful, but I hope this may be of use for someone one day!
public class LoggingHandler : DelegatingHandler
protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken).ContinueWith(task =>
var response = task.Result;
// ToDo: Decide if/when we need to log responses
// LogResponse(response);
return response;
}, cancellationToken);
private void LogRequest(HttpRequestMessage request)
(request.Content ?? new StringContent("")).ReadAsStringAsync().ContinueWith(x =>
var callerId = CallerId(request);
var callerName = CallerName(request);
// Log request
LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
HttpVerb = request.Method.ToString(),
Uri = request.RequestUri.ToString(),
CorrelationId = request.GetCorrelationId(),
CallerId = callerId,
CallerName = callerName,
Controller = ControllerName(request),
Header = request.Headers.ToString(),
Body = x.Result

Same functionality as HTTPClient in Codename one

I was wondering how I can achieve something like an HTTPClient.
I tried WebBrowser class but it seems that the execution continues even though the URL specified has not yet loaded.
public void testWebBrowser(){
final WebBrowser b = new WebBrowser(){
public void onLoad(String url) {
BrowserComponent c = (BrowserComponent)this.getInternal();
JavascriptContext ctx = new JavascriptContext(c);
// I want this Javascript context here
// just a test URL
// Suppose to get the Javascript context here though it executes without waiting for the whole page to load
How can I get the JS Context from within a WebBrowser context? Like a synchronous execution
WebBrowser browser = new WebBrowser();
// wait execution till the whole page in "someURL" loads till it executes the next line
BrowserComponent c = (BrowserComponent)browser.getInternal();
JavascriptContext ctx = new JavascriptContext(c);
If I understand correctly you are trying to create a scraping solution?
That's probably not the ideal approach since this will actually create a web browser which you then need to automate with JavaScript. I would suggest you create a webservice that encapsulates the HttpClient functionality and drive it with ConnectionRequest. This way when the web site changes you can just fix your server in a way seamless to your installed base.

How can I get AngularJS working with the ServiceStack FallbackRoute attribute to support HTML5 pushstate Urls?

I am building a client/server solution, using an AngularJS Single Page App as the client component and a Self-Host ServiceStack RESTful API as the server component. A single Visual Studio Console Application Project holds HTML and JavaScript files for the AngularJS component, along with C# classes for bootstrapping the ServiceStack AppHost (I have devolved Interface and Service responsibilities to separate Visual Studio Projects).
I have set all HTML and JavaScript files to have a 'Build Action' of 'None' and a 'Copy to Output Directory' of 'Copy if newer'.
Everything is working very well as long as I am prepared to put up with having a '#' in my site URLs. I would like to eliminate this by using HTML5 pushstate URLs.
Effectively this means I need to persuade ServiceStack to serve up my default Single Page App HTML shell page whenever a non-existent route is requested. There is now a FallbackRoute attribute available in ServiceStack which appears to have been added exactly for this purpose.
However, I am unsure how to use it. I have found people asking similar questions here, here and here. But the answers given were all before the new FallbackRoute attribute arrived.
Essentially, I am looking for a simple, yet complete example of how to use the FallbackRoute attribute to ensure any requests to non-existent routes are redirected to a single static HTML page.
The RazorRockstars.Web has an implementation. I'll modify it to use a wildcard path and a default view:
public class Fallback
public string Path { get; set; }
public string PathInfo { get; set; }
public class RockstarsService : Service
public object Any(Fallback request)
request.PathInfo = base.Request.PathInfo;
return request;
// ...
Since this is a service it requires a View page (details here) rather than a content page.
In the RockStars example, I can't determine what view would be rendered for the FallBackResponse, but setting the view explicitly should be all you need.
The [DefaultView("Index")] attribute I added to the Any method maps the response to a Views/Index.cshtml file. The Index.cshtml file can be empty but for a template declaration, and the complete markup for your single page app can be in your template file (i.e. _Layout.cshtml)
Without Razor
Read the html into a string and return it, while setting the content type to "text/html" with an attribute, see wiki docs on service return types
public class RockstarsService : Service
static string readContents;
[AddHeader(ContentType = "text/html")]
public string Any(Fallback request)
// check timestamp for changes for production use
if (readContents == '') {
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(pathFromConfigFile, Encoding.UTF8))
readContents = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
return readContents;
// ...
It turns out it is all very simple with the FallbackRoute functionality, once you work out how to use it properly:
public class Fallback
public string Path { get; set; }
public class FallBackService : Service
public object Any(Fallback request)
return new HttpResult(new FileInfo("index.html")) {ContentType = "text/html"};
Once this is in place, I find 'index.html' is indeed getting served up whenever I try to hit a non-existent route.
Any static files, such as JavaScript and CSS resources, get served up as normal (as long as they have a 'Copy to Output Directory' setting of 'Copy if newer', of course).
This works like a charm with the HTML5 Push-state functionality in AngularJS.

