I've got problem with installing pygbif library on my Windows 10. I'm using Python 3.7. Did anyone install with success?
I used to have a similar problem and
pip install requests-cache == 0.7.4
in cmd helped me, but it totally depends on the error you get.
My suggestion is just a blind shot, but I hope it helps.
I have a problem with installation of PyLBFGS. I would be grateful if anyone could help me.
My problem is that I have python 3.10 in my Win10. By using pip install PyLBFGS in cmd , I have installed the package in my python. But when I want to use owlqn in the python code, I face with a error:
Thanks in advance for your help,
Well, I have the same problem on Ubuntu 20.04 and Python 3.9.9. What I did was dowload PyLBFGS package source and manually build it. Basically I did the following:
git clone https://github.com/larsmans/pylbfgs.git
cd pylbfgs
pip install .
Naturally, on Windows 10 you might have to adapt these steps, but this is the only way I was able to install this package. After that, the import works as expected.
Edited as I found the solution.
It's an Ionic app, which runs completely well on Android. I don't own a Mac, so I'm using Macincloud. Have followed the steps for IOS and can send it, via Dropbox to macincloud and open it (after solving some issues thanks to: https://github.com/apache/cordova-ios/issues/1084 ).
But then the build failed. Below I show what I have tried.
I followed the permissions issue from https://www.educative.io/edpresso/what-is-chmod-in-windows, but it didn't solve it. I don't own a Mac, so I'm completely lost.
By following: https://ionicframework.com/docs/developing/ios the only thing I haven't done is:
npm install -g ios-sim
brew install ios-deploy,
because it's a Macincloud and I don't have permission to do that, and I'm not sure if that's the issue.
I also tried locking and unlocking keychain and cleaning xcode project as in Xcode 10.2.1 Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code, but I also don't have permissions in Macincloud to unlock keychain after locking it. :(
Anyone who knows or has dealt with similar issues, I'll be endlessly grateful for your help. Thanks :)
Nevermind, this part was solved with the chmod +x solution, Cordova Xcode build failed "Permission denied" just was not sure how to do it as it's Macincloud. Now on to the next challenge :)
In Qpython which uses Python 2.7.2; I can't install the numpy module. The message I get is: command python setup.py egg_info failed with error code 2
I think it tries to install the Mac version***, which is obviously not compatible. At least, that's what it looked like when scrolling through the CLI output when issuing the pip install numpy command using the pip script.
I don't think the numpy/scipy modules are available for Qpython for Android. I think we're just going to have to wait. I've been googling this same question and I have not found an answer.
***Ok, the script says it's a version for a variety of OS', just not Android. I have no idea why pip install would download it if it wasn't compatible. It doesn't make sense, so I'm obviously missing something.
I am having some problem with Coderunner. It was running with out any problem but now it is not.As you see in image below.
Please, can you help me to resolve this problem. Thanks!
Did you uninstall Xcode, or upgrade your OS recently ? Because Coderunner need Command Line Tool to work properly.
How to install Command Line Tool for Lion and above.
I have tried macports:
port install openvrml
Also tried fink (with unstable tree configuration)
fink install openvrml6-xembed-dev
and both failed.
Also tried downloading the source form Sourceforge and don't know what do with those sources. OpenVRML from sourceforge
should I run just do this? :
Any help is very appreciated , thanks ;)
You don't give any information about what sorts of failures you've seen so it's difficult to guess. However, it looks like one fix for an openvrml build problem was just checked-in to macports. If the problem description looks familiar, you might want to try it again:
sudo port sync
sudo port install openvrml