Pass byte array from WPF to WebApi - wpf

tl;dr What is the best way to pass binary data (up to 1MBish) from a WPF application to a WebAPI service method?
I'm currently trying to pass binary data from a WPF application to a WebAPI web service, with variable results. Small files (< 100k) generally work fine, but any larger and the odds of success reduce.
A standard OpenFileDialog, and then File.ReadAllBytes pass the byte[] parameter into the client method in WPF. This always succeeds, and I then post the data to WebAPI via a PostAsync call and a ByteArrayContent parameter.
Is this the correct way to do this? I started off with a PostJSONAsync call, and passed the byte[] into that, but thought the ByteArrayContent seemed more appropriate, but neither work reliably.
Client Method in WPF
public static async Task<bool> UploadFirmwareMCU(int productTestId, byte[] mcuFirmware)
string url = string.Format("productTest/{0}/mcuFirmware", productTestId);
ByteArrayContent bytesContent = new ByteArrayContent(mcuFirmware);
HttpResponseMessage response = await GetClient().PostAsync(url, bytesContent);
WebAPI Method
public async Task<bool> UploadMcuFirmware(int productTestId)
bool result = false;
Byte[] mcuFirmwareBytes = await Request.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();
Web Config Settings
AFAIK these limits in web.config should be sufficient to allow 1MB files through to the service?
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1073741824" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" maxRequestLength="2097152"/>
I receive errors in WebAPI when calling ReadAsByteArrayAsync(). These vary, possibly due to the app pool in IIS Express having crashed / getting into a bad state, but they include the following (None of which have lead to any promising leads via google):
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: offset
at System.Web.HttpInputStream.Seek(Int64 offset, SeekOrigin origin)\r\n
at System.Web.HttpInputStream.set_Position(Int64 value)\r\n at System.Web.Http.WebHost.SeekableBufferedRequestStream.SwapToSeekableStream()\r\n at System.Web.Http.WebHost.Seek
Message = "An error occurred while communicating with the remote host. The error code is 0x800703E5."
InnerException = {"Overlapped I/O operation is in progress. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800703E5)"}
at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.RaiseCommunicationError(Int32 result, Boolean throwOnDisconnect)\r\n
at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.ReadEntityCoreSync(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)\r\n
at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequ...
Initially I thought this was most likely down to IIS Express limitations (running on Windows 7 on my dev pc) but we've had the same issues on a staging server running Server 2012.
Any advice on how I might get this working would be great, or even just a basic example of uploading files to WebAPI from WPF would be great, as most of the code I've found out there relates to uploading files from multipart forms web pages.
Many thanks in advance for any help.

tl;dr It was a separate part of our code in the WebApi service that was causing it to go wrong, duh!
Ah, well, this is embarrassing.
It turns out our problem was down to a Request Logger class we'd registered in WebApiConfig.Register(HttpConfiguration config), and that I'd forgotten about.
It was reading the request content via async as StringContent, and then attempting to log it to the database in an ncarchar(max) field. This itself is probably OK, but I'm guessing all the weird problems started occurring when the LoggingHandler as well as the main WebApi controller, were both trying to access the Request content via async?
Removing the LoggingHandler fixed the problem immediately, and we're now able to upload files of up to 100MB without any problems. To fix it more permanently, I guess I rewrite of the LoggingHandler is required to set a limit on the maximum content size it tries to log / to ignore certain content types.
It's doubtful, but I hope this may be of use for someone one day!
public class LoggingHandler : DelegatingHandler
protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken).ContinueWith(task =>
var response = task.Result;
// ToDo: Decide if/when we need to log responses
// LogResponse(response);
return response;
}, cancellationToken);
private void LogRequest(HttpRequestMessage request)
(request.Content ?? new StringContent("")).ReadAsStringAsync().ContinueWith(x =>
var callerId = CallerId(request);
var callerName = CallerName(request);
// Log request
LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
TimeStamp = DateTime.Now,
HttpVerb = request.Method.ToString(),
Uri = request.RequestUri.ToString(),
CorrelationId = request.GetCorrelationId(),
CallerId = callerId,
CallerName = callerName,
Controller = ControllerName(request),
Header = request.Headers.ToString(),
Body = x.Result