Html5 pushstate Urls on ServiceStack

At the moment we're using a default.cshtml view in the root of ServiceStack to serve our AngularJS single-page app.
What I'd like to do is enable support for html5 pushstate (so no hash in the URL), but the only examples I've found so far involve a dependency on MVC with a wildcard route, and pushing the ServiceStack infrastructure to a /api subroute.
We can't take the MVC dependency, so I think we need for accept:text/html requests we need to accept any url and serve up our root application. I'd be happy to remove the default HtmlFormat extension or override it (we could still use it's JsonReport content type it we needed to).
How can I best approach this?
The Order of Operations wiki page shows the number of different hooks you can tap into to inject your own customized behavior as well as the order which they are run.
Hi-jacking requests with RawHttpHandlers
You can by-pass ServiceStack completely by adding a Config.RawHttpHandlers to return a IHttpHandler on requests you want to hi-jack, e.g this is how the built-in mini profiler hi-jacks all requests for files that start with ssr- and returns the physical file:
config.RawHttpHandlers.Add((IHttpRequest request) => {
var file = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(request.PathInfo);
return file != null && file.StartsWith("ssr-")
? new MiniProfilerHandler()
: null;
Providing a fallback handler for non-matching routes
If you want to provide a default handler for non-matching route you can register a CatchAllHandlers in AppHost.Configure() or in a plugin with:
appHost.CatchAllHandlers.Add((string method, string pathInfo, string filepath) =>
return ShouldProvideDefaultPage(pathInfo)
? new RazorHandler("/defaultpage.cshtml")
: null;
Using a wildcard to accept any url in a service
You could create a dummy service and simply return the same single view, e.g:
public class App {
public string PathInfo { get; set; }
public class MyService : Service
public object Any(App request)
return request;
With the wild card this service will return the view e.g. /View/App.cshtml on any route starting with /app, e.g:
Partial page support
Since partial reloads is related to pushstate I'll also mention the built-in support ServiceStack has for partial reloads.
ServiceStack Docs is an example demo that uses pushstate on browsers that support it, otherwise it falls back to use full-page reloads with browsers that don't.
You can ask for a partial page with ?format=text.bare param, e.g.
Full page:
Partial page:
Partial page markdown:
Although this uses Markdown Razor. In the latest ServiceStack.Razor support you can access a partial page with just: ?format=bare
Expanding on my comment. This is what I ended up with trying to host an application in /app while also supporting the virtual file system.
host.CatchAllHandlers.Add((string method, string pathInfo, string filepath) =>
if (!Regex.IsMatch(pathInfo, "^/app([/?]|$)"))
return null;
// Serve valid requests as is
var vFile = HostContext.ResolveVirtualFile(pathInfo, null);
if (vFile != null)
return null;
var vDir = HostContext.ResolveVirtualDirectory(pathInfo, null);
if (vDir != null && vDir.GetDefaultDocument() != null)
return null;
// Fallback to default document
var vDef = HostContext.ResolveVirtualDirectory("/app/", null).GetDefaultDocument();
return new CustomResponseHandler((req, res) =>
new HttpResult(vDef.OpenRead(), MimeTypes.GetMimeType(vDef.Name)));

Will Prism OnDemand module loading work in an OOB scenerio?

