When trying to update 'Due Date' field in Azure DevOps using Logic App work flow- throwing an error: InvalidTemplate - azure-logic-apps

I am trying to update a "Due Date" field in Azure DevOps work item using a logic app flow. But, my workflow is throwing with error:
If I use any other fields (like 'Iteration Path') than "Other Fields" shown in image below, then my app is working fine.
Other Fields
Not able to figure out what causing the issue. Can anyone help me to get through this error?


React error: request failed with status code 400

I am following Bezkoder tutorial in the link to create a simple CRUD database using React, NodeJS, Express and MySQL: [https://www.bezkoder.com/react-node-express-mysql/#React_Nodejs_Express_MySQL_Architecture
I've successfully created the backend and tested read, write and delete of records using POSTMAN. I've then created the React frontend, which uses Axios - it compiles OK, and displays a web page in my browser. This page will read records from the database OK, but when I try to add new or amend existing records, it doesn't work, and in console it displays "Request Failed with status code 400" error. The full error message in console is as follows:
Console error
I'm not sure what the error means or how I might go about troubleshooting further. Could anyone point out to me how I can troubleshoot this further or what other info you'd need to help me?
I was expecting the React frontend to be able to add new records and amend existing records.

Registering your app in Teams is failing with error "You don't have permissions to add Hello World to this team."

I am following Get started on the Microsoft Teams platform with Node.js and App Studio
to add app in MSTeams. All the steps worked as per the documentation, however the last step "Register your app in Teams" failed during installing of the application. Below is the image attached
I also tried to upload the custom application , but it also throws error that something went wrong.
Below are the images:
Here are the permissions, I have enabled them all to test, still the issue remains the same
Can someone please suggest to fix this issue?
You need to make sure that you have the correct permissions to side-load custom apps into Teams, and this can be controlled at the Org (i.e. Tenant) level, the Team level, and the individual level. Have a look here for more.

Azure logic app - Transform to XML - MapNotReady

I'm trying to translate an X12 edi message using a map created in VS2015, but I get the following error;
MapNotReady. The map '' is still being processed. Please try again later.
Running the input in VS2015 I get the correct result, but not using Azure Logic Apps
Resolved this issue by creating a new Integration account in a new Resource Group and different Location.
Looks like a bug in Azure, will log call with MS
I faced the same issue after deploying a logic app using ARM template.
What was I doing?
In deploy powershell, I was creating integration account and adding schemas and maps.
Deploying logic app using ARM template.
Immediately after deployment, I tried to execute the logic app. At that point, I received MapNotReady exception in transform action.
However after 10 minutes when I retried the message again, the problem was gone. It looks like, map service was not fully deployed.
So no need to deploy to different resource group. Probably wait for few minutes before executing LogicApps.

500 internal server error in SharePoint

I'm getting a
'500 internal server error'
while trying to access any web application other than the central administrator page.This problem rise up suddenly on a day when I tried opening it.No password change have been made on the server side,also I have verified all the application pool are in the started state only.I have checked by creatinga new webapplication still the same issue occurs.I have also tried by changing the identity of the specific web application from IIS,but it does'nt works.I was not able to set the user name and password for identity over the advanced settings of SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPoolService in the application pool as it is saying 'invalid credentials'.Please help me to solve this issue.SharePoint is installed on SQLServer 2008R2. When I checked the Event viewer I'm getting two warnings and two errors.Two errors saying `
claims Authentication(8306) and warnings as configuration(8059)
`.(I know this Question is asked in the in the SharePoint community but the answers doesn't solve my issue,so that I'm asking it here)

Getting Metadata Query Failed error breeze/Breeze/Metadata on Azure Server Hot Towel Angular

I am following the HotTowel Angular Tutorials by John Papa. It works perfect on localhost but it is giving me errors when i deployed the website on Windows Azure. My website URL is : http://crmbyzaid.azurewebsites.net/index.html#/
And I am getting the errors like
"[datacontext] [HT Error] Error Retriving DataMetadata query failed for: breeze/Breeze/Metadata. Unable to either parse or import metadata: Unexpected token z; undefined Error: Metadata query failed for: breeze/Breeze/Metadata. Unable to either parse or import metadata: Unexpected token z; undefined"
I do not know what happened during deployment. I have unchecked the box of "Use this connection string at runtime" during Deployment
This question is a few weeks old, but I thought I would share my experience since I had exact same issue. In my case, the problem was that there were multiple methods on BreezeController that accepted a GET request. This should not have been an issue since the controller methods should be called by method name based on route setup, but for whatever reason Azure was not cooperating.
I removed the other methods, which were just stubs anyway, and it began working just fine. The only way I was able to finally determine this was the issue was by attaching debugger to the site running on Azure, and also enabling symbol server(s).....otherwise VS would not break on the exception no matter what.
Hope this helps!