Configuring Webpack build for file:// use in CEF

I have to develop a webapp for a CEF-Browser environment. There is no HTTP server available, everything will be served over file:// protocol.
When developing a Webapp nowadays one doesn't get round working with a framework like react/vue for frontend. The standard webpack build scripts of those build a bundle which only works served over HTTP.
Is it possible to configure webpacks build bundle to work on file:// or is there another way to use react or vue via file://?
I'm suggest read CEF wiki more carefully. You are especially interested in
In short:
You can register custom scheme handler to serve resources over http+custom fake domain.
You can pack resources in zip for example if you like, or leave them at file system as is (but in that case you can expect that some funny users can edit your files, and then report back unexisting errors back to you).
Important helpers already done (but you can write own when need.)
You can... many other things.
Main thing that "file" scheme are more restricted, and for example you can't do XHR requests. But for custom handler you can. Even if dynamic loader for some reason use XHR instead DOM-based loading it will work again same as on http without touching network.
cefclient itself also has usage of custom schemes. Check URL of Tests->Other... in menu. :)
PS: Sorry that my answer doesnt have direct answer for your question. But, custom resource handling in CEF is so common, that i'm just should say about.
fddima is right - you don't need to configure your webpack (although it would be theoretically possible). Instead you can use custom scheme handler in CEF. I made it work with angular at work.
I wrote blog post on how to serve web application via 'file' protocol in CEF.
What you want to add is your scheme handler and its factory:
using System;
using System.IO;
using CefSharp;
namespace MyProject.CustomProtocol
public class CustomProtocolSchemeHandler : ResourceHandler
// Specifies where you bundled app resides.
// Basically path to your index.html
private string frontendFolderPath;
public CustomProtocolSchemeHandler()
frontendFolderPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "./bundle/");
// Process request and craft response.
public override bool ProcessRequestAsync(IRequest request, ICallback callback)
var uri = new Uri(request.Url);
var fileName = uri.AbsolutePath;
var requestedFilePath = frontendFolderPath + fileName;
if (File.Exists(requestedFilePath))
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(requestedFilePath);
Stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
MimeType = GetMimeType(fileExtension);
return true;
return false;
public class CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory : ISchemeHandlerFactory
public const string SchemeName = "customFileProtocol";
public IResourceHandler Create(IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, string schemeName, IRequest request)
return new CustomProtocolSchemeHandler();
And then register it before calling Cef.Initialize:
var settings = new CefSettings
BrowserSubprocessPath = GetCefExecutablePath()
settings.RegisterScheme(new CefCustomScheme
SchemeName = CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory.SchemeName,
SchemeHandlerFactory = new CustomProtocolSchemeHandlerFactory()

