Deleting data from a Azure Ad user field doesn't trigger a provisioning change in SCIM - azure-active-directory

I have Scim provisioning setup and connected to azure ad using a custom application which isn't in the marketplace. Provisioning new users and changing data on existing appears to work fine. But when I delete data from a previously synched field, I'm not seeing any change to remove this data in the scim application.
I've tried all number of combinations and checking out documentation for this as a known issue, but have come up short. Does anyone know why this doesn't work?
Data deleted from provisioned user
Provisioning User on demand doesn't show any changes

Thank You user3269662 for sharing the right document it will help other member who is looking for the same, currently AAD Provisioning doesn't send null/empty values in almost all cases that is the reason empty/null value of phone number is not reflecting in SCIM application.You can update the value of phone number but can not pass null value, as Microsoft found this is special type of consideration and they are working on that. For knowing about progress on this you can comment on Same MS Q&A post.
WorkAround : You need to manually delete the attribute value from SCIM application if you set null value for any attribute of AAD


AAD "manager" attribute do not sync from AD

I have an Hybrid AD and AAD enviroment. We use AzureAD to provision users and attributes to one of our SaaS solutions. One for those is the "manager" attribute. The problem is that once the manager value has been set once, it does not update. And since the users are synced from onprem, the manager field is in "read only"-mode and there is no way for me to update it.
When i change the value on one of my users and run a sync to AzureAD i can see that there are 1 change to the export attribute flow and Updates to the Delta Import. But in AAD the old value persists.
I ran the Sync troubleshooter and checked for sync issues in AAD, but there are no indicated errors. Everything else seems to work and sync as intended. Anyone know if there is anything special with "manager"? Any help would be appritiated.

Azure AD provisioning requires two runs to succeed with custom app

We've created an application using SCIM 2 SDK from PingIdentity for provisioning with Azure AD. Custom mapping is set up and working.
However, when the user is CREATED, all of the fields are included in the import, but only a few fields are included in the provisioning step and sent to our application. Provisioning needs to run a second time on that user to UPDATE in order for all the fields to be included. Amongst other things, this means that first and last name are not split and it only sends the displayname (which ends up as firstname on our end).
For some users in normal provisioning, it can take days between the create and update runs so we're missing data for a long time.
Anyone know how can we can test for what's causing this and solve it so all the fields are included in the initial CREATE run for a user?
Here are the attribute mapping settings:
And an example log of when the user is created with only basic fields:
vs. when the user is updated with all the other fields:
I'm a product manager at Microsoft that works on the provisioning service and our SCIM client.
The behavior you're seeing occurs when you have attributes that are not part of the SCIM core schema included as "short" names. Attributes not defined in the SCIM core schema (RFC 7643) should have full URN syntax. Something to the effect of urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:appName:2.0:User:attributeName is commonly used by other implementations. The shaky behavior you're seeing where the AAD provisioning service fails to send these attribute values via a POST but later includes them in a PATCH comes down to different code paths in the AAD provisioning service, and the PATCH code happens to handle this differently than the POST code. This is purely by chance, however, and isn't an intentional design choice. At some future point I'm hoping we'll make this more consistent and disallow incorrectly structured attribute names entirely.
If you adjust your attribute names to align with the guidance in the SCIM spec's schema RFC and provide the attributes with fully defined URNs, you should see consistent behavior that works on both POST and PATCH.

how to set custom claim value in Azure AD SAML

I'm setting up SAML SSO for an application. I have it working except that I'm unable to return a suitable value for the NameID claim. Existing userid's in the application are firstname + last initial so they don't match display names, email addresses, or any of the typical stuff found in Azure AD. I could use a transform to generate that but the available functions don't appear to do what I need.
I could also manually enter the userid in Azure AD and then map the claim to that but I hate to "misuse" an existing field (e.g. putting the userid in user.jobtitle or some such).
I also don't want to have to change everyone's userid in the app to match something that already exists in Azure.
I feel like I'm missing something obvious here since there have to be a lot of apps that don't use a common Azure property as their userid.
Thanks in advance for any help here!
You can map the attributes & claims present in the active directory to your app fields. For example if user.givenname is present in the active directory and in your app, the field name is firstName, you can achieve this by doing the mapping in manage claim section of User attributes & claims. Same could be done for others fields.
You go into the Enterprise applications > Your App > SAML-based Sign-on > click on edit

Get preferred_username with microsoft graph API

I'm trying to get the preferred username of a user via the Graph API for Microsoft Office / Azure
If a user logs in via an enterprise application with an id_token I get the preferred_username claim.
This has the user's actual email address.
If I try to look up the user separately by ID, I can't find any way to get that username.
Seems related to Sign-in to Azure Active Directory using email as an alternate login ID (preview).
The user in question is using a GitHub linked account, it likely has an ugly UPN that I would prefer not to be seen anywhere. Instead I would like to use their preferred_username.
Example "ugly" UPN":
To my knowledge, the preferred_username value isn't exposed by Graph in either v1.0 or Beta.
One potential workaround is to use the otherMails property. This is an array, so this may contain multiple entries for a given user. That said, any otherMails entry is likely to be less 'ugly'.

Change User Name In Azure Active Directory

I have an Azure Active Directory (AAD) set up in my Azure subscription associated with an email address of mine, which we'll call A.
Some time later, I updated my Microsoft Account to use a new email address B as the primary email address, with A being associated with it still so it can still be used and the two email addresses treated as being one.
In AAD there is one user, whose user Id is A which appears not to be able to be changed as it is greyed-out. Attempting to add B fails with the error: You cannot add yourself.
Is there a way I can force the user name of the AAD user to be B instead of A?
The reason I ask is because I am trying to setup an Azure Key Vault in my subscription as it appears to be failing because whether or not I sign in as A or B in Azure Powershell, I am always signed in as B. This then causes this error message, which I appear to be unable to work around:
New-AzureKeyVault : Cannot find the Active Directory object 'B' in tenant
'{Tenant Id}'. Please make sure that the user or application service principal you are
authorizing is registered in the current subscription's Azure Active directory. The TenantID displayed by the cmdlet
'get-AzureSubscription -current' is the current subscription's Azure Active directory.
Can you check that you are using the latest bits for Key Vault PowerShell?
I talked with some folks internally and we believe that an experience like this may be expected if you are using an older version of the PowerShell CMDLETs, but the lastest version should be update to date and not run into the issue you are having.
If you find that you still hit this issue after upgrading, we may have a bug on our side that we should fix.
In that case, my suggestion is for you to create a new Admin User. Then delete the old Admin Account (you may need to Transfer Onwership of your AAD Subscription to the new Admin), and then recreate your account, which will pull the lastest information from that user.
However, I only reccommend trying this after having updated the PowerShell bits.
Please let us know if either of these methods resolves your issues.
Shawn Tabrizi