Should the loading of OnDemand Prism modules work in an OOB scenerio? If so, I cannot seem to make it work. Everything is currently working in browser without any problems. Specifically I:
register my modules in code:
protected override IModuleCatalog GetModuleCatalog() {
var catalog = new ModuleCatalog();
Uri source;
if( Application.Current.IsRunningOutOfBrowser ) {
source = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings[SOURCEURI] as Uri;
else {
var src = Application.Current.Host.Source.ToString();
src = src.Substring( 0, src.LastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 );
source = new Uri( src );
IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings[SOURCEURI] = source;
if( source != null ) {
var mod2 = new ModuleInfo { InitializationMode = InitializationMode.OnDemand,
ModuleName = ModuleNames.mod2,
ModuleType = "mod2.Module, mod2.Directory, '', Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" ),
Ref = ( new Uri( source, "mod2.xap" )).AbsoluteUri };
catalog.AddModule( mod2 );
// per Jeremy Likeness - did not help.
Application.Current.RootVisual = new Grid();
return ( catalog );
later request for the module to be loaded is made:
mModuleManager.LoadModule( ModuleNames.mod2 );
and wait for a response to an event published during the initialization of that loaded module.
The module appears to never be loaded, and when the application is running under the debugger there will be a message box that states that the web server returned a 'not found' error. I can take the requesting url for the module and enter it into Firefox and download the module with no problem.
I have not been able to find any reference to this actually being workable, but it seems as though it should. The most I have found on the subject is a blog entry by Jeremy Likeness, which covers loading modules in MEF, but applying his knowledge here did not help.
The server is localhost (I have heard it mentioned that this might cause problems). The server has a clientaccesspolicy.xml file - although I don't expect that is needed.
I am using the client stack and register it during app construction:
WebRequest.RegisterPrefix( Current.Host.Source.GetComponents( UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.UriEscaped ), WebRequestCreator.ClientHttp );
Followup questions:
Can all of the xaps be installed to the client desktop in some manner - or only the main application xap? specify them in appmanifest.xml somehow??
Is it worth it make this work if only the application.xap is installed and the rest of the xaps must be downloaded anyway?
Once I worked on a similar scenario. The trick is having the modules stored in isolated storage and use a module loader that reads from isolated storage when working offline.
This is because otherwise, you can't get download the modules that are in a different .xap file than the Shell.
It is possible to hook custom module loaders into Prism if you're willing to tweak the Prism source and build it yourself. I was actually able to get this to work pretty easily - in our app, I look on disk first for the module, and if it's not found, I fall back to loading it from the server via a third-party commercial HTTP stack that supports client certificates.
To do this, download the Prism source code, and locate the Microsoft.Practices.Composite.Modularity.XapModuleTypeLoader class. This class uses another Prism class, Microsoft.Practices.Composite.Modularity.FileDownloader, to download the .xap content; but it instantiates it directly, giving you no chance to inject your own or whatever.
So - in XapModuleTypeLoader, I added a static property to set the type of the downloader:
public static Type DownloaderType { get; set; }
Then I modified the CreateDownloader() method to use the type specified above in preference to the default one:
protected virtual IFileDownloader CreateDownloader() {
if (_downloader == null) {
if (DownloaderType == null) {
_downloader = new FileDownloader();
} else {
_downloader = (IFileDownloader)Activator.CreateInstance(DownloaderType);
return _downloader;
When my app starts up, I set the property to my own downloader type:
XapModuleTypeLoader.DownloaderType = typeof(LocalFileDownloader);
Voila - now Prism calls your code to load its modules.
I can send you my LocalFileDownloader class as well as the class it falls back to to load the .xap from the web if you're interested... I suspect though that if you look at Prism's FileDownloader class you'll see that it's simple enough.
With regard to your other questions, the clientaccesspolicy.xml file is probably not needed if the URL the app is installed under is the same one you're talking to, or if you're in elevated trust.
The .xaps can definitely be pre-installed on the client, but it's a bit of work. What we did was write a launcher app that is a standalone .NET 2.0 desktop app. It downloads the main .xap plus certain modules* (checking for updates and downloading only as needed), then uninstalls/reinstalls the app if necessary, then launches the app. The last two are done via sllauncher.exe, which is installed as part of Silverlight. Here's a good intro to that:
Assuming you're running under elevated trust, it should also be possible to pre-fetch the module .xaps from within the SL client, but before they're actually requested due to user action. You'd just need to put them in a folder under My Documents somewhere, and then use the custom module loading approach described above to pull them from there.
*In our case, our main .xap is 2/3 of the application. The rest of our .xaps are small, so we download them on-the-fly, with the exception of some .xaps we created as containers for third-party components. We don't expect to update those very often, so we pre-install them.
