Test Suite for Smart Home don't execute action - google-smart-home

I am trying to execute Test Suite to certify, but I receive an error when executing the action. I can't find anything in the Google Cloud log. Everything works fine using Google Assistant on my phone and Nest.
enter image description here

A 503 error code means that the requested service is temporarily unavailable at the moment. You can wait for some time before trying again & make sure that your Smart Home Actions are linked with an account & testing is enabled for your actions. For instructions on how to set up your account for testing, check this link.
If the issue still persists, open up a ticket on our Public Issue Tracker.


Google App Engine login fails with error 500

I have an appengine (Java) app with the ability to sign in via Google. For this I use
This has been working fine so far, and still works well locally (using mvn appengine:run) but on production it consistently throws a generic 500 while on /_ah/conflogin?state=~AJKiYcHHHXI45-... (the 5th URL of the login process, while already being logged in with Google) and I can find nothing relevant in the Logs Explorer at https://console.cloud.google.com/logs/...
I've since even updated to the latest https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.appengine/appengine-api-1.0-sdk/2.0.10 but the problem remains.
Where should I look at to solve this issue?
To find the root cause of this issue, you can find the logs for this error will be helpful.
In this documentation there is a sample query that you could try to check for logs error with status 500.
resource.type="gae_app" AND
log_id("appengine.googleapis.com/request_log") AND
Alternatively you could also try running ‘gcloud app logs read’ as mentioned in this document to see if you get any logs.
The issue tracker mentioned by Rez in comment is marked as Fixed and after checking your issue I think it also relates to the same issue tracker. As it closed I suggest to get your issue resolved I recommend to raise new issue tracker by referencing the fixed one or else you may raise support ticket with google

Trigger execution warnings with Logic App Standard on Azure Function Runtime

I've got a Logic App (Standard) running on an Azure Function runtime, and I've noticed I'm getting spammed with warnings for my O365 When a new email arrives in a shared mailbox (V2) trigger.
Trigger is meant to execute on cluster type 'Classic'. However, it is executing on cluster 'NotSpecified'
Just Created a Logic App (Standard) and created an O365 trigger on a shared mailbox v2 trigger.
Allowed the trigger to fire
Log Stream/AppInsights will show the warning about trigger execution: Trigger is meant to execute on cluster type 'Classic'. However, it is executing on cluster 'NotSpecified'
There can be several reasons for the error that is mentioned above. One way to solve this problem is by reconfiguring the O365 Logic App Connection and try again.
Usually it happens when there is a version mismatch of the library reference or older version of the component referenced in logic app. If still the error persist, error handling need to be implemented properly in logic apps to get detailed error. App Insight will give proper error log and provide us the error logs if issue still persist.
Please check this Handle errors and exceptions in Azure Logic Apps documentation from Microsoft for more information.

Load testing a Google App Engine Application using JMeter

I've created an application and I'd like to test how well it scales to large numbers of users.
To run my application a user has to go to the homepage, sign in to a Google account, click a button and then upload a video file.
First of all, is this possible to emulate using JMeter? I'm signed into my Google account locally but am not sure whether simulated users will have access to it?
Secondly, I've recorded a session in JMeter doing the actions above and have run the test with 10 simulated users, however, the App Engine dashboard doesn't detect any activity. I've followed the steps mentioned here but obviously with details of my application etc.
Here's a screenshot of the summary report.
Is there anything obvious I might be doing wrong? Am I using JMeter in the correct way to test the application as desired?
Apologies for my JMeter inexperience.
This is not something you will be able to record and replay, my expectation is that your application is protected by OAuth so you will need some token in order to execute your calls.
Not knowing the details of your application implementation it's quite hard to guess what's went wrong, I would recommend
Running your test with 1 user and 1 loop first to ensure that it's doing what it is supposed to be doing by adding View Results Tree listener and inspecting request and response details for each sampler (especially for failed ones).
Once you figure out what's wrong with this particular request - amend JMeter configuration so it would be successful. Repeat until you're happy with the test end-to-end.
Add load only after that and be careful as test might be sensitive to extra users/loops, especially if you're using a single login account (which is not recommended)
How to Handle Correlation in JMeter
How to Run Performance Tests on OAuth Secured Apps with JMeter

on what error log settings can I find app error logs that google clould compute engine apps throw

I've deployed an app using googles cloud compute engine service.
I get an error when I try to register a new user:
We're sorry, but something went wrong. If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.
I'm in the logs section of the google cloud console and it has all sorts of random logs I can look at but I cant find where the errors that the app coding itself caused caused are put, e.g. I'm sure its a mail configuration problem that is causing the error message for new registered users but I cant fix the problem until I find out what the actual error is.
Where exactly are actual app errors put, because they aren't displayed on the page the like in production on my local computer. (I'm using a rails app if that makes a difference to anything)
All errors are logged in the logging section, try applying filters or sorting the logs by date. Sometimes they take a little while to appear.

NancyFx Diagnostics page returns a 404 exception

I am new to Nancy and am playing with the tracing and other diagnostics details. The documentation at https://github.com/NancyFx/Nancy/wiki/Diagnostics states that I should be able to hit the diagnostics dashboard by using the address http:///_nancy. My app is running at but when I enter, I am getting a 404 status code. Is there something else I need to do to enable the diagnostics page in nancyfx version 0.23.2? My app is only a simple api and does not use views.
The documentation on the page listed above states:
Without the password you will be presented with a page telling you that the dashboard needs to be configured in order for you to use it, along with instructions on how to perform the configuration.
However, I received a 404 instead. Once I configured a password in the bootstrapper as per the docs, the login screen showed up.
If you are running your app in Release mode, you'll just get a 404 straight away. See this issue: https://github.com/NancyFx/Nancy/issues/625
and commit: https://github.com/NancyFx/Nancy/commit/002bb9573c5ccd2437233f5bd518762c0ee77b35
Updates so that StatisConfiguration.IsRunningDebug is public. The
DiagnosticsHook will not check that flag before returning the
diagnostics help view. If true then it will return NotFound instead.
