Google Actions testing on device - google-assistant

I've created a Google Action that should trigger a webhook in my web-app.
The Action is working perfectly on the Google Actions Console, but not on my device.
I also tried to deploy Alpha and Beta versions (which was approved) and both reacted similarly as the Developer testing on the device.
The expected behavior would be to run the full Action Scene obviously, and that's what happening in the Simulator.
But when testing on the device - I only get: "Ok, getting your test version of myApp" if it's Developer testing, and "Ok, getting myApp" if it's the Alpha/Beta versions.
I'm testing it in an iPhone device, with Google Home app.
I'm wondering if anyone else was experiencing this kind of behavior and if it's something to do with the deploy process, or my code?


How local fulfillment app gets run in the Google Nest device

I'm trying to voice control my smart TV via Google Nest device. I have made a local fulfillment app and uploaded two bundles both node and web to the action console. When I tried to debug through the chrome://inspect, the web version failed to connect to the TV after a successful discovery. When I tried to run node bundle-node.js in terminal, it threw ReferenceError: smarthome is not defined.
So I am wondering how Google Nest device utilize those two bundles? Which version gets to serve in the Google Nest device? I assume the node version gets to serve, while the web version is for debugging. If my assumption holds, how does the dependency to smarthome get resolved in the node env? thanks for any help.
Check out the test and debug section of the Local Fulfillment Guide as a starting point. A couple highlights based on your question:
You need to upload your bundles to submit for production, but during testing you should self-host your local fulfillment and enter that value in the Enter your testing URL field.
The Local Home SDK is only present on Home/Nest devices, so you cannot currently test or debug on your local machine. You have to load the code onto the device as described in the guide and use chrome://inspect.
Use the web bundle when testing your integration today. This is the version that will be run on Home speakers and Nest displays.

Cordova Console Log when Beta Testing

I am interested to know if there is any tool to track the js console log of multiple devices for both ios and android.
Basically I am about to beta test my new cordova/ionic/angular app with beta testers and since they are quite a few I want to be able to check the console log of each and every device to see how the app is performing.
If such a tool is not available fire away ideas or current possible approaches you would take?
You can configure your own Google Analytics and send whatever you want in it.
For getting your messages:$log

LiteIDE for Go in Google App Engine

It seems to me that LiteIDE is a good environment to get started with Go...
But in order to debug, it's asking me for the following:
What should I set these to if I'm developing a Google App Engine app?
I need the ability to detect and give hints to compile-time errors in the IDE. That should also be the case when using GAE-specific APIs (Channel API, etc.)
Though for runtime errors, I would assume that those are better left to visiting the dev site.
In other words- the way Google App Engine does things if I understand correctly, is you launch and then you don't actually recompile/relaunch again, the dev server does all of that and you simply visit http://localhost:8080 to test it, and it will give runtime errors descriptively in the browser.

Force phonegap disconnect

I need to test the online and offline events written in my app. I'm testing the app through my browser so I'd like some code that simulates a disconnect from the internet in phonegap. As in forcing it to go offline then back online, client side. How can I do this?
Have you already tried use PhoneGap Emulation? There is a lot of features.
You can also test directly on device. Android logcat can receive the console.log of browser. I belive this works with xcode too.

App don't work under IE 9

I deployed my app successfully on GAE (Java), and the thing works as expected under Chrome (and others) under MacOS X. Today at work I wanted to test my app on IE 9.0.8 / Vista, and the app won't load.
My app displays a "loading" message on the page until all objects of the UI are loaded. When I load the UI I also fetch some data using RPC. When the job gets done the loading message disapears and my app shows up.
As I don't see any error or Exception / nothing special in the app engine logs, how can I start to find the bug ?
The only difference I see is that, at work, my computer goes online trough many firewall and proxys, but as i can open the page and login it should not be a problem. But anyway, just after I login (using google accounts, not openID) the app "hangs". Ideas ?
You should start by inspecting network connections in IE9 to see if everything loads as expected. See also GWT tricks for IE9.
Try running your GWT app in dev mode, this way you should be able to see the client-side errors in the GWT console. Client-side error messages are not displayed in Web mode, unless you implemented code to handle them.
