PrimeNg table row grouping and virtual scrolling - primeng

Row Group feature works well until I set virtual scrolling to true it stops working. I inspected the table element and found that the group header row totally disappears in virtual scrolling mode. I forked PrimeNg Stackblitz demo with rowGroupMode="subheader" here. I would be really appreciate if anyone can help.


Angular uigrid - remove subgrid's left margin spacing

I'm using the Angular ui-grid and Angular (v1.4). I can display a simple table fine but when it comes to nested tables
To see an example of the code - go to, then click on the "Edit in Plunkr" link on the right about halfway down. In this example, when you click on a row you'll see the subgrid. That's fine but for this subgrid I'd like to remove the whitespace to the left subgrid's ID column and also ensure the subgrid's columns line up the the parent columns.
Does anyone know how I can do this ?
Any thoughts/guidance would be great.
Thanks - Ro

Added row is not visible until scrolling

I've built a simple master - detail form consisting of a form for the master element and table for the details.
In the toolbar of panel collection around the table I placed a CreateInsert button which ads a row to the table. My problem is that I this row is invisible until after I move my cursor over to the table and scroll down. Then it appears.
Before that a small scrollbar appear after pressing the button which can't be pressed.
Related to this is the problem when I press the delete button in the details, the table gets cut in half. I suspect these two problems are related.
This is my table:
This is after I press CreateInsert. The table should add another row below this one, and it does, but it is not visible until after I scroll. This happens only for the first row.
I am using JDeveloper 12c with Oracle ADF Fusion Web Applications.
This is a late answer I know , but try to programmatically refresh the PanelCollection and its container.
.addPartialTarget (getThePanelCollection());
.addPartialTarget (getThePanelCollectioncontainerLayout());
I tried this myself and it solved the problem after trying many other solutions.
Did u check with the Size.?
Try giving Styles for Table and Panel Collection "StyleClass=AFStretchWidth"
Add Execute in binding side of the jspx page for the particular table
Add invoke action for the execute in executables
Change the properties to render model in refresh condition of the invoke action
It will automatically make the master table to trigger the new values

How to programmatically select a row in Ui.grid angularJs?

I have an issue let me put it simple in my plunker example I want to know why is my $scope.revertSelection() function not working.
Sort right hand grid by Name(descending order)
Select 3-4 rows randomly
Click 'Copy' button all selected rows are copied into $scope.retainSelection
Sort right hand grid by Name(Ascending order)
Click 'Revert' button (this is not working)
I am expecting all the rows previously selected in step 2) to be selected back which is not happening :-( please help me with the issue.
I googled but could not find any docs of gridApi.selection to look for other methods to fulfill my requirement.
Note: I am using Ui.grid not ng-grid
I should use...
...instead of...
My friend gave link to docs.

Angular ui-grid. Error in example?

I want to use ui-grid with treeView, but in example:
it working wrong.
if i click on "+" icon and then click "-" icon - last row going out from grid.
How repear this, or replace to other grid with tree (hierarhical grid with several column and row selections)? Thanks!
I think this may be the alignment issue that was fixed this morning, which occurs when you have filters. The treeView appears to be working correctly today.
If you have an issue that is different than that, could you provide a bit more detail - your description is somewhat unclear on exactly what it is that is wrong.

How do I refresh Winforms DataGridView?

I have two DataGridViews in a tab and the DataSource of the second grid is based on the row selection in first grid. The problem is I cannot get the grid to refresh after some values have been inserted or updated in the prior tabs. It works fine if I click on the row but it is not working if I select the row programmatically (i.e. first row). I have tried the following but it failed to refresh.
daProgram.ClearBeforeFill = true
bsProgram.ResetBindings(true) -- binding source also tried false
dgvProgram.DataSource=bsProgram -- rebinding the control
I also tried:
Nothing works :-(
I would really appreciate if anyone could help me out in this.
Are you binding your data properly?
I have read a few things about this, and too found ResetBindings not to work.
If you're using Table Adapters, just call the fill method (the method that auto gets added in to your Form Load event).
I've read things that say you shouldn't call Fill. I see no reason why not. It simply re-queries the data, which is exactly what a refresh should do.
Try This
