Manually trigger/open Piwik consent manager? - matomo

Piwik provides js snippets for a consent manager popup and an embedded version for a privacy page.
I want to give the website users the posbiliy to change their consent, e.g. to watch a YouTube video without navigating to the privacy page, right away. Therefore a placeholder is displayed instead of the video.
The easiest way would be to trigger the consent popup manually from that placeholder image by click.
Piwik do not have documented such a functionality.
Does someone know a clever workaround to display the popup again after initially setting consents. By default the popup will only occur again when deleting cookies and local storage in the browser.

I reduced the html from privacy page to show only the button.
<div id="ppms_cm_privacy_settings" data-editor-centralize="true"
data-main-container="true" data-root="true">
<div data-disable-select='true'>
<button class="btn btn-default" id="ppms_cm_privacy_settings_button">Privacy settings
This will raise the privacy policy dialog right at the placeholder.


How to sign in second user in incognito window to test actioncable

I'm trying to sign in a 2nd user to see if ActionCable is working. I have my app open in a regular Chrome window on localhost:3000 and I also have it open in an incognito window also localhost:3000
Open two browsers with separate cookie spaces (like a regular session and an incognito session).
Login as different people in each browser.
3 Go to the same message.
Add comments in either browser and see them appear real-time on the counterpart screen.
However, when I sign in the 2nd user in the incognito window, the 1st user gets logged out.
I'm using ng-token-auth and devise_token_auth for authentication.
Also, I have an ng-click that toggles the navbar to collapse
<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" ng-click="isNavCollapsed = !isNavCollapsed">
<i class="fa fa-bars" aria-hidden="true"></i>
When I click the hamburger button in either the regular window or the incognito window, the navbar collapses in both windows.
I thought an incognito window would give me a completely separate cookie jar and therefore separate $scopes but I guess not.
I hope someone can tell me what is going one.
When using Incognito mode, your Sesssion stays active on every tab/window as long as you do not close each and every one of them as stated on the Incognito start page:
Pages you view in incognito tabs won't stick around in your browser's history, cookie store, or search history after you've closed all of your incognito tabs. Any files you download or bookmarks you create will be kept.
Having stated this, your session is completely different from the one in a normal tab/window, so the action cable test should work.
This may fail if by any means your logic overrides the logged in user when a new user gets logged in.

How to read element on Page when its loading in selenium?

I am trying to automate a Gmail login Page where I face one issue.
Replication steps:
Update User Name and Password
Click on Sign Button.
There will be "Loading Page" before the main Inbox Page. I need to validate that this Loading page appeared after the sign-in click and before Inbox Page in Gmail.
Please suggest a solution for this.

How to disable "Authentication Required" and "Confirm Navigation" Popup

A project I am working on all of a sudden start showing "Authentication Required" and "Confirm Navigation" Popup when some links are clicked. I am using angularjs on .net MVC project. How do I disable this?
I think one of your MVC Controller has [Authorization] attribute, please remove it it will fix the problem.
For Authentication how its configured in IIS? If not anonymous user it will show like this
For navigation pop up go through How to show the "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?" when changes committed?

Disable popup blocker in firefox

From one of our application, we are calling method to open a pop up. When we are using this, the browsers are blocking the popup and user has to disable popup blocker for the specified web site.
Is there any way to disable the popup blockers for specified URL patterns(With out user intervention),like using browser API etc...
No. There is no way to alter the browser's popup blocker behaviour from within a webpage. The best you can do is include a message on your website asking people to turn off their popup blockers while using your site so that the site can function properly.

How can I leverage the 'Go' or 'Submit' button on a mobile software keyboard in a HTML5 app?

Mobile devices with software keyboards often change the keyboard when filling in a web form to allow the user to submit with one click and avoid jabbing at the 'submit' button of the form.
How can one access this functionality from a phonegap/cordova/other HTML5 app?
I struggled with this for a while, so gonna share the answer here.
This blog post by Matt Nunes showed me that the type="submit" input should be the first button in the form.
Once you know this, you might be satisfied, but I wanted to hide the button - why have it when you want the user to use their keyboard? For an outline of how to do this, check out this related question - Is it too much to ask to have an invisible button on jQuery Mobile?
Effectively, when the user taps the 'go' button on their soft keyboard, it shows up to the browser as a click on the submit button. Therefore,
(1) Override the default event
(2) Profit.
Hopefully this helps someone.