GAE/Java LocalChannelFailureException at development server

I'm using Channel API (Java) with Google App Engine for my web application. I have implemented a Token-reusing-mechanism for not exceeding the Channel API Quotas that fast.
This means, that my implementation reuses an existing channel for a user that refreshes the page as long as the expiration time of the token received by the ChannelService.createChannel() call, is not over.
When refreshing my page I get the following exception (with x starting at 0 and increasing for every refresh). However, my page continues to work as intended. Is there a way to avoid the exception being thrown? Or can I just ignore the exception? Client connection with ID connection-x not found.
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
Im reusing tokens with the following classes:
When calling ChannelService.createChannel() I save the expiration date and the generated token in an Entity called "Channel"
public class Channel {
private String id;
private String token;
private Date expiration;
Then I have a ChannelService class that returns a valid Channel with its get() method. The channelDAO is a class that just uses a Map for storing Channels. So there is no database persistence, which would keep a token alive over a server restart.
public Channel get(String clientId) {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
Channel channel = channelDAO.get(clientId);
if (channel == null || calendar.getTime().after(channel.getExpiration())) { channelService = ChannelServiceFactory
calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, CHANNEL_UPTIME);
String token = channelService.createChannel(player.toString(), CHANNEL_UPTIME);
channel = new Channel(clientId, token, calendar.getTime());
return channel;
I fixed the problem by further investigations on the source of the exception. The Channel API works with polling requests that are executed every 500ms. I used Firefox's console to track these. Here is an example poll:
[20:40:15.978] GET http://localhost:8080/_ah/channel/dev?command=poll&channel=920a60f9b27ece1a1ba43d251fdacf2e-channel-eqt3xi-1385927324758-{clientId}&client=connection-2 [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 0ms]
In my question I stated, that the exception occurs on page reload, so the problem with this was: When the page is reloaded, something (I don't know what exactly, but i assume it has something to do with sockets getting closed and reopened on page refresh) happens which causes the client (last parameter of the GET request) to no longer be available. However, a new client is available: the client "connection-{i+1}". So when you enter the page initially, the client is "connection-0". After page refresh it is "connection-1". But as the old page used a delayed execution for the poll, a false request (still connection-0) is sent to the server, that, as a result, throws the Exception.
I fixed the problem by manually cancelling the delayed execution, when leaving the page with jQuery.
var channel = new goog.appengine.Channel('${channel.token}');
var socket =;
$(window).on('beforeunload', function() {
Your token re-use scheme should be carefully checked for bugs as that exception shouldn't occur each page reload.
There is a known issue after local server restarts but as stated it should only be only if the development server restarted.
I had the same issue using GWT and gwt-gae-channel. The solution would be something like:
Socket socket = SocketListener() {...});
Window.addWindowClosingHandler(new ClosingHandler() {
public void onWindowClosing(ClosingEvent event) {

Silverlight Enabled WCF Service Exception Handling

I've got a Silverlight enabled WCF web service set up and I'm connecting to it from my Silverlight application.
The Service is not written using the ASync pattern but Silverlight generates the async methods automatically.
I have a method that within my service that has a chance of throwing an exception I can catch this exception but I'm not sure of the best way of handling this exception, I've noticed that the event args of the completed method contain an error property.
Is is possible to set the value of this error property?
Example Method
public class service
public Stream getData(string filename)
string filepath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(filename);
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filenpath);
Stream s = fi.Open(FileMode.Open);
return s;
catch (IOException e)
return null;
Silverlight Code
btnFoo_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ServiceClient svc = new ServiceClient();
svc.getDataCompleted += new EventHandler<getDataCompletedEventArgs>(getData_Completed);
void getData_Completed(object sender, getDataCompletedEventArgs e)
e.Error //how can i set this value on the service?
Finally if the service is offline or times out is there anyway to catch this exception before it reaches the UnhandledException method within App.xaml?
Since silverlight is using services asyncronously you dont get a synchronous exception throw, but instead it is stored in e.Error property, that you need to check in your ServiceCallCompleted method.
To answer your question
how can i set this value on the service?
Simply throw an exception on server and it can be enough given several other conditions.
You may want to introduce FaultContract on your WCF service method, and throw FaultException<T> which is a common way to deal with errors in WCF.
However fault result in return code 500 and silverlight won't be able to get response with such status code and have access to Fault object, even if you add that attribute to service.
This can be solved using several approaches.
Use the alternative client HTTP stack: You can register an alternative HTTP stack by using the RegisterPrefix method. See below for an outline of how to do this. Silverlight 4 provides the option of using a client HTTP stack which, unlike the default browser HTTP stack, allows you to process SOAP-compliant fault messages. However, a potential problem of switching to the alternative HTTP stack is that information stored by the browser (such as authentication cookies) will no longer be available to Silverlight, and thus certain scenarios involving secure services might stop working, or require additional code to work.
Modify the HTTP status code: You can modify your service to return SOAP faults with an HTTP status code of 200, Silverlight 4 so that faults will be processed successfully. How to do this is outlined below. Note that this will make the service non-compliant with the SOAP protocol, because SOAP requires a response code in the 400 or 500 range for faults. If the service is a WCF service, you can create an endpoint behavior that plugs in a message inspector that changes the status code to 200. Then you can create an endpoint specifically for Silverlight consumption, and apply the behavior there. Your other endpoints will still remain SOAP-compliant.
Faults in silverlight
Creating and Handling Faults in Silverlight
public class MyError
public string Code { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
public DateTime Time { get; set; }
public class service
public Stream getData(string filename, out MyError myError)
myError = null;
string filepath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(filename);
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filenpath);
Stream s = fi.Open(FileMode.Open);
return s;
catch (IOException e)
myError = new MyError() { Code = "000", Message = ex.Message, Time = DateTime.Now };
return null;
I wish successful projects

