App don't work under IE 9 - google-app-engine

I deployed my app successfully on GAE (Java), and the thing works as expected under Chrome (and others) under MacOS X. Today at work I wanted to test my app on IE 9.0.8 / Vista, and the app won't load.
My app displays a "loading" message on the page until all objects of the UI are loaded. When I load the UI I also fetch some data using RPC. When the job gets done the loading message disapears and my app shows up.
As I don't see any error or Exception / nothing special in the app engine logs, how can I start to find the bug ?
The only difference I see is that, at work, my computer goes online trough many firewall and proxys, but as i can open the page and login it should not be a problem. But anyway, just after I login (using google accounts, not openID) the app "hangs". Ideas ?

You should start by inspecting network connections in IE9 to see if everything loads as expected. See also GWT tricks for IE9.

Try running your GWT app in dev mode, this way you should be able to see the client-side errors in the GWT console. Client-side error messages are not displayed in Web mode, unless you implemented code to handle them.


How to see if gatsby-plugin-offline is working

I am new to Gatsby so please bear with me.
I want to add offline support to my app such that if a user were to try access it while offline (after having visited it online) it would still show up.
Would gatsby-plugin-offline help me achieve this?
If so, how can I try this out? So far I have tried using the plug-in in my app (all default settings), building the app and then serving it locally on my computer at http://localhost:9000/. When I stop the dev server and try access http://localhost:9000/, it does not show up. How can I test to see if this plugin works?
After gatsby build the public folder should include sw.js file.
Otherwise, you can find whether the service worker is registered on not at Chrome Dev Console over Application > Service Workers.

Application doesn't reflect updated contents once deployed locally through App Engine Standard

I have just started working on App Engine and during my first sample run only I faced this issue. I deployed the sample 'Hello App Engine' servlet code locally through Eclipse IDE. After hitting the localhost URL I was able to see the expected message 'Hello App Engine' as well.
Later I changed the message body to be displayed (Hi App Engine) and again deployed the code. Now, when I hit the localhost URL I don't see the updated message body. Instead it shows me the old message (Hello App Engine) only.
I tried refreshing my browser and manually setting the 'Run configuration' but nothing worked. Does anybody have any leads what could be the possible reason? Thanks.
Have you verified you are executing the redeployment correctly?.
To make sure you are not failing in this step you should delete the application completely and redeploy it again

Google App Engine not updating in Chrome in Desktop

I have deployed a site via Google App Engine. The site is updated for all browsers expect for Chrome on Windows Desktop and Mac. Why is it so happening?
After a long time breaking my head on this problem finally I got the solution, the problem was very very very silly and irritating
The extensions attached to my browser namely Ad Block was causing the older version to be presented whenever I used to visit the site.
So the solution is:
Disable the extensions and see which silly extension is causing the trouble

Application Marketplace Submission Error: can not connect to server please try again later

I'm having a strange and bizarre error message when I try to upload my app for submission in the app store.
The app is a video browser app with embedded videos in the XAP package, it's around 90 Mega bytes in size.
When I start uploading It says saving for about 20 minutes and then gives the error. (error can not connect to server please try again later).
I checked everything, I updated the assembly meta data (copyright, company and the other stuff), I also verified the app against the submission rules, I also monitored it using the Marketplace Test Kit.
It's really strange, I read other forum post on the app hub and checked all the advises but nothing really helped
Anyone faced this before?
Happened to me before, app hubs just really buggy. Leave it a few mins and try another web browser.
Get a better/faster internet connection, and try another browser. That's all you can do.
Sadly App Hub has a 180 sec upload timeout (it was confirmed to me by App Hub team member) so if you have internet connection not fast enough and xap big enough you have no chance to upload it. A possible workaround is to upload it from a dedicated host.

Google app engine: fails on deployment but works perfectly locally -- nonresponsive html form submit button

I have a small yest App running on GAE under the default free quota. It runs fine locally. When deployed on GAE (appspot), some parts of it do not work. Appspot dashboard does not show any error in the logs. Added code to trap quota limits is not triggered. Why is there a variation between the App running locally, versus failing when uploaded? There are no server error screens when deployed, only non-responsive buttons. (One non-responsive html form submit button, which works fine locally.) I am using Eclipse to run the App locally and also to deploy the same identical code.
Any insights offered would be helpful. I don't have infinite loops, only a java while () {} statement which locally is tracked to run only 4 while loop iterations within 4 milliseconds.
One possibility:
Check your urls are not having a double slash ('//') e.g. /user//listall
This works on dev server but not when you deploy it on app engine.
