Angular ui-grid. Error in example? - angularjs

I want to use ui-grid with treeView, but in example:
it working wrong.
if i click on "+" icon and then click "-" icon - last row going out from grid.
How repear this, or replace to other grid with tree (hierarhical grid with several column and row selections)? Thanks!

I think this may be the alignment issue that was fixed this morning, which occurs when you have filters. The treeView appears to be working correctly today.
If you have an issue that is different than that, could you provide a bit more detail - your description is somewhat unclear on exactly what it is that is wrong.


How to have functionality for first and last page in MUI DataGrid

I want to have functionality for first and last page in MUI DataGrid but I don't find way to do that, I search in documentation and also in the previous questions but it seems that the DataGrid doesn't have this functionality.
Is it possible to do that.
Please check again Data Grid - Pagination, there is a option for custom pagination, They have example exactly for your case where the first 5 pages are shown also the last one.

MUI DataGrid table cuts off custom column element

I'm working with MUI DataGrid, I need to render a custom calendar column. Everything seems to be working as expected, but... . the calendar picker is hidden by the table boundaries, this image illustrates better the situation.
I've been tried changing between different positions of the render element, but it does not work, please take a look on this code sandbox.
What can I do to do not overflow the table boundaries, and show the calendar picker on top of everything?
Thanks a bunch for your help.

How to programmatically select a row in Ui.grid angularJs?

I have an issue let me put it simple in my plunker example I want to know why is my $scope.revertSelection() function not working.
Sort right hand grid by Name(descending order)
Select 3-4 rows randomly
Click 'Copy' button all selected rows are copied into $scope.retainSelection
Sort right hand grid by Name(Ascending order)
Click 'Revert' button (this is not working)
I am expecting all the rows previously selected in step 2) to be selected back which is not happening :-( please help me with the issue.
I googled but could not find any docs of gridApi.selection to look for other methods to fulfill my requirement.
Note: I am using Ui.grid not ng-grid
I should use...
...instead of...
My friend gave link to docs.

Sencha ExtJS - Display combo picker always on top of the control

So I have this specific combo that I need to display its picker always on top (just as it behaves when it is too near to the bottom of the page). As shown here:
I tried with the pickerAlign config but I wasn't able to put it on top of my control. Thanks!
Found the answer, this will do:
pickerAlign : 'b-t'
Anyway, it displays the same amount of items it would as if there was the same space on top of it that the amount beneath it.

ExtJs - Is it possible to have a tree with input fields in a leaf?

I'd like to expose the settings of my app to the user in a tree view. There should not be a problem to display. The setting and its value can be displayed as a text node.
Now comes the hard part. I'd like the settings to be editable. When I click on a setting, I want it to be editable, with different fields :
Display a checkbox
Display a textfield to change the value
Display a combobox with valid values
Is there a possiblity to achieve something similar, or do I imagine the impossible here ?
I saw an example which checkboxes, but I'm not sure if it is possible to mix fields.
I'm not asking for code, I just liked to know if someone already tried something similar.
That's exactly what does (minus the checkbox). Since a tree is a gridpanel with a special column, you should be able to mix the two. I would start by porting the propertygrid.
I never tried the the combobox-part, but everything else is definitely possible
All the fields are editable with with the celledit plugin
Hope this helps and I understood your question correctly