Consuming WCF Data Services Service Operator (WebGet) async from Silverlight

Having a lot of problems trying to consume a simple service operator in a WCF Data Service from Silverlight. I've verified the following service operator is working by testing it in the browser:
public IQueryable<SecurityRole> GetSecurityRolesForUser(string userName) {
string currentUsername = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
// if username passed in, verify current user is admin and is getting someone else's permissions
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) {
if (!SecurityHelper.IsUserAdministrator(currentUsername))
throw new DataServiceException(401, Properties.Resources.RequiestDeniedInsufficientPermissions);
} else // else nothing passed in, so get the current user's permissions
userName = currentUsername;
return SecurityHelper.GetUserRoles(userName).AsQueryable<SecurityRole>();
However no matter how I try using different methods I've found in various online resources, I've been unable to consume the data. I've tried using the BeginExecute() method on boht the DataServiceContext and DataServiceQuery, but I keep getting errors or no data returned in the EndExecute method. I've got to be doing something simple wrong... here's my SL code:
private void InitUserSecurityRoles() {
MyEntities context = new MyEntities(new Uri("http://localhost:9999/MyService.svc"));
context.BeginExecute<SecurityRole>(new Uri("http://localhost:9999/MyService.svc/GetSecurityRolesForUser"), OnComplete, context);
DataServiceQuery<SecurityRole> query = context.CreateQuery<SecurityRole>("GetSecurityRolesForUser");
query.BeginExecute(OnComplete, query);
private void OnComplete(IAsyncResult result) {
OnDemandEntities context = result.AsyncState as OnDemandEntities;
var x = context.EndExecute<SecurityRole>(result);
Any tips? I'm at a loss right now on how to properly consume a custom service operator from Silverlight (or even sync using my unit test project) from a OData service. I've also verified via Fiddler that I'm passing along the correct authentication stuff as well, even going to far as explicitly set the credentials. Just to be safe, I even removed the logic from the service operator that does the security trimming.
Got it working thanks to #kaevans (
private void InitUserSecurityRoles() {
DataServiceContext context = new DataServiceContext(new Uri("http://localhost:9999/MyService.svc"));
context.BeginExecute<SecurityRole>(new Uri("/GetSecurityRolesForUser", UriKind.Relative),
(result) => {
() => {
var roles = context.EndExecute<SecurityRole>(result);
UserSecurityRoles = new List<SecurityRole>();
foreach (var item in roles) {
}, null);
I had to create the SmartDispatcher because this is happening in a ViewModel. Otherwise I could have just used the static Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(). Couldn't get the roles variable to insert into my UserSecurityRoles (type List) directly for sone reason using various techniques, so I just dropped down to adding it manually (code isn't called often nor is it a collection exceeding more than 10 items max... most are <5).

