I've got a Logic App (Standard) running on an Azure Function runtime, and I've noticed I'm getting spammed with warnings for my O365 When a new email arrives in a shared mailbox (V2) trigger.
Trigger is meant to execute on cluster type 'Classic'. However, it is executing on cluster 'NotSpecified'
Just Created a Logic App (Standard) and created an O365 trigger on a shared mailbox v2 trigger.
Allowed the trigger to fire
Log Stream/AppInsights will show the warning about trigger execution: Trigger is meant to execute on cluster type 'Classic'. However, it is executing on cluster 'NotSpecified'
There can be several reasons for the error that is mentioned above. One way to solve this problem is by reconfiguring the O365 Logic App Connection and try again.
Usually it happens when there is a version mismatch of the library reference or older version of the component referenced in logic app. If still the error persist, error handling need to be implemented properly in logic apps to get detailed error. App Insight will give proper error log and provide us the error logs if issue still persist.
Please check this Handle errors and exceptions in Azure Logic Apps documentation from Microsoft for more information.
I am trying to execute Test Suite to certify, but I receive an error when executing the action. I can't find anything in the Google Cloud log. Everything works fine using Google Assistant on my phone and Nest.
enter image description here
A 503 error code means that the requested service is temporarily unavailable at the moment. You can wait for some time before trying again & make sure that your Smart Home Actions are linked with an account & testing is enabled for your actions. For instructions on how to set up your account for testing, check this link.
If the issue still persists, open up a ticket on our Public Issue Tracker.
I have been developing Standard Logic Apps with SQL Server successfully for some time, but suddenly can no longer connect. I'm using Azure AD Integrated as my Authentication Type, which I know is OK as I use the same credentials in SSMS. If I try to create a new credential, it is apparently successful but on save the Logic App says "The API connection reference XXX is missing or not valid". Something has changed, but I don't know what ... help!
per above, this was submitted to M/S and has been resolved as follows: the root cause is if a Logic App Parameter name includes an embedded space the problem with SQL connections is triggered. This is a pernicious problem, as the error message is quite unrelated to the root cause. Further, since embedded spaces are supported in Logic Apps e.g. in Step Names, it is easy to assume the same applies across the board.
I'm implementing NemLog-in3 / OIOSAML 3 authentication in my .NET Core web application. With great success so far. I have a question though, about the logging requirements for OIOSAML integrations. There is a list of things that must be validated and logged for all assertions. For example assertion ID, certificate validation results, user session id etc.
I have implemented a new event listener for the static EventSource logger from Microsoft, since i can see that you're emitting log events to that logger, in your NuGet package.
See ing the log messages, made me wonder if there is a bug or if it's intensional to log the type instead of the actual value? See picture below.
It looks like a bug, it is not intended to log the type information.
The default logging in the library do not support the OIOSAML logging requirements at all. Connected to OIOSAML logging requirements
I am using watson assistant with flask framework. Once the session expires i get the following error
ApiException(response.status_code, error_message, http_response=response)
ibm_cloud_sdk_core.api_exception.ApiException: Error: NotFound: session id ba62bf14-87e-4c7b071b591e for agent instance 0e5c653c-9-b4e0-5a597c3e541e, Code: 404 , X-global-transaction-id: ffea409d54977b49 - - [03/Jul/2019 11:27:47] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200
Refreshing the page does not create a new session
How to create a new session on this exception, so that I need not restart the local server ?
You mention a 5 minute session timeout.
Watson Plus trial has this set for just testing, and is not intended to be production level. It cannot be changed.
Standard version and lite can use session but both were originally stateless. You should use the V1 API for these. You will have to manage the state, but you will no longer have a time out.
If you are using the paid version of Watson Plus, or premium you can change the time out within the assistant settings.
You need to provide code, as any response will be blind and based on guesswork on what errors you have made, and there are many. But based on the fact that you failed to provide code, and still raised the question expecting someone to tell you what you did wrong then let's go with a rookie error.
I think you are creating the session as a global in your flask app, and maybe saving it it the app object. You probably have a route for the dialog, which makes use of the session. The code in this route, needs to catch the error, or test if the session is still valid, and recreate it. If you are catching the error, and trying to recreate the session, then you may have fallen foul of Python's global variable restrictions. Essentially if in a function you have a variable as the right side of an assignment, then its scope will be limited to the function.
Refreshing the web page, will not force the flask app to re-create the session. As you probably have that logic outside of any routes.
I'm trying to translate an X12 edi message using a map created in VS2015, but I get the following error;
MapNotReady. The map '' is still being processed. Please try again later.
Running the input in VS2015 I get the correct result, but not using Azure Logic Apps
Resolved this issue by creating a new Integration account in a new Resource Group and different Location.
Looks like a bug in Azure, will log call with MS
I faced the same issue after deploying a logic app using ARM template.
What was I doing?
In deploy powershell, I was creating integration account and adding schemas and maps.
Deploying logic app using ARM template.
Immediately after deployment, I tried to execute the logic app. At that point, I received MapNotReady exception in transform action.
However after 10 minutes when I retried the message again, the problem was gone. It looks like, map service was not fully deployed.
So no need to deploy to different resource group. Probably wait for few minutes before executing LogicApps.