What is the difference between EdgeNGramTokenizer and EdgeNGramTokenFilterV2 - azure-cognitive-search

Is the only difference between them is that EdgeNGramTokenizer acts on the input text (after processed by the charFilter) and EdgeNGramTokenFilterV2 acts on the tokens generated by the tokenizer?
If that is the case, can we say that even some tokenFilters generate more strings from the tokens? (ex: Ngrams generated after using EdgeNGramTokenFilterV2) and can the new strings generated be called tokens ?

The way to tell for sure is to set up a request that call the Test Analyzer API, passing in an input string and a custom analyzer that has the tokenizer and filters that you want. The output is all of the tokens produced by the analyzer, for the given input. The Test Analyzer API needs a search index on the URL, but the API doesn't actually iterate over the index, so really you could specify any valid index and then enter whatever term inputs you want.


Querytype=Full and searching for stop words returns no results

When using azure cognitive search, we are using full query syntax. When searching for something like: the document we create a query like this (this is a simplified example):
(Title:the OR Contents:the) AND (Title:document OR Contents:document)
(we need to split up the query for unrelated reasons)
The problem is that the could be a stopword in the language we are searching in (we search in several languages), causing the entire query to fail. We would like to be able to ignore stop words in generating queries like this, of have the search engine simply return true for the specific stop word search parts
I figure the latter is not possible. (or is it?). Might there be a way to query the stop words for specific language analyzers so we can exclude the stop words ourselves? Or is there a way to alter out query to be able to handle stop words better?
If you want to strip stop words from your search query the only thing I can think of is calling the analyzer with the search query and check the returned tokens.
In this example you would call the en.microsoft analyzer with the search query "the document".
The tokens returned only contain "document", so you know "the" is considered a stop word by the analyzer. But when searching multiple languages you might need to call multiple analyzers and strip stop words for all those languages.

Solr query not working as expected when it contains the `#` character

I have a field called email_txt of type text_general that holds a list of emails of type abc#xyz.com,
and I'm trying to create a query that will only search the username and disregard the domain.
My query looks something like this:
This produces 0 results. I expect to receive results where the username contains abc, like abcdefg#xyz.com, fooabc#xyzbuzz.com, barabcefg#fizzxyz.com, abc#fizz.com. And yes, I am confident that I have data of that type, it doesn't work even if I try email_txt:*#*.
If I try something like:
It works, and produces multiple results, including the desired ones from above, but also cases where the domain contains abc, like fizz#helpmeabc.com, which is not desired.
I've had a look at the documentation (just in case I'm going crazy) and it confirms that # is not a special character. Even so, I have tried to escape it like this (just in case, I am going crazy):
still, 0 results
Now the actual question. Is # a special character? If so, how can it be escaped, if not what am I doing wrong in the query? I genuinely can't tell if there is a flaw in my logic, or if there is something that I am missing.
Notes: I'm using solr version 6.3.0, the doc is for 6.6 (the closest available)
When you're using the StandardTokenizer (which the default field types text_general, text_en, etc. use by default), the content will be split into tokens when the # sign occurs. That means that for your example, there are actually two or three tokens being stored, (izz and helpmeabc.com) or (izz, helpmeabc and com).
A wildcard match is applied against the tokens by themselves (unless using the complex phrase query parser), where no tokenization and filtering taking place (except for multi term aware filters such as the lowercase filter).
The effect is that your query, *abc*#* attempts to match a token containing #, but since the processing when you're indexing splits on # and separate the tokens based on that character, no tokens contain # - and thus, giving you no hits.
You can use the string field type or a KeywordTokenizer paired with filters such as the lower case filter, etc. to get the original input more or less as a complete token instead.

How to config solr that use Synonym base on KeywordTokenizerFactory

synonym eg: "AAA" => "AVANT AT ALJUNIED"
If i search AAA*BBB
I was used StandardTokenizerFactory.But it's always breaking field data into lexical units,and then ignore relative position for search words.
On other way,I try to use StandardTokenizerFactory or other filter like WordDelimiterFilterFactory to split word via * . It don't work
You can't - synonyms works with tokens, and KeywordTokenizer keeps the whole string as a single token. So you can't expand just one part of the string when indexing if you're using KT.
In addition the SynonymFilter isn't MultiTermAware, so it's not invoked on query time when doing a wildcard search - so you can't expand synonyms for parts of the string there, regardless of which tokenizer you're using.
This is probably a good case for preprocessing the string and doing the replacements before sending it to Solr, or if the number of replacements are small, having filters to do pattern replacements inside of the strings when indexing to have both versions indexed.

How to search word with and without special characters in Solr

We have used StandardTokenizerFactory in the solr. but we have faced issue when we have search without special character.
Like we have search "What’s the Score?" and its content special character. now we have only search with "Whats the Score" but we didn't get proper result. its
means search title with and without special character should we work.
Please suggest which Filter we need to use and satisfy both condition.
If you have a recent version of Solr, try adding to your analyzer chain solr.WordDelimiterGraphFilterFactory having catenateWords=1.
This starting from What's should create three tokens What, s and Whats.
Not sure if ' is in the list of characters used by filter to concatenate words, in any case you can add it using the parameter types="characters.txt"

tokenizer for keepwordfilterfactory in solr

I want to use the solr keepwordfilterfactory but not getting the appropriate tokenizer for that. Use case is, i have a string say hi i am coming, bla-bla go out. Now from the following string i want to keep the words like hi i, coming,,bla-blaetc. So what tokenizer to use with the filter factory so that i am able to get any such combination in facets. Tried different tokenizer but not getting the exact result. I am using solr 4.0. Is there any such tokenizer that tokenizes based on the keepwords used.
What are your 'rules' for tokenization (splitting long text into individual tokens). The example above seem to be implying that sometimes you have single word tokens and sometimes a multi-word ("hi i"). The multi-word case is problematic here, but you might be able to do it by combining ShingleFilterFactory to give you multi-word tokens as well as the original ones and then you keep only the items you want.
I am not sure whether KeepWord filter deals correctly with multi-word strings. If it does not, you may want to have a special separator character during shingle process and then regex filter it back to space as the last step.