GWT form upload using BlobstoreService App Engine

I am using GWT and Google App Engine Java for my application. I have a profile screen where
user enters profile information like name, age and address, saves it and gets success or failure message. I developed this initial application using GWT-RPC and it worked fine. I had a new requirement where I have to store image of the user. I am using BlobstoreService to store images. This has created complications in the flow. I had to use FormPanel as it is the only way to do a FileUpload in GWT. The BlobStore service servlet expects a redirect on completion. As a result it cannot now return any status back to my GWT application once the profile is saved. Is there easy to store images using GWT along with other form fields and show a status message back to user once the profile is saved.
i struggled a lot with this problem until yesterday I figured out the solution with much help from Ikai Lan's blog. Basicaly what I did is follow his steps but with a few modifications because doing it exactly how he did it did'nt work for me:
Create a form panel : set encoding multipart, method post.
Make a GWT Remote Service that just has one method:public String getUploadURL() or something like that and in the IMPL write this:
BlobstoreService service = BlobstoreServiceFactory.getBlobstoreService();
return service.createUploadUrl("/XXX/YYY");
In XXX you must put your project path, for example mine is com.fer.pyn.PictureYourNews
In YYY you must put the servlet mapping name for a new servlet that we will have to create: I put XXX = BlobUploader, I created a BlobUploader extends HttpServlet and you have to update the web.xml.
Okey, so this is the weird part that I could'nt figure out, thing is that when we make a RPC call to getUploadURL() in the remote ervice from step 2 that returns a weird addres, like: '/_ah/img/eq871HJL_bYxhWQbTeYYoA' and that is the .fromAction you have to put in your form from step one. You need to update the form's action every time so i suggest the following:
public void initBlobStoreSession()
imageService.getBlobStoreUploadURL(new AsyncCallback()
public void onSuccess(String result) {
System.out.println("Upload Form Panel Action set");
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
So when you submit your fromPanel, IT WILL UPLOAD THE BLOB and you dont have to do anything, the tricky part is how to get the blob:
What you need to do now is create the YYY servlet we where talking about in step 4.
In the post method, this is important:
private BlobstoreService blobService = BlobstoreServiceFactory.getBlobstoreService();
Map<String, BlobKey> blobMap = blobService.getUploadedBlobs(request);
BlobKey blobKey = blobMap.get(UPLOAD_WIDJET_NAME);
UPLOAD_WIDJET_NAME is the .setName for the FileUpload widjet.
What you are doing there is getting a key for yout BLob so you can reference it later.
Our next step is showing the uploaded image back to the GWT layer:
//In the same post method from step 7
ImagesService imagesService = ImagesServiceFactory.getImagesService();
String imageURL = imagesService.getServingUrl(blobKey);
Now in the get method:
String imageUrl = request.getParameter("imgURL");
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
We are done, now you just have to
uploadFormPanel.addSubmitCompleteHandler(new SubmitCompleteHandler() {
public void onSubmitComplete(SubmitCompleteEvent event) {
String imageUrl = event.getResults();
Image image = new Image();
//if you are using jetty, leave this on
//or else it wont work
//Don't use GWT.getModuleBaseURL(), it doesnt
//work well in development mode
imageUrl.replace("", "");
final PopupPanel imagePopup = new PopupPanel(true);
// Add some effects
imagePopup.setAnimationEnabled(true); // animate opening the image
imagePopup.setGlassEnabled(true); // darken everything under the image
imagePopup.setAutoHideEnabled(true); // close image when the user clicks; // center the image
check out upload4gwt which address uploading in GWT on AppEngine.
(disclosure: I created upload4gwt; it's not mature yet, however may be useful)
I had the same problem. As a workaround I'm using a redirection to a servlet that print a status message for the client to parse.
I'm passing the websafe string representation of the key to that result servlet.
That's a bit hackey, I'd like someone to come with a better answer, or explain why the blobstore servlet have to redirect.
Yeah, things get more complicated with uploads in GWT.
You can save the form data and image in separate RPCs, and either include a status message in the response to the image upload, or fire off a 3rd RPC when the form returns to get any status or metadata you need.
